blob: 53504d63653f87c8f07eb2d5ef5233eb8b286cc0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <armnn/Tensor.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
namespace armnn
// Utility class providing access to raw tensor memory based on indices along each dimension.
template <typename DataType>
class TensorBufferArrayView
TensorBufferArrayView(const TensorShape& shape, DataType* data, DataLayoutIndexed dataLayout = DataLayout::NCHW)
: m_Shape(shape)
, m_Data(data)
, m_DataLayout(dataLayout)
BOOST_ASSERT(m_Shape.GetNumDimensions() == 4);
DataType& Get(unsigned int b, unsigned int c, unsigned int h, unsigned int w) const
BOOST_ASSERT( b < m_Shape[0] || ( m_Shape[0] == 0 && b == 0 ) );
BOOST_ASSERT( c < m_Shape[m_DataLayout.GetChannelsIndex()] ||
( m_Shape[m_DataLayout.GetChannelsIndex()] == 0 && c == 0) );
BOOST_ASSERT( h < m_Shape[m_DataLayout.GetHeightIndex()] ||
( m_Shape[m_DataLayout.GetHeightIndex()] == 0 && h == 0) );
BOOST_ASSERT( w < m_Shape[m_DataLayout.GetWidthIndex()] ||
( m_Shape[m_DataLayout.GetWidthIndex()] == 0 && w == 0) );
// Offset the given indices appropriately depending on the data layout.
switch (m_DataLayout.GetDataLayout())
case DataLayout::NHWC:
b *= m_Shape[1] * m_Shape[2] * m_Shape[3]; // b *= height_index * width_index * channel_index;
h *= m_Shape[m_DataLayout.GetWidthIndex()] * m_Shape[m_DataLayout.GetChannelsIndex()];
w *= m_Shape[m_DataLayout.GetChannelsIndex()];
// c stays unchanged
case DataLayout::NCHW:
b *= m_Shape[1] * m_Shape[2] * m_Shape[3]; // b *= height_index * width_index * channel_index;
c *= m_Shape[m_DataLayout.GetHeightIndex()] * m_Shape[m_DataLayout.GetWidthIndex()];
h *= m_Shape[m_DataLayout.GetWidthIndex()];
// w stays unchanged
// Get the value using the correct offset.
return m_Data[b + c + h + w];
const TensorShape m_Shape;
DataType* m_Data;
DataLayoutIndexed m_DataLayout;
} //namespace armnn