blob: a64a1f3893a59297899f13d8382f9c79838c1ba7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Formatting library for C++
// Copyright (c) 2012 - 2016, Victor Zverovich
// All rights reserved.
// For the license information refer to format.h.
#include "fmt/format-inl.h"
namespace detail {
template <typename T>
int format_float(char* buf, std::size_t size, const char* format, int precision,
T value) {
#ifdef FMT_FUZZ
if (precision > 100000)
throw std::runtime_error(
"fuzz mode - avoid large allocation inside snprintf");
// Suppress the warning about nonliteral format string.
int (*snprintf_ptr)(char*, size_t, const char*, ...) = FMT_SNPRINTF;
return precision < 0 ? snprintf_ptr(buf, size, format, value)
: snprintf_ptr(buf, size, format, precision, value);
} // namespace detail
template struct FMT_INSTANTIATION_DEF_API detail::basic_data<void>;
// Workaround a bug in MSVC2013 that prevents instantiation of format_float.
int (*instantiate_format_float)(double, int, detail::float_specs,
detail::buffer<char>&) = detail::format_float;
template FMT_API detail::locale_ref::locale_ref(const std::locale& loc);
template FMT_API std::locale detail::locale_ref::get<std::locale>() const;
// Explicit instantiations for char.
template FMT_API std::string detail::grouping_impl<char>(locale_ref);
template FMT_API char detail::thousands_sep_impl(locale_ref);
template FMT_API char detail::decimal_point_impl(locale_ref);
template FMT_API void detail::buffer<char>::append(const char*, const char*);
template FMT_API FMT_BUFFER_CONTEXT(char)::iterator detail::vformat_to(
detail::buffer<char>&, string_view,
template FMT_API int detail::snprintf_float(double, int, detail::float_specs,
template FMT_API int detail::snprintf_float(long double, int,
template FMT_API int detail::format_float(double, int, detail::float_specs,
template FMT_API int detail::format_float(long double, int, detail::float_specs,
// Explicit instantiations for wchar_t.
template FMT_API std::string detail::grouping_impl<wchar_t>(locale_ref);
template FMT_API wchar_t detail::thousands_sep_impl(locale_ref);
template FMT_API wchar_t detail::decimal_point_impl(locale_ref);
template FMT_API void detail::buffer<wchar_t>::append(const wchar_t*,
const wchar_t*);