blob: fd81e51b7b939ffb9fb677866e414c3722bbfb29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
#include "LayersFwd.hpp"
#include "IGraphObservable.hpp"
#include <armnn/Types.hpp>
#include <armnn/TensorFwd.hpp>
#include <armnn/NetworkFwd.hpp>
#include <armnn/Exceptions.hpp>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
namespace armnn
class Graph
template <typename CVLayerT>
static CVLayerT* PtrCast(Layer* const layer)
return boost::polymorphic_downcast<CVLayerT*>(layer);
using LayersList = std::list<Layer*>;
using Iterator = LayersList::const_iterator; // Const so pointers in the list can't be modified externally.
using ConstIterator = boost::transform_iterator<decltype(&PtrCast<const Layer>), Iterator>;
using IteratorDifference = Iterator::difference_type;
using ConstIteratorInputs = boost::transform_iterator<decltype(&PtrCast<const InputLayer>), Iterator>;
using ConstIteratorOutputs = boost::transform_iterator<decltype(&PtrCast<const OutputLayer>), Iterator>;
/// Wrapper class returned by Graph::GetInputLayers()
struct InputLayersAccessor
explicit InputLayersAccessor(const Graph& graph) : m_Graph(graph) {}
ConstIteratorInputs begin() const
return { m_Graph.m_Layers.begin(), &PtrCast<const InputLayer> };
ConstIteratorInputs end() const
return { std::next(m_Graph.m_Layers.begin(), static_cast<IteratorDifference>(m_Graph.GetNumInputs())),
&PtrCast<const InputLayer> };
const Graph& m_Graph;
/// Wrapper class returned by Graph::GetOutputLayers()
struct OutputLayersAccessor
explicit OutputLayersAccessor(const Graph& graph) : m_Graph(graph) {}
ConstIteratorOutputs begin() const
return { std::prev(m_Graph.m_Layers.end(), static_cast<IteratorDifference>(m_Graph.GetNumOutputs())),
&PtrCast<const OutputLayer> };
ConstIteratorOutputs end() const
return { m_Graph.m_Layers.end(), &PtrCast<const OutputLayer> };
const Graph& m_Graph;
Graph() : m_LayersInOrder(true) {}
Graph(const Graph& other);
Graph& operator=(const Graph& other) = delete;
for (auto&& layer : m_Layers)
delete layer;
Status Print() const;
Status SerializeToDot(std::ostream& stream);
/// Adds a new layer, of type LayerType, to the graph constructed with the arguments passed.
template <typename LayerT, typename... Args>
LayerT* AddLayer(Args&&... args);
/// Inserts a new layer between the output slot currently connected to insertBefore
/// and insertBefore itself.
template <typename LayerT, typename... Args>
LayerT* InsertNewLayer(InputSlot& insertBefore, Args&&... args);
/// Inserts a new layer between insertAfter and the input slot(s) currently connected to it
template <typename LayerT, typename... Args>
LayerT* InsertNewLayer(OutputSlot& insertAfter, Args&&... args);
/// Deletes the layer at the specified position and returns an iterator pointing
/// to the next element after the one being deleted.
Iterator EraseLayer(Iterator pos);
/// Deletes the layer and returns an iterator pointing to the next layer in the graph
/// (next in the list, after the one being deleted). Sets @a layer to nullptr on return.
/// Templated to support pointers to any layer type.
template <typename LayerT>
Iterator EraseLayer(LayerT*& layer);
/// Returns iterator pointing to the beginning of the list. Lowercase for range-based for loops.
Iterator begin() { return m_Layers.begin(); }
/// Returns iterator pointing to the end of the list. Lowercase for range-based for loops.
Iterator end() { return m_Layers.end(); }
/// Returns const iterator pointing to the beginning of the list. Lowercase for range-based for loops.
ConstIterator begin() const { return {m_Layers.begin(), &PtrCast<const Layer>}; }
/// Returns const iterator pointing to the end of the list. Lowercase for range-based for loops.
ConstIterator end() const { return {m_Layers.end(), &PtrCast<const Layer>}; }
/// Returns const iterator pointing to the beginning of the list. Lowercase for range-based for loops.
ConstIterator cbegin() const { return begin(); }
/// Returns const iterator pointing to the end of the list. Lowercase for range-based for loops.
ConstIterator cend() const { return end(); }
/// Sorts layers in topological order and return this.
Graph& TopologicalSort() { const_cast<const Graph*>(this)->TopologicalSort(); return *this; }
const Graph& TopologicalSort() const;
size_t GetNumInputs() const { return m_InputIds.size(); }
size_t GetNumOutputs() const { return m_OutputIds.size(); }
/// Returns a wrapper object with begin(), end() methods to iterate over the input layers
/// in a range-based for loop.
InputLayersAccessor GetInputLayers() const { return InputLayersAccessor(*this); }
/// Returns a wrapper object with begin(), end() methods to iterate over the output layers
/// in a range-based for loop.
OutputLayersAccessor GetOutputLayers() const { return OutputLayersAccessor(*this); }
size_t GetNumLayers() const { return m_Layers.size(); }
/// Allocates memory for all tensors under output tensor handers of each layer.
Status AllocateDynamicBuffers();
/// Modifies the graph in-place, removing edges connecting layers using different compute devices,
/// and relinking them via an intermediary copy layers.
void AddCopyLayers();
void InferTensorInfos();
void AttachObservable(IGraphObservable* const observable, GraphEvent notifyOnEvent) {
void DetachObservable(IGraphObservable* const observable, GraphEvent notifyOnEvent) {
template <typename LayerT>
class LayerInGraphBase;
template <typename LayerT>
class LayerInGraph;
Iterator ForwardToEndOfInputs(Iterator it) const
while ((it != m_Layers.end()) && ((*it)->GetType() == LayerType::Input))
return it;
Iterator RewindToBeginOfOutputs(Iterator it) const
while ((it != m_Layers.begin()) && ((*std::prev(it))->GetType() == LayerType::Output))
return it;
/// Gets the position of a layer in the graph.
Iterator GetPosInGraph(Layer& layer);
void NotifyObservables(GraphEvent event, Layer* graphState)
// Iterate over all observables observing this event
for (auto& observable : m_Views[event])
std::unordered_set<LayerBindingId> m_InputIds;
std::unordered_set<LayerBindingId> m_OutputIds;
std::unordered_map<const Layer*, Iterator> m_PosInGraphMap;
/// Mutable to allow sorting on const object.
mutable LayersList m_Layers;
mutable bool m_LayersInOrder;
std::map<const GraphEvent, std::list<IGraphObservable*>> m_Views;
/// Common base class for layers in the graph.
template <typename LayerT>
class Graph::LayerInGraphBase : public LayerT
template <typename... Args>
LayerInGraphBase(Graph& graph, Iterator insertBefore, Args&&... args)
: LayerT(std::forward<Args>(args)...), m_Graph(graph)
m_Graph.m_PosInGraphMap.emplace(this, m_Graph.m_Layers.emplace(insertBefore, this));
const size_t numErased = m_Graph.m_PosInGraphMap.erase(this);
BOOST_ASSERT(numErased == 1);
Graph& m_Graph;
/// Input/Output layers specialize this template.
template <typename LayerT>
class Graph::LayerInGraph final : public LayerInGraphBase<LayerT>
template <typename... Args>
LayerInGraph(Graph& graph, Args&&... args)
: LayerInGraphBase<LayerT>(graph,
// Insert at the back of the intermediate layers (before outputs).
std::prev(graph.end(), IteratorDifference(graph.GetNumOutputs())),
template <typename... Args>
LayerInGraph(Graph& graph, Iterator insertBefore, Args&&... args)
: LayerInGraphBase<LayerT>(graph,
// Make sure it's inserted after all inputs and before all outputs.
/// Inputs add/remove their binding id to m_InputIds in the graph.
template <>
class Graph::LayerInGraph<InputLayer> final : public LayerInGraphBase<InputLayer>
template <typename... Args>
LayerInGraph(Graph& graph, Args&&... args)
: LayerInGraphBase<InputLayer>(graph,
// Always add to the back of the inputs.
std::next(graph.begin(), IteratorDifference(graph.GetNumInputs())),
const bool isNewId = m_Graph.m_InputIds.emplace(GetBindingId()).second;
if (!isNewId)
throw InvalidArgumentException("A layer already exists with the specified id");
template <typename... Args>
LayerInGraph(Graph& graph, Iterator, Args&&... args)
// Ignore Iterator argument. Always add to the back of the inputs.
: LayerInGraph(graph, std::forward<Args>(args)...)
~LayerInGraph() override
const size_t numErased = m_Graph.m_InputIds.erase(GetBindingId());
BOOST_ASSERT(numErased == 1);
/// Outputs add/remove their binding id to m_OutputIds in the graph.
template <>
class Graph::LayerInGraph<OutputLayer> final : public LayerInGraphBase<OutputLayer>
template <typename... Args>
LayerInGraph(Graph& graph, Args&&... args)
: LayerInGraphBase<OutputLayer>(graph,
// Always add to the back of the outputs.
const bool isNewId = m_Graph.m_OutputIds.emplace(GetBindingId()).second;
if (!isNewId)
throw InvalidArgumentException("A layer already exists with the specified id");
~LayerInGraph() override
const size_t numErased = m_Graph.m_OutputIds.erase(GetBindingId());
BOOST_ASSERT(numErased == 1);
inline Graph::Iterator Graph::GetPosInGraph(Layer& layer)
auto it = m_PosInGraphMap.find(&layer);
BOOST_ASSERT(it != m_PosInGraphMap.end());
return it->second;
template <typename LayerT, typename... Args>
inline LayerT* Graph::AddLayer(Args&&... args)
m_LayersInOrder = m_LayersInOrder &&
((LayerEnumOf<LayerT>() == LayerType::Input) || (LayerEnumOf<LayerT>() == LayerType::Output));
LayerT* const layer = new LayerInGraph<LayerT>(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
NotifyObservables(GraphEvent::LayerAdded, layer);
return layer;
template <typename LayerT, typename... Args>
inline LayerT* Graph::InsertNewLayer(InputSlot& insertBefore, Args&&... args)
// Insert after the parent if any, or before the child otherwise, so the topological order is kept.
OutputSlot* parentOut = insertBefore.GetConnectedOutputSlot();
const Iterator pos = (parentOut != nullptr)
? std::next(GetPosInGraph(parentOut->GetOwningLayer()))
: GetPosInGraph(insertBefore.GetOwningLayer());
LayerT* const layer = new LayerInGraph<LayerT>(*this, pos, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
NotifyObservables(GraphEvent::LayerAdded, layer);
return layer;
template <typename LayerT, typename... Args>
inline LayerT* Graph::InsertNewLayer(OutputSlot& insertAfter, Args&&... args)
Layer& owningLayer = insertAfter.GetOwningLayer();
const Iterator pos = std::next(GetPosInGraph(owningLayer));
LayerT* const layer = new LayerInGraph<LayerT>(*this, pos, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
BOOST_ASSERT(layer->GetNumInputSlots() == 1);
NotifyObservables(GraphEvent::LayerAdded, layer);
return layer;
inline Graph::Iterator Graph::EraseLayer(Iterator pos)
NotifyObservables(GraphEvent::LayerErased, *pos);
delete *pos;
return m_Layers.erase(pos);
template <typename LayerT>
inline Graph::Iterator Graph::EraseLayer(LayerT*& layer)
BOOST_ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
Iterator next = EraseLayer(GetPosInGraph(*layer));
layer = nullptr;
return next;
} // namespace armnn