blob: 935186d32efc7d390b5497b4d47d3bacbbf6abcd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
#include "Optimization.hpp"
namespace armnn
namespace optimizations
class OptimizeConsecutiveReshapesImpl
/// Run for every connection between a base RashapeLayer and a child ReshapeLayer.
/// Inserts an equivalent ReshapeLayer that bypasses both for that connection.
void Run(Graph& graph, InputSlot& connection) const
Layer& base = connection.GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOwningLayer();
Layer& child = connection.GetOwningLayer();
BOOST_ASSERT(base.GetType() == LayerType::Reshape);
BOOST_ASSERT(child.GetType() == LayerType::Reshape);
OutputSlot* parentOut = base.GetInputSlot(0).GetConnectedOutputSlot();
const TensorInfo& inInfo = parentOut->GetTensorInfo();
const TensorInfo& outInfo = child.GetOutputHandler().GetTensorInfo();
if (inInfo.GetShape() != outInfo.GetShape())
// Inserts equivalent reshape before base layer.
const std::string name = std::string("merged-") + base.GetName() + std::string("-with-") + child.GetName();
const ReshapeDescriptor descriptor{outInfo.GetShape()};
auto& newReshape = *graph.InsertNewLayer<ReshapeLayer>(base.GetInputSlot(0), descriptor, name.c_str());
// Sets tensor info for new layer.
// Reconnects base with original parent.
// Parent is now the new layer.
parentOut = &newReshape.GetOutputSlot();
// Moves connections in child output to parent layer.
// Child layer will be removed as it's left unconnected.
// Base layer will be removed if left unconnected.
OptimizeConsecutiveReshapesImpl() = default;
~OptimizeConsecutiveReshapesImpl() = default;
using OptimizeConsecutiveReshapes = OptimizeForConnection<ReshapeLayer, ReshapeLayer, OptimizeConsecutiveReshapesImpl>;
} // namespace optimizations
} // namespace armnn