blob: 4e6e0c0e4bd3fa5fd83024aa8d92364a026b90aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "common/include/NetworkSockets.hpp"
#include "../../../../src/profiling/Packet.hpp"
#include "common/include/SocketConnectionException.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <atomic>
namespace armnnProfiling
enum class TargetEndianness
enum class PacketDirection
class ConnectionHandler;
class BasePipeServer
BasePipeServer(armnnUtils::Sockets::Socket clientConnection, bool echoPackets)
: m_ClientConnection(clientConnection)
, m_EchoPackets(echoPackets)
// We have set SOCK_CLOEXEC on this socket but we'll close it to be good citizens.
BasePipeServer(const BasePipeServer&) = delete;
BasePipeServer& operator=(const BasePipeServer&) = delete;
BasePipeServer(BasePipeServer&&) = delete;
BasePipeServer& operator=(BasePipeServer&&) = delete;
/// Close the client connection
/// @return 0 if successful
int Close()
return armnnUtils::Sockets::Close(m_ClientConnection);
/// Send a packet to the client
/// @return true if a valid packet has been sent.
bool SendPacket(uint32_t packetFamily, uint32_t packetId, const uint8_t* data, uint32_t dataLength);
/// Set the client socket to nonblocking
/// @return true if successful.
bool SetNonBlocking()
return armnnUtils::Sockets::SetNonBlocking(m_ClientConnection);
/// Block on the client connection until a complete packet has been received.
/// @return true if a valid packet has been received.
armnn::profiling::Packet WaitForPacket(uint32_t timeoutMs);
/// Once the connection is open wait to receive the stream meta data packet from the client. Reading this
/// packet differs from others as we need to determine endianness.
/// @return true only if a valid stream meta data packet has been received.
bool WaitForStreamMetaData();
uint32_t GetStreamMetadataVersion()
return m_StreamMetaDataVersion;
uint32_t GetStreamMetadataMaxDataLen()
return m_StreamMetaDataMaxDataLen;
uint32_t GetStreamMetadataPid()
return m_StreamMetaDataPid;
void EchoPacket(PacketDirection direction, uint8_t* packet, size_t lengthInBytes);
bool ReadFromSocket(uint8_t* packetData, uint32_t expectedLength);
bool ReadHeader(uint32_t headerAsWords[2]);
armnn::profiling::Packet ReceivePacket();
uint32_t ToUint32(uint8_t* data, TargetEndianness endianness);
void InsertU32(uint32_t value, uint8_t* data, TargetEndianness endianness);
armnnUtils::Sockets::Socket m_ClientConnection;
bool m_EchoPackets;
TargetEndianness m_Endianness;
uint32_t m_StreamMetaDataVersion;
uint32_t m_StreamMetaDataMaxDataLen;
uint32_t m_StreamMetaDataPid;
} // namespace armnnProfiling