blob: db09856dae2e2a715f070639dec1ab2de9cbd963 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler.hpp"
#include "ProfilingUtils.hpp"
#include <boost/numeric/conversion/cast.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <vector>
namespace armnn
namespace profiling
void PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler::ParseData(const Packet& packet, CaptureData& captureData)
std::vector<uint16_t> counterIds;
uint32_t sizeOfUint32 = boost::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(uint32_t));
uint32_t sizeOfUint16 = boost::numeric_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(uint16_t));
uint32_t offset = 0;
if (packet.GetLength() < 4)
// Insufficient packet size
// Parse the capture period
uint32_t capturePeriod = ReadUint32(packet.GetData(), offset);
// Set the capture period
// Parse the counter ids
unsigned int counters = (packet.GetLength() - 4) / 2;
if (counters > 0)
offset += sizeOfUint32;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < counters; ++i)
// Parse the counter id
uint16_t counterId = ReadUint16(packet.GetData(), offset);
offset += sizeOfUint16;
// Set the counter ids
void PeriodicCounterSelectionCommandHandler::operator()(const Packet& packet)
ProfilingState currentState = m_StateMachine.GetCurrentState();
switch (currentState)
case ProfilingState::Uninitialised:
case ProfilingState::NotConnected:
case ProfilingState::WaitingForAck:
throw RuntimeException(boost::str(boost::format("Periodic Counter Selection Command Handler invoked while in "
"an wrong state: %1%")
% GetProfilingStateName(currentState)));
case ProfilingState::Active:
// Process the packet
if (!(packet.GetPacketFamily() == 0u && packet.GetPacketId() == 4u))
throw armnn::InvalidArgumentException(boost::str(boost::format("Expected Packet family = 0, id = 4 but "
"received family = %1%, id = %2%")
% packet.GetPacketFamily()
% packet.GetPacketId()));
// Parse the packet to get the capture period and counter UIDs
CaptureData captureData;
ParseData(packet, captureData);
// Get the capture data
const uint32_t capturePeriod = captureData.GetCapturePeriod();
const std::vector<uint16_t>& counterIds = captureData.GetCounterIds();
// Check whether the selected counter UIDs are valid
std::vector<uint16_t> validCounterIds;
for (uint16_t counterId : counterIds)
// Check whether the counter is registered
if (!m_ReadCounterValues.IsCounterRegistered(counterId))
// Invalid counter UID, ignore it and continue
// The counter is valid
// Set the capture data with only the valid counter UIDs
m_CaptureDataHolder.SetCaptureData(capturePeriod, validCounterIds);
// Echo back the Periodic Counter Selection packet to the Counter Stream Buffer
m_SendCounterPacket.SendPeriodicCounterSelectionPacket(capturePeriod, validCounterIds);
// Notify the Send Thread that new data is available in the Counter Stream Buffer
// Start the Period Counter Capture thread (if not running already)
throw RuntimeException(boost::str(boost::format("Unknown profiling service state: %1%")
% static_cast<int>(currentState)));
} // namespace profiling
} // namespace armnn