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// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "LayerWithParameters.hpp"
namespace armnn
class ScopedCpuTensorHandle;
struct QLstmBasicParameters
/// A unique pointer to represent 2D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units, inputSize] (QSymmS8).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_InputToForgetWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 2D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units, inputSize] (QSymmS8).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_InputToCellWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 2D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units, inputSize] (QSymmS8).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_InputToOutputWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 2D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units, outputSize] (QSymmS8).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_RecurrentToForgetWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 2D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units, outputSize] (QSymmS8).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_RecurrentToCellWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 2D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units, outputSize] (QSymmS8).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_RecurrentToOutputWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 1D bias tensor with dimensions [num_units] (int32).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_ForgetGateBias;
/// A unique pointer to represent 1D bias tensor with dimensions [num_units] (int32).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_CellBias;
/// A unique pointer to represent 1D bias tensor with dimensions [num_units] (int32).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_OutputGateBias;
struct QLstmOptProjectionParameters
/// A unique pointer to represent 2D weights tensor with dimensions [output_size, num_units] (QSymmS8).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_ProjectionWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 1D weights tensor with dimensions [output_size] (int32).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_ProjectionBias;
struct QLstmOptPeepholeParameters
/// A unique pointer to represent 1D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units] (QSymmS16).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_CellToInputWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 1D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units] (QSymmS16).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_CellToForgetWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 1D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units] (QSymmS16).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_CellToOutputWeights;
struct QLstmOptCifgParameters
/// A unique pointer to represent 2D weights tensor with dimensions [input_size, num_units] (QSymmS8).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_InputToInputWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 2D weights tensor with dimensions [input_size, num_units] (QSymmS8).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_RecurrentToInputWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 1D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units] (int32).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_InputGateBias;
struct QLstmOptLayerNormParameters
/// A unique pointer to represent 1D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units] (QSymmS16).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_InputLayerNormWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 1D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units] (QSymmS16).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_ForgetLayerNormWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 1D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units] (QSymmS16).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_CellLayerNormWeights;
/// A unique pointer to represent 1D weights tensor with dimensions [num_units] (QSymmS16).
std::unique_ptr<ScopedCpuTensorHandle> m_OutputLayerNormWeights;
/// This layer represents a QLstm operation.
class QLstmLayer : public LayerWithParameters<QLstmDescriptor>
QLstmBasicParameters m_BasicParameters;
QLstmOptCifgParameters m_CifgParameters;
QLstmOptProjectionParameters m_ProjectionParameters;
QLstmOptPeepholeParameters m_PeepholeParameters;
QLstmOptLayerNormParameters m_LayerNormParameters;
/// Makes a workload for the QLstm type.
/// @param [in] graph The graph where this layer can be found.
/// @param [in] factory The workload factory which will create the workload.
/// @return A pointer to the created workload, or nullptr if not created.
virtual std::unique_ptr<IWorkload> CreateWorkload(const IWorkloadFactory& factory) const override;
/// Creates a dynamically-allocated copy of this layer.
/// @param [in] graph The graph into which this layer is being cloned.
QLstmLayer* Clone(Graph& graph) const override;
/// Check if the input tensor shape(s)
/// will lead to a valid configuration of @ref QLstmLayer.
/// @param [in] shapeInferenceMethod Indicates if output shape shall be overwritten or just validated.
void ValidateTensorShapesFromInputs() override;
/// By default returns inputShapes if the number of inputs are equal to number of outputs,
/// otherwise infers the output shapes from given input shapes and layer properties.
/// @param [in] inputShapes The input shapes layer has.
/// @return A vector to the inferred output shape.
std::vector<TensorShape> InferOutputShapes(const std::vector<TensorShape>& inputShapes) const override;
void Accept(ILayerVisitor& visitor) const override;
/// Constructor to create a QLstmLayer.
/// @param [in] name Optional name for the layer.
QLstmLayer(const QLstmDescriptor& param, const char* name);
/// Default destructor
~QLstmLayer() = default;
/// Retrieve the handles to the constant values stored by the layer.
/// @return A vector of the constant tensors stored by this layer.
Layer::ConstantTensors GetConstantTensorsByRef() override;
} // namespace armnn