blob: c42162b6c1ab2a9477094b0a97f92f864323a7b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2019 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "PermuteAndBatchToSpaceAsDepthToSpace.hpp"
using namespace armnn;
using namespace armnn::optimizations;
void PermuteAndBatchToSpaceAsDepthToSpaceImpl::Run(Graph& graph, InputSlot& connection) const
// Validate base layer (the Permute) is compatible
Layer& base = connection.GetConnectedOutputSlot()->GetOwningLayer();
BOOST_ASSERT(base.GetType() == LayerType::Permute);
const TensorInfo& inputInfo = base.GetInputSlot(0).GetConnection()->GetTensorInfo();
const TensorInfo& intermediateInfo = base.GetOutputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo();
if (intermediateInfo.GetNumDimensions() != 4)
// Must be 4D, otherwise the below checks do not make sense
if (!static_cast<PermuteLayer&>(base).GetParameters().m_DimMappings.IsEqual(PermutationVector{ 3, 1, 2, 0 }))
// Must swap batch and channels dimensions, otherwise it is not the (original) channels dimension
// that is being decomposed.
// Validate child layer (the BatchToSpace) is compatible
Layer& child = connection.GetOwningLayer();
BOOST_ASSERT(child.GetType() == LayerType::BatchToSpaceNd);
const TensorInfo& outputInfo = child.GetOutputSlot(0).GetTensorInfo();
const BatchToSpaceNdDescriptor& batchToSpaceDesc = static_cast<BatchToSpaceNdLayer&>(child).GetParameters();
if (batchToSpaceDesc.m_DataLayout != DataLayout::NHWC)
// The rest of this function assumes NHWC, although in future this restriction could be lifted.
if (batchToSpaceDesc.m_Crops != std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>>{ { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } })
// Cropping is not supported in DepthToSpace
if (batchToSpaceDesc.m_BlockShape.size() != 2 ||
batchToSpaceDesc.m_BlockShape[0] != batchToSpaceDesc.m_BlockShape[1])
// Asymmetric or non-2D block sizes are not supported by DepthToSpace
uint32_t blockSize = batchToSpaceDesc.m_BlockShape[0];
if (outputInfo.GetShape()[0] != 1 || outputInfo.GetShape()[3] != 1)
// The final output must have 1 batch and 1 channel because these dimensions will be swapped around
// once we make the substitution, and it needs to be equivalent.
// Validate the intermediate tensor quantization params.
// These must be identical to either the input or output quantization params, otherwise the intermediate tensor
// may not have sufficient range/precision to preserve the values.
// This would mean that once we perform the substitution this loss of precision will no longer occur,
// so we would have changed the meaning of the network.
bool isIntermediateQuantParamsSameAsInput =
intermediateInfo.GetQuantizationScale() == inputInfo.GetQuantizationScale() &&
intermediateInfo.GetQuantizationOffset() == inputInfo.GetQuantizationOffset();
bool isIntermediateQuantParamsSameAsOutput =
intermediateInfo.GetQuantizationScale() == outputInfo.GetQuantizationScale() &&
intermediateInfo.GetQuantizationOffset() == outputInfo.GetQuantizationOffset();
if (!isIntermediateQuantParamsSameAsInput && !isIntermediateQuantParamsSameAsOutput)
// Insert equivalent DepthToSpace layer
const std::string name = std::string("merged-") + base.GetName() + std::string("-with-") + child.GetName();
// Inserts equivalent reshape before base layer.
const DepthToSpaceDescriptor depthToSpaceDesc(blockSize, DataLayout::NHWC);
auto& depthToSpace = *graph.InsertNewLayer<DepthToSpaceLayer>(base.GetInputSlot(0), depthToSpaceDesc, name.c_str());
// Moves connections from child output to new layer.
// Child layer will be removed as it's left unconnected.
// Base layer will be removed if left unconnected.