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# Copyright © 2022 Arm Ltd and Contributors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import numpy as np
import urllib.request
import cv2
import network_executor_tflite
import cv_utils
def style_transfer_postprocess(preprocessed_frame: np.ndarray, image_shape: tuple):
Resizes the output frame of style transfer network and changes the color back to original configuration
preprocessed_frame: A preprocessed frame after style transfer.
image_shape: Contains shape of the original frame before preprocessing.
Resizing factor to scale coordinates according to image_shape.
postprocessed_frame = np.squeeze(preprocessed_frame, axis=0)
# select original height and width from image_shape
frame_height = image_shape[0]
frame_width = image_shape[1]
postprocessed_frame = cv2.resize(postprocessed_frame, (frame_width, frame_height)).astype("float32") * 255
postprocessed_frame = cv2.cvtColor(postprocessed_frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
return postprocessed_frame
def create_stylized_detection(style_transfer_executor, style_transfer_class, frame: np.ndarray,
detections: list, resize_factor, labels: dict):
Perform style transfer on a detected class in a frame
style_transfer_executor: The style transfer executor
style_transfer_class: The class detected to change its style
frame: The original captured frame from video source.
detections: A list of detected objects in the form [class, [box positions], confidence].
resize_factor: Resizing factor to scale box coordinates to output frame size.
labels: Dictionary of labels and colors keyed on the classification index.
for detection in detections:
class_idx, box, confidence = [d for d in detection]
label = labels[class_idx][0]
if label.lower() == style_transfer_class.lower():
# Obtain frame size and resized bounding box positions
frame_height, frame_width = frame.shape[:2]
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = [int(position * resize_factor) for position in box]
# Ensure box stays within the frame
x_min, y_min = max(0, x_min), max(0, y_min)
x_max, y_max = min(frame_width, x_max), min(frame_height, y_max)
# Crop only the detected object
cropped_frame = cv_utils.crop_bounding_box_object(frame, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
# Run style_transfer on preprocessed_frame
stylized_frame = style_transfer_executor.run_style_transfer(cropped_frame)
# Paste stylized_frame on the original frame in the correct place
frame[int(y_min)+1:int(y_max), int(x_min)+1:int(x_max)] = stylized_frame
return frame
class StyleTransfer:
def __init__(self, style_predict_model_path: str, style_transfer_model_path: str,
style_image: np.ndarray, backends: list, delegate_path: str):
Creates an inference executor for style predict network, style transfer network,
list of backends and a style image.
style_predict_model_path: model which is used to create a style bottleneck
style_transfer_model_path: model which is used to create stylized frames
style_image: an image to create the style bottleneck
backends: List of backends to optimize network.
delegate_path: tflite delegate file path (.so).
self.style_predict_executor = network_executor_tflite.TFLiteNetworkExecutor(style_predict_model_path, backends,
self.style_transfer_executor = network_executor_tflite.TFLiteNetworkExecutor(style_transfer_model_path,
self.style_bottleneck = self.run_style_predict(style_image)
def get_style_predict_executor_shape(self):
Get the input shape of the initiated network.
tuple: The Shape of the network input.
return self.style_predict_executor.get_shape()
# Function to run create a style_bottleneck using preprocessed style image.
def run_style_predict(self, style_image):
Creates bottleneck tensor for a given style image.
style_image: an image to create the style bottleneck
style bottleneck tensor
# The style image has to be preprocessed to (1, 256, 256, 3)
preprocessed_style_image = cv_utils.preprocess(style_image, self.style_predict_executor.get_data_type(),
self.style_predict_executor.get_shape(), True, keep_aspect_ratio=False)
# output[0] is the style bottleneck tensor
style_bottleneck =[preprocessed_style_image])[0]
return style_bottleneck
# Run style transform on preprocessed style image
def run_style_transfer(self, content_image):
Runs inference for given content_image and style bottleneck to create a stylized image.
content_image:a content image to stylize
# The content image has to be preprocessed to (1, 384, 384, 3)
preprocessed_style_image = cv_utils.preprocess(content_image, np.float32,
self.style_transfer_executor.get_shape(), True, keep_aspect_ratio=False)
# Transform content image. output[0] is the stylized image
stylized_image =[preprocessed_style_image, self.style_bottleneck])[0]
post_stylized_image = style_transfer_postprocess(stylized_image, content_image.shape)
return post_stylized_image