blob: 7d15f3ca5d4d2f18dc1ebbdbc52b284a5ac2b9de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <armnn/Tensor.hpp>
#include <armnnUtils/Permute.hpp>
#include "Half.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
class PermuteLoop
using size_type = unsigned int;
PermuteLoop(const armnn::TensorShape& dstShape, const armnn::PermutationVector& mappings)
: m_DstShape(dstShape)
assert(dstShape.GetNumDimensions() == mappings.GetSize());
const size_type numDims = dstShape.GetNumDimensions();
size_type srcStride = 1U;
size_type dstStride = 1U;
for (size_type i = numDims - 1U, k = 0U; k < numDims; ++k, --i)
m_SrcStrides[mappings[i]] = srcStride;
m_DstStrides[i] = dstStride;
srcStride *= dstShape[mappings[i]];
dstStride *= dstShape[i];
void Unroll(const void* srcData, void* dstData, size_t dataTypeSize)
assert(dataTypeSize > 0);
const unsigned char* srcDataPtr = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(srcData);
unsigned char* dstDataPtr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(dstData);
const unsigned char* const srcEndPtr = srcDataPtr + m_DstShape.GetNumElements() * dataTypeSize;
unsigned char* const dstEndPtr = dstDataPtr + m_DstShape.GetNumElements() * dataTypeSize;
Unroll(0, srcDataPtr, dstDataPtr, srcEndPtr, dstEndPtr, dataTypeSize);
void Unroll(size_type dimension,
const unsigned char* srcData, unsigned char* dstData,
const unsigned char* srcEnd, unsigned char* dstEnd,
size_t dataTypeSize)
assert(srcData < srcEnd);
assert(dstData < dstEnd);
assert(dataTypeSize > 0);
if (dimension >= m_DstShape.GetNumDimensions())
::memcpy(dstData, srcData, dataTypeSize);
for (size_type i = 0; i < m_DstShape[dimension]; i++)
Unroll(dimension + 1, srcData, dstData, srcEnd, dstEnd, dataTypeSize);
srcData += m_SrcStrides[dimension] * dataTypeSize;
dstData += m_DstStrides[dimension] * dataTypeSize;
armnn::TensorShape m_DstShape;
std::array<size_type, armnn::MaxNumOfTensorDimensions> m_SrcStrides;
std::array<size_type, armnn::MaxNumOfTensorDimensions> m_DstStrides;
} // namespace
namespace armnnUtils
armnn::TensorShape Permuted(const armnn::TensorShape& srcShape,
const armnn::PermutationVector& mappings)
assert(srcShape.GetNumDimensions() == mappings.GetSize());
const unsigned int numDims = mappings.GetSize();
unsigned int outDims[armnn::MaxNumOfTensorDimensions];
for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < numDims; ++i)
outDims[mappings[i]] = srcShape[i];
armnn::TensorShape permutedShape(numDims, outDims);
return permutedShape;
armnn::TensorInfo Permuted(const armnn::TensorInfo& info,
const armnn::PermutationVector& mappings)
armnn::TensorInfo outInfo(info);
outInfo.SetShape(Permuted(info.GetShape(), mappings));
// If TensorInfo has Per-Axis Quantization then it also has a QuantizationDim which needs to
// be permuted according to the mapping
if (info.GetQuantizationDim().has_value())
return outInfo;
void Permute(const armnn::TensorShape& dstShape, const armnn::PermutationVector& mappings,
const void* src, void* dst, size_t dataTypeSize)
PermuteLoop(dstShape, mappings).Unroll(src, dst, dataTypeSize);
} // namespace armnnUtils