blob: 015a8c49df36a2505b40800fc3f6920c8f7ecce3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Description:
# Register level (low-level) command stream generation for Ethos-U. Takes a list of NPU operations and generates
# all the register settings. Calculates dependencies between commands and inserts wait operations. And generates a bit
# stream suitable for interpretation by the Ethos-U processor.
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
from . import numeric_util
from . import scaling
from .api import NpuAccelerator
from .api import NpuActivation
from .api import NpuActivationOp
from .api import NpuAddressRange
from .api import NpuBlockOperation
from .api import NpuBlockTraversal
from .api import NpuConv2DOperation
from .api import NpuDataType
from .api import NpuDmaOperation
from .api import NpuElementWiseOp
from .api import NpuElementWiseOperation
from .api import NpuFeatureMap
from .api import NpuKernel
from .api import NpuLayout
from .api import NpuOperation
from .api import NpuOperationType
from .api import NpuPadding
from .api import NpuPoolingOp
from .api import NpuPoolingOperation
from .api import NpuQuantization
from .api import NpuResamplingMode
from .api import NpuRoundingMode
from .api import NpuShape3D
from .api import NpuTileBox
from .architecture_features import Accelerator
from .architecture_features import ArchitectureFeatures
from .architecture_features import Block
from .architecture_features import create_default_arch
from .architecture_features import Rect
from .architecture_features import SharedBufferArea
from .architecture_features import SHRAMElements
from .debug_database import DebugDatabase
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import acc_format
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import activation
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import cmd0
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import cmd1
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import elementwise_mode
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import pooling_mode
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import resampling_mode
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import rounding
from .high_level_command_stream import CommandType
from .high_level_command_to_npu_op import convert_command_to_npu_op
from .high_level_command_to_npu_op import to_kernel
from .high_level_command_to_npu_op import unary_elementwise_ops
from .numeric_util import quantise_float32
from .numeric_util import round_away_zero
from .numeric_util import round_up_to_int
from .operation import NpuBlockType
from .range_set import AccessDirection
from .range_set import MemoryAccessSet
from .range_set import MemoryRangeSet
from .shared_buffer_allocation import find_suitable_block_configs
from .shared_buffer_allocation import shared_buffer_allocation_for_npu_op
from .shared_buffer_allocation import SharedBufferAllocation
class RegisterMachine:
def __init__(self):
self.n_banks = 1
self.registers = [defaultdict(lambda: None) for _ in range(self.n_banks)]
self.bank_idx = 0
def set_register(self, reg, value):
is_changed = self.registers[self.bank_idx][reg] != value
self.registers[self.bank_idx][reg] = value
# is_changed = True # force command
return is_changed
def switch_bank(self):
self.bank_idx = (self.bank_idx + 1) % self.n_banks
class CmdMode(IntEnum):
NoPayload = 0x0000
Payload32 = 0x4000
Mask = 0xC000
CmdOpMask = 0x03FF
class CommandStreamEmitter:
def __init__(self):
self.cmd_stream = []
self.reg_machine = [RegisterMachine(), RegisterMachine()]
self.last_absolute_wait = defaultdict(int)
self.offset = 0
def get_reg_machine(self, cmd):
if "DMA" in
return self.reg_machine[1]
return self.reg_machine[0]
def size_in_bytes(self):
sz = 0
for cmd in self.cmd_stream:
sz += len(cmd) * CommandStreamEmitter.WORD_SIZE
return sz
def to_list(self) -> List[int]:
return [elem for cmd in self.cmd_stream for elem in cmd]
def print_cmds(self):
print("Code: Command: Param: Payload:")
for words_for_one_command in self.cmd_stream:
code = words_for_one_command[0] & 0x0000FFFF # lower 16 bits
param = words_for_one_command[0] >> 16 # higher 16 bits
payload_mode = CmdMode(code & CmdMode.Mask)
# code and command
s = " 0x%04x " % code
if payload_mode == CmdMode.NoPayload:
s += str(cmd0(code & CmdMode.CmdOpMask))
s += str(cmd1(code & CmdMode.CmdOpMask))
s = s.ljust(40)
s += "%5d" % param
# payload
if payload_mode == CmdMode.Payload32:
s += " 0x%08x (%d)" % (words_for_one_command[1], words_for_one_command[1])
s += " -"
def cmd0_with_param(self, cmd: cmd0, param):
if isinstance(param, Enum):
param = int(param.value)
param = int(param)
param = param & 0xFFFF
command = cmd.value | (param << 16)
if not self.get_reg_machine(cmd).set_register(cmd, (command, param)):
# This is not a redundant command, actually write it
self.offset += CommandStreamEmitter.WORD_SIZE
def cmd1_with_offset(self, cmd: cmd1, offset, param=0x0):
offset = int(offset) & 0xFFFFFFFFF
command = cmd.value | CmdMode.Payload32.value | (param << 16)
if not self.get_reg_machine(cmd).set_register(cmd, (command, offset)):
# This is not a redundant command, actually write it
self.cmd_stream.append((command, offset))
self.offset += CommandStreamEmitter.WORD_SIZE * 2
def cmd_wait(self, cmd: cmd0, channel: int, outstanding_count: int):
param = (16 * channel) + outstanding_count
command = ((param & 0xFFFF) << 16) | cmd.value
self.offset += CommandStreamEmitter.WORD_SIZE
def cmd_do_operation(self, cmd: cmd0, param=0):
param = int(param)
command = ((param & 0xFFFF) << 16) | cmd.value
self.offset += CommandStreamEmitter.WORD_SIZE
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
class BasePointerIndex(IntEnum):
WeightTensor = 0 # base address index for the Weight tensor
ScratchTensor = 1 # base address index for the Scratch_tensor in the TensorArena
ScratchFastTensor = 2 # base address for the Scratch_fast_tensor
Mem2Mem = (1 << 8) | (3 << 0) # base address slot for memory 2 memory transfer
# TODO: Replace with definitions from ethos_u55_regs
class IFM2Broadcast(IntEnum):
BroadcastHdim = 1 << 0
BroadcastWdim = 1 << 1
BroadcastCdim = 1 << 2
ReverseOperandOrder = 1 << 6
UseIFM2Scalar = 1 << 7
pooling_op_map = {
NpuPoolingOp.MAX: pooling_mode.MAX.value,
NpuPoolingOp.AVERAGE: pooling_mode.AVERAGE.value,
NpuPoolingOp.REDUCE_SUM: pooling_mode.REDUCE_SUM.value,
elementwise_op_map = {
NpuElementWiseOp.MUL: elementwise_mode.MUL.value,
NpuElementWiseOp.ADD: elementwise_mode.ADD.value,
NpuElementWiseOp.SUB: elementwise_mode.SUB.value,
NpuElementWiseOp.MIN: elementwise_mode.MIN.value,
NpuElementWiseOp.MAX: elementwise_mode.MAX.value,
NpuElementWiseOp.LRELU: elementwise_mode.LRELU.value,
NpuElementWiseOp.ABS: elementwise_mode.ABS.value,
NpuElementWiseOp.CLZ: elementwise_mode.CLZ.value,
NpuElementWiseOp.SHR: elementwise_mode.SHR.value,
NpuElementWiseOp.SHL: elementwise_mode.SHL.value,
activation_op_map = {
NpuActivationOp.NONE_OR_RELU: activation.NONE,
NpuActivationOp.TANH: activation.TANH,
NpuActivationOp.SIGMOID: activation.SIGMOID,
# Maps an AccumulatorType enum to the corresponding acc_format value
acc_format_map = {
SHRAMElements.Acc16: acc_format.FP_S5_10.value,
SHRAMElements.Acc32: acc_format.INT_32BIT.value,
SHRAMElements.Acc40: acc_format.INT_40BIT.value,
resampling_mode_map = {
NpuResamplingMode.NONE: resampling_mode.NONE,
NpuResamplingMode.NEAREST: resampling_mode.NEAREST,
NpuResamplingMode.TRANSPOSE: resampling_mode.TRANSPOSE,
# Maps data type size in bits to activation precision
precision_map = {8: 0, 16: 1, 32: 2}
# Maps rounding mode to the corresponding value
rounding_mode_map = {
NpuRoundingMode.TFL: rounding.TFL.value,
NpuRoundingMode.TRUNCATE: rounding.TRUNCATE.value,
NpuRoundingMode.NATURAL: rounding.NATURAL.value,
def quantise(value: float, quant: Optional[NpuQuantization]) -> int:
"""Quantizes the given value"""
scale = 1 if quant is None or quant.scale_f32 is None else quant.scale_f32
zp = 0 if quant is None else quant.zero_point
return quantise_float32(value, scale, zp)
def has_ifm2(npu_op: NpuBlockOperation) -> bool:
"""Checks if op has non-scalar IFM2"""
return npu_op.ifm2 is not None and npu_op.ifm2_scalar is None
def is_dma_op(npu_op: NpuOperation) -> bool:
"""Checks if op is a DMA operation"""
return npu_op.op_type == NpuOperationType.Dma
def generate_padding(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, padding: NpuPadding):
"""Generates IFM_PAD registers"""
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_LEFT, padding.left)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_BOTTOM, padding.bottom)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_RIGHT, padding.right)
def generate_activation(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, activation: Optional[NpuActivation], ofm: NpuFeatureMap):
"""Generates ACTIVATION registers"""
act = activation if activation is not None else NpuActivation(NpuActivationOp.NONE_OR_RELU)
if act.min is None:
quantized_min = ofm.data_type.min_value()
quantized_min = quantise(act.min, ofm.quantization)
if act.max is None:
quantized_max = ofm.data_type.max_value()
quantized_max = quantise(act.max, ofm.quantization)
quantized_min = max(quantized_min, np.iinfo(np.int16).min, ofm.data_type.min_value())
quantized_max = min(quantized_max, np.iinfo(np.int16).max, ofm.data_type.max_value())
if act.op_type == NpuActivationOp.TABLE_LOOKUP:
assert 0 <= act.lookup_table_index < 8
activation_value = 16 + act.lookup_table_index
if ofm.data_type == NpuDataType.INT32:
activation_value |= 3 << 12 # Force I8 range
quantized_min = max(-128, quantized_min)
quantized_max = min(127, quantized_max)
activation_value = activation_op_map[act.op_type]
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION, activation_value)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION_MIN, quantized_min)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION_MAX, quantized_max)
def generate_addresses(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, ptr_cmds: List[cmd1], addresses: List[int], layout: NpuLayout):
"""Generates xFM_BASE registers"""
if layout == NpuLayout.NHCWB16:
# Check that all BasePointer addresses are aligned to 16 bytes
assert all((int(addr) % 16) == 0 for addr in addresses)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(ptr_cmds[0], addresses[0])
emit.cmd1_with_offset(ptr_cmds[1], addresses[1])
emit.cmd1_with_offset(ptr_cmds[2], addresses[2])
emit.cmd1_with_offset(ptr_cmds[3], addresses[3])
def generate_tiles(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, tile_cmds: List[cmd0], tiles: NpuTileBox):
"""Generates xFM_HEIGHT0/HEIGHT1/WIDTH0 registers"""
emit.cmd0_with_param(tile_cmds[0], tiles.height_0 - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(tile_cmds[1], tiles.height_1 - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(tile_cmds[2], tiles.width_0 - 1)
def generate_strides(
emit: CommandStreamEmitter, fm: NpuFeatureMap, stride_c_cmd: cmd1, stride_y_cmd: cmd1, stride_x_cmd: cmd1
"""Generates STRIDE_C/Y/X registers"""
strides = get_strides(fm)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(stride_c_cmd, strides.depth) # stride between 16-byte channel blocks (C)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(stride_y_cmd, strides.height) # stride between vertical values (H)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(stride_x_cmd, strides.width) # stride between horisontal values (W)
def generate_ifm_precision(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, fm: NpuFeatureMap, op_to_scale: int, precision_cmd: cmd0):
"""Generates IFM/IFM2_PRECISION register"""
dtype = fm.data_type
prec = 1 if dtype.is_signed() else 0
activation_precision = precision_map[dtype.size_in_bits()]
prec += activation_precision << 2
if fm.layout == NpuLayout.NHCWB16:
prec |= 1 << 6
prec |= op_to_scale << 8
emit.cmd0_with_param(precision_cmd, prec)
def generate_ofm_precision(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, npu_op: NpuBlockOperation, use_global_scale: bool):
"""Generates OFM_PRECISION register"""
dtype = npu_op.ofm.data_type
prec = 1 if dtype.is_signed() else 0
activation_precision = precision_map[dtype.size_in_bits()]
prec += activation_precision << 1
if use_global_scale:
# Set global scale bit, as opposed to using per channel scale
prec |= 1 << 8
if npu_op.ofm.layout == NpuLayout.NHCWB16:
prec |= 1 << 6
prec |= rounding_mode_map[npu_op.rounding_mode] << 14
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_PRECISION, prec)
def generate_ifm2_broadcast(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, npu_op: NpuElementWiseOperation):
"""Generates IFM2_BROADCAST register for binary elementwise operations"""
ifm2_broadcast = 0
ifm =
ifm2 = npu_op.ifm2
if npu_op.reversed_operands:
ifm2_broadcast |= IFM2Broadcast.ReverseOperandOrder
if npu_op.ifm2_scalar is not None:
# IFM2 is a constant, set UseIFM2Scalar bit to IFM2_BROADCAST
ifm2_broadcast |= IFM2Broadcast.UseIFM2Scalar
if ifm.shape.height != ifm2.shape.height:
# Broadcast in 'H' dimension
assert ifm2.shape.height == 1
ifm2_broadcast |= IFM2Broadcast.BroadcastHdim
if ifm.shape.width != ifm2.shape.width:
# Broadcast in 'W' dimension
assert ifm2.shape.width == 1
ifm2_broadcast |= IFM2Broadcast.BroadcastWdim
if ifm.shape.depth != ifm2.shape.depth:
# Broadcast in 'C' dimension
assert ifm2.shape.depth == 1
ifm2_broadcast |= IFM2Broadcast.BroadcastCdim
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_BROADCAST, ifm2_broadcast)
def generate_ifm(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, ifm: NpuFeatureMap):
"""Generates general IFM registers"""
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_REGION, ifm.region)
emit, [cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_HEIGHT0_M1, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_HEIGHT1_M1, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_WIDTH0_M1], ifm.tiles
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_DEPTH_M1, ifm.shape.depth - 1)
generate_strides(emit, ifm, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_STRIDE_C, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_STRIDE_Y, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM_STRIDE_X)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_ZERO_POINT, int(ifm.quantization.zero_point))
def generate_ifm2(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, ifm2: NpuFeatureMap, has_scalar: bool):
"""Generates general IFM2 registers"""
if not has_scalar:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_REGION, ifm2.region)
emit, [cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_HEIGHT0_M1, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_HEIGHT1_M1, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_WIDTH0_M1], ifm2.tiles
generate_strides(emit, ifm2, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM2_STRIDE_C, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM2_STRIDE_Y, cmd1.NPU_SET_IFM2_STRIDE_X)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_ZERO_POINT, int(ifm2.quantization.zero_point))
def generate_ofm(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, ofm: NpuFeatureMap):
"""Generates general OFM registers"""
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_REGION, ofm.region)
emit, [cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT0_M1, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT1_M1, cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_WIDTH0_M1], ofm.tiles
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT_M1, ofm.shape.height - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_WIDTH_M1, ofm.shape.width - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_DEPTH_M1, ofm.shape.depth - 1)
generate_strides(emit, ofm, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_STRIDE_C, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_STRIDE_Y, cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_STRIDE_X)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_ZERO_POINT, int(ofm.quantization.zero_point))
def generate_kernel(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, kernel: NpuKernel, block_traversal: NpuBlockTraversal):
"""Generates KERNEL related registers"""
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_HEIGHT_M1, kernel.dilation_y * (kernel.height - 1))
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_WIDTH_M1, kernel.dilation_x * (kernel.width - 1))
# set kernel x stride low bit
stride = (kernel.stride_x - 1) & 1
# set kernel y stride low bit
stride |= (kernel.stride_y - 1 & 1) << 1
# set kernel x stride extension bits
stride |= (kernel.stride_x - 1 >> 1) << 6
# set kernel y stride extension bits
stride |= (kernel.stride_y - 1 >> 1) << 9
stride |= (kernel.dilation_x - 1) << 3
stride |= (kernel.dilation_y - 1) << 4
if block_traversal == NpuBlockTraversal.PART_KERNEL_FIRST:
stride |= 1 << 2
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_STRIDE, stride)
def generate_weights(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, weights: List[NpuAddressRange], arch: ArchitectureFeatures):
"""Generates WEIGHT registers"""
if len(weights) == 0:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_WEIGHT_REGION, weights[0].region)
# Set weights sources for active and present cores
for core, (addr, length) in enumerate(
if core < len(weights):
emit.cmd1_with_offset(addr, weights[core].address)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(length, weights[core].length)
elif core < arch.ncores:
emit.cmd1_with_offset(addr, weights[0].address)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(length, 0)
def generate_biases(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, biases: List[NpuAddressRange], arch: ArchitectureFeatures):
"""Generates SCALE registers"""
if len(biases) == 0:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_SCALE_REGION, biases[0].region)
# Set weights sources for active and present cores
for core, (addr, length) in enumerate(
if core < len(biases):
emit.cmd1_with_offset(addr, biases[core].address)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(length, biases[core].length)
elif core < arch.ncores:
emit.cmd1_with_offset(addr, biases[0].address)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(length, 0)
def generate_block_config(
emit: CommandStreamEmitter,
npu_op: NpuBlockOperation,
arch: ArchitectureFeatures,
shared_buffer: SharedBufferAllocation,
"""Generates OFM_BLK_HEIGHT/WIDTH/DEPTH registers"""
block_config = npu_op.block_config
assert block_config is not None, "block_config has not been set"
alloc = shared_buffer.try_block(Block(block_config.width, block_config.height, block_config.depth))
assert alloc is not None, f"Block config {block_config} does not fit, op: {npu_op.op_type}"
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_BLK_HEIGHT_M1, block_config.height - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_BLK_WIDTH_M1, block_config.width - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_BLK_DEPTH_M1, block_config.depth - 1)
def generate_shram_registers_elementwise(
emit: CommandStreamEmitter,
npu_op: NpuElementWiseOperation,
arch: ArchitectureFeatures,
shared_buffer: SharedBufferAllocation,
"""Generates IB_END/IB_START/AB_START registers for elementwise operations"""
# For elementwise set the required SHRAM to be equal to the total size of available SHRAM
uses_lut = npu_op.activation is not None and npu_op.activation.op_type == NpuActivationOp.TABLE_LOOKUP
shram_required = arch.available_shram_banks(uses_lut)
# Acc buffers not needed so set AB_START to size of SHRAM
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_IB_END, shram_required)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_AB_START, shram_required)
if has_ifm2(npu_op):
# Set IFM2_IB_START to the latter half of the IB space
ifm_ib_start = shared_buffer.bank_locations[SharedBufferArea.IFM]
cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_IB_START, (shram_required - ifm_ib_start) // shared_buffer.ifm_count + ifm_ib_start,
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACC_FORMAT, acc_format_map[shared_buffer.use_accumulator_element])
def generate_shram_registers_non_elementwise(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, shared_buffer: SharedBufferAllocation):
"""Generates IB_END/IB_START/AB_START registers for non-elementwise operations"""
shared_buffer.bank_locations[SharedBufferArea.IFM] + shared_buffer.banks_required[SharedBufferArea.IFM],
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_AB_START, shared_buffer.bank_locations[SharedBufferArea.Accumulators])
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACC_FORMAT, acc_format_map[shared_buffer.use_accumulator_element])
def create_shared_buffer(npu_op: NpuBlockOperation, arch: ArchitectureFeatures) -> SharedBufferAllocation:
"""Creates shared buffer allocation for the given operation"""
op_type = npu_op.op_type
block_type = NpuBlockType.Default
if op_type == NpuOperationType.Conv2D:
block_type = NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN
elif op_type == NpuOperationType.ConvDepthWise:
block_type = NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise
elif op_type == NpuOperationType.Pooling:
block_type = NpuBlockType.ReduceSum if npu_op.sub_op_type == NpuPoolingOp.REDUCE_SUM else NpuBlockType.Pooling
elif op_type == NpuOperationType.ElementWise:
block_type = NpuBlockType.ElementWise
assert 0, "Unsupported operation"
ifm_resampling_mode = resampling_mode_map[npu_op.ifm_upscale]
return shared_buffer_allocation_for_npu_op(arch, npu_op, block_type, ifm_resampling_mode)
def generate_common(
emit: CommandStreamEmitter,
npu_op: NpuBlockOperation,
block_traversal: NpuBlockTraversal,
arch: ArchitectureFeatures,
use_global_scale: bool = False,
op_to_scale: int = 0,
"""Generate registers that are common to most operations"""
assert is not None and npu_op.ofm is not None
generate_ifm_precision(emit,, op_to_scale, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PRECISION)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_UPSCALE, resampling_mode_map[npu_op.ifm_upscale])
if npu_op.padding is not None:
generate_padding(emit, npu_op.padding)
generate_ofm(emit, npu_op.ofm)
generate_ofm_precision(emit, npu_op, use_global_scale)
if npu_op.op_type != NpuOperationType.ElementWise:
assert npu_op.kernel is not None
generate_kernel(emit, npu_op.kernel, block_traversal)
generate_weights(emit, npu_op.weights, arch)
generate_biases(emit, npu_op.biases, arch)
generate_activation(emit, npu_op.activation, npu_op.ofm)
shared_buffer = create_shared_buffer(npu_op, arch)
generate_block_config(emit, npu_op, arch, shared_buffer)
if npu_op.op_type == NpuOperationType.ElementWise:
generate_shram_registers_elementwise(emit, npu_op, arch, shared_buffer)
generate_shram_registers_non_elementwise(emit, shared_buffer)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def generate_ofm_scaling_for_pooling(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, pool_op: NpuPoolingOperation):
"""Generates OFM_SCALE register for pooling operations"""
# For valid padding vela has to output scaling values
kernel = pool_op.kernel
ifm_quant =
ofm_quant = pool_op.ofm.quantization
if pool_op.activation is not None and pool_op.activation.op_type in (NpuActivationOp.SIGMOID, NpuActivationOp.TANH):
assert ifm_quant.scale_f32 is not None
rescale = 0x3000 * ifm_quant.scale_f32
if == NpuDataType.INT16:
# Calculate scale and shift for the output scale of 1/(3*4096)
shift = 0
max_rescale = np.iinfo(np.int16).max / 2
while rescale <= max_rescale and shift <= 30:
shift += 1
rescale *= 2
scale = int(rescale)
rescale_bits = len(bin(round_up_to_int(rescale))) - 2 + 1
scale, shift = scaling.quantise_pooling_scale(kernel.height * kernel.width, rescale_bits)
scale = int(round_away_zero(scale * rescale))
elif pool_op.fused_quantize:
# Quantize op requires different scaling
ifm_scale_f64 = np.double(ifm_quant.scale_f32)
ofm_scale_f64 = np.double(ofm_quant.scale_f32)
scale, shift = scaling.quantise_scale(ifm_scale_f64 / ofm_scale_f64)
elif pool_op.rescale is not None:
# for ResizeBilinear operations with "rescale" in primary_op.attrs
rescale = pool_op.rescale
rescale_bits = len(bin(round_up_to_int(rescale))) - 2 + 1
scale, shift = scaling.quantise_pooling_scale(kernel.height * kernel.width, rescale_bits)
scale = int(round_away_zero(scale * rescale))
# In case avg pool fused with concat or other memory operation, rescaling might be needed.
# kernel height == kernel width == 1 is always true in this case
# Normally the scale is maximised, to get maximum precision, which means that
# if rescale != 1, scale need to consider the number of bits needed for rescaling
if ofm_quant.scale_f32 is not None and ifm_quant.scale_f32 is not None:
rescale = ifm_quant.scale_f32 / ofm_quant.scale_f32
rescale_bits = 0
if kernel.height == kernel.width == 1:
if rescale > 1:
rescale_bits = len(bin(round_up_to_int(rescale))) - 2 + 1
elif rescale < 1:
rescale_bits = -(len(bin(round_up_to_int(1 / rescale))) - 2 - 1)
scale, shift = scaling.quantise_pooling_scale(kernel.height * kernel.width, rescale_bits)
scale = int(round_away_zero(scale * rescale))
scale = 1
shift = 0
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE, scale, shift)
def generate_scaling_for_elementwise(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, npu_op: NpuElementWiseOperation) -> int:
Generates OFM/OPA/OPB_SCALE registers for elementwise operators.
Returns the operator to scale
op_to_scale = 0
if npu_op.sub_op_type in (NpuElementWiseOp.ADD, NpuElementWiseOp.MUL, NpuElementWiseOp.SUB):
input_scale = if else None
input2_scale = npu_op.ifm2.quantization.scale_f32 if npu_op.ifm2.quantization else None
output_scale = npu_op.ofm.quantization.scale_f32 if npu_op.ofm.quantization else None
if npu_op.activation is not None and npu_op.activation.op_type in (
output_scale = 1 / 0x3000
if npu_op.sub_op_type == NpuElementWiseOp.MUL:
if None in (input_scale, input2_scale, output_scale):
ofm_scale = 1
shift = 0
ofm_scale, shift = scaling.elementwise_mul_scale(input_scale, input2_scale, output_scale)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE, ofm_scale, shift)
else: # Add/Sub
if None in (input_scale, input2_scale, output_scale):
opa_scale = opb_scale = ofm_scale = 1
opa_shift = shift = 0
if npu_op.rescale is not None:
ofm_scale, shift = npu_op.rescale
elif input_scale == input2_scale:
opa_scale, opb_scale, ofm_scale, shift = scaling.simplified_elementwise_add_sub_scale(
input_scale, input2_scale, output_scale
opa_shift = 0 # Unused for this case
# Use advanced implementation only when input scales differ
bitdepth =
(opa_scale, opa_shift, ofm_scale, shift, op_to_scale,) = scaling.advanced_elementwise_add_sub_scale(
input_scale, input2_scale, output_scale, bitdepth
opb_scale = 0 # Unused for this case
if npu_op.reversed_operands:
# If the operand order is reversed we also have to swap which operand is scaled
if op_to_scale == scaling.OperandToScale.OPa:
op_to_scale = scaling.OperandToScale.OPb
op_to_scale = scaling.OperandToScale.OPa
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OPA_SCALE, opa_scale, opa_shift)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OPB_SCALE, opb_scale)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE, ofm_scale, shift)
elif npu_op.sub_op_type in (NpuElementWiseOp.LRELU, NpuElementWiseOp.ABS):
output_scale = npu_op.ofm.quantization.scale_f32
ofm_scale, shift = scaling.quantise_scale(output_scale)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE, ofm_scale, shift)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE, 1, 0)
return op_to_scale
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# ADDRESSING/STRIDES (helper functions)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def ranges_overlap(range1: NpuAddressRange, range2: NpuAddressRange) -> bool:
"""Checks if the ranges overlap"""
return range1.region == range2.region and numeric_util.overlaps(
range1.address, range1.address + range1.length, range2.address, range2.address + range2.length
def get_strides(fm: NpuFeatureMap) -> NpuShape3D:
"""Calculates STRIDE_C/Y/X"""
if fm.strides is not None:
return fm.strides
elem_size = fm.data_type.size_in_bytes()
if fm.layout == NpuLayout.NHWC:
stride_c = elem_size
stride_x = fm.shape.depth * stride_c
stride_y = fm.shape.width * stride_x
stride_x = 16 * elem_size
stride_c = stride_x * fm.shape.width
stride_y = elem_size * fm.shape.width * numeric_util.round_up(fm.shape.depth, 16)
return NpuShape3D(depth=stride_c, height=stride_y, width=stride_x)
def get_address(fm: NpuFeatureMap, strides: NpuShape3D, y: int, x: int, c: int) -> int:
"""Returns address of given coordinate"""
t = 0
BRICK = 16
stride_c = BRICK * fm.data_type.size_in_bytes() if fm.layout == NpuLayout.NHWC else strides.depth
stride_x = BRICK * fm.data_type.size_in_bytes() if fm.layout == NpuLayout.NHCWB16 else strides.width
if x >= fm.tiles.width_0:
x -= fm.tiles.width_0
t = 1
if y >= fm.tiles.height_1:
y -= fm.tiles.height_1
t += 2
elif y >= fm.tiles.height_0:
y -= fm.tiles.height_0
t += 2
elem_size = fm.data_type.size_in_bytes()
return (
fm.tiles.addresses[t] + y * strides.height + x * stride_x + (c // BRICK) * stride_c + int(c % BRICK) * elem_size
def get_address_range(
fm: NpuFeatureMap, strides: NpuShape3D, y0: int, x0: int, c0: int, y1: int, x1: int, c1: int
) -> NpuAddressRange:
"""Gets address range for (y0, x0, c0) - (y1, x1, c1)"""
addr0 = get_address(fm, strides, y0, x0, c0)
addr1 = get_address(fm, strides, y1, x1, c1)
return NpuAddressRange(region=fm.region, address=addr0, length=addr1 - addr0 + fm.data_type.size_in_bytes())
def get_address_ranges(fm: NpuFeatureMap) -> List[Optional[NpuAddressRange]]:
"""Returns 4 adddress ranges, one for every tile, None if the tile is not in use"""
strides = get_strides(fm)
height, width, depth = fm.shape.height, fm.shape.width, fm.shape.depth
height_0, height_1, width_0 = fm.tiles.height_0, fm.tiles.height_1, fm.tiles.width_0
t0 = get_address_range(fm, strides, 0, 0, 0, min(height, height_0) - 1, min(width, width_0) - 1, depth - 1,)
if width > width_0:
t1 = get_address_range(fm, strides, 0, width_0, 0, min(height, height_1) - 1, width - 1, depth - 1)
t1 = None
if height > height_0:
t2 = get_address_range(fm, strides, height_0, 0, 0, height - 1, min(width, width_0) - 1, depth - 1)
t2 = None
if t1 is not None and t2 is not None:
t3 = get_address_range(fm, strides, height_0, width_0, 0, height - 1, width - 1, depth - 1)
t3 = None
return [t0, t1, t2, t3]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
Watermark = namedtuple("Watermark", ["npu", "dma"])
def memory_range_set(range: NpuAddressRange) -> MemoryRangeSet:
return MemoryRangeSet(range.region, range.address, range.address + range.length)
def get_dma_memory_accesses(dma_op: NpuDmaOperation) -> MemoryAccessSet:
"""Returns the address that are read and written by the given DMA operation"""
res = MemoryAccessSet()
res.add(memory_range_set(dma_op.src), AccessDirection.Read)
res.add(memory_range_set(dma_op.dest), AccessDirection.Write)
return res
def get_op_memory_accesses(npu_op: NpuBlockOperation, arch: ArchitectureFeatures) -> MemoryAccessSet:
"""Returns the addresses that are read and written by the given operation"""
assert is not None and npu_op.ofm is not None
# Read addresses
read_ranges = get_address_ranges(
if has_ifm2(npu_op):
assert npu_op.ifm2 is not None
if npu_op.activation is not None and npu_op.activation.op_type == NpuActivationOp.TABLE_LOOKUP:
address = arch.available_shram_banks(True) * arch.shram_bank_size
read_ranges.append(NpuAddressRange(region=BasePointerIndex.Mem2Mem, address=address, length=2048))
# Written addresses
write_ranges = get_address_ranges(npu_op.ofm)
# Add write access to SHRAM, needed when LUTs can overwrite accumulator banks
uses_lut = npu_op.activation is not None and npu_op.activation.op_type == NpuActivationOp.TABLE_LOOKUP
written_shram_size = arch.available_shram_banks(uses_lut) * arch.shram_bank_size
write_ranges.append(NpuAddressRange(region=BasePointerIndex.Mem2Mem, address=0, length=written_shram_size))
res = MemoryAccessSet()
for read_range in read_ranges:
if read_range is not None:
res.add(memory_range_set(read_range), AccessDirection.Read)
for write_range in write_ranges:
if write_range is not None:
res.add(memory_range_set(write_range), AccessDirection.Write)
return res
def get_wait_dependency(
arch: ArchitectureFeatures, npu_op_list: List[NpuOperation], memory_accesses, op_index: int, watermark: Watermark
"""Used to calculate whether DMA wait or kernel wait operations are needed"""
npu_op = npu_op_list[op_index]
op_access = memory_accesses[npu_op]
index = op_index - 1
# NPU dependency tracking
npu_outstanding = -1
npu_ops = 0
npu_index = watermark.npu
# DMA dependency tracking
dma_outstanding = -1
dma_ops = 0
dma_index = watermark.dma
# Seek back in the command stream looking for NPU or DMA dependencies
# but only as far as the first dependency or the watermarks (dependencies
# before this point have been satisfied already).
# The watermark moves to after the latest element we must wait for, not
# the command that issues the wait.
# NPU->NPU dependency is handled via blockdep.
while (index >= npu_index) or (index >= dma_index):
prev_op = npu_op_list[index]
prev_access = memory_accesses[prev_op]
# Check NPU consuming DMA output
if is_dma_op(prev_op):
if index >= dma_index:
if not is_dma_op(npu_op):
if (dma_outstanding == -1) and prev_access.conflicts(op_access):
dma_outstanding = dma_ops
dma_ops += 1 # Count DMA ops in the pipeline
if dma_ops >= arch.max_outstanding_dma:
dma_index = max(index + 1, dma_index)
# Check DMA consuming NPU output
if index >= npu_index:
if is_dma_op(npu_op) and npu_outstanding == -1 and prev_access.conflicts(op_access):
npu_outstanding = npu_ops
npu_ops += 1 # Count NPU ops in the pipeline
if npu_ops >= arch.max_outstanding_kernels:
npu_index = max(index + 1, npu_index)
index -= 1
# Update DMA watermark if we didn't see any and the NPU pipeline is full
if (dma_ops == 0) and (npu_ops >= arch.max_outstanding_kernels):
dma_index = op_index
# Bring the search watermark forwards as we complete for those dependencies
watermark = Watermark(npu_index, dma_index)
outstanding = Watermark(npu_outstanding, dma_outstanding)
return watermark, outstanding
def generate_cmd_waits(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, cmd_waits: Watermark):
if cmd_waits.npu >= 0:
emit.cmd_wait(cmd0.NPU_OP_KERNEL_WAIT, 0, cmd_waits.npu)
if cmd_waits.dma >= 0:
emit.cmd_wait(cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, cmd_waits.dma)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def is_dependent_on_prev_op(prev_op: NpuBlockOperation, npu_op: NpuBlockOperation) -> bool:
"""Checks if npu_op's input is dependent on prev_op's output"""
assert is not None
assert prev_op.ofm is not None
curr_input_ranges = get_address_ranges(
if has_ifm2(npu_op):
assert npu_op.ifm2 is not None
for prev_range in get_address_ranges(prev_op.ofm):
if prev_range is None:
for curr_range in curr_input_ranges:
if curr_range is not None and ranges_overlap(prev_range, curr_range):
return True
return False
def shape3d_to_rect(shape: NpuShape3D) -> Rect:
return Rect(0, 0, 0, shape.width - 1, shape.height - 1, shape.depth - 1)
def get_ifm_ofm_block_depth(arch: ArchitectureFeatures, npu_op: NpuBlockOperation) -> int:
# Note: NOT equivalent to the normal ifm block depth calculation since
# it takes into account 'depthless' block operations by returning full
# depth
if npu_op.op_type == NpuOperationType.Conv2D:
res = arch.calc_ifm_block_depth(,
return res
return npu_op.ofm.shape.depth
def calc_blockdep(arch: ArchitectureFeatures, prev_op: Optional[NpuBlockOperation], npu_op: NpuBlockOperation,) -> int:
"""Calculates the value of the BLOCKDEP register"""
if prev_op is None:
return 0
if not is_dependent_on_prev_op(prev_op, npu_op):
return ArchitectureFeatures.MAX_BLOCKDEP
if prev_op.ofm.shape !=
return 0
prev_block_config = prev_op.block_config
block_config = npu_op.block_config
prev_ifm_block_depth = get_ifm_ofm_block_depth(arch, prev_op)
prev_ofm_block = Block(prev_block_config.width, prev_block_config.height, prev_block_config.depth)
prev_ofm_rect = shape3d_to_rect(prev_op.ofm.shape)
prev_ifm_rect = shape3d_to_rect(
cur_ifm_block_depth = get_ifm_ofm_block_depth(arch, npu_op)
cur_ofm_block = Block(block_config.width, block_config.height, block_config.depth)
cur_ofm_rect = shape3d_to_rect(npu_op.ofm.shape)
cur_ifm_rect = shape3d_to_rect(
cur_padLT = (0, 0) if npu_op.padding is None else (npu_op.padding.left,
blockdep = arch.calc_block_dep(
return blockdep
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def print_feature_map(fm: NpuFeatureMap, name: str):
if fm is not None:
q = (
"no quantization"
if fm.quantization is None
else f"scale: {fm.quantization.scale_f32}, zero: {fm.quantization.zero_point}"
h, w, c = fm.shape
sz = h * w * c * fm.data_type.size_in_bytes()
print(f" {name}: h={h},w={w},c={c}, region={fm.region}, {fm.layout}, {fm.data_type}, size={sz}, {q}")
strides = get_strides(fm)
stride_str = f"Stride y/x/c: {strides.height}/{strides.width}/{strides.depth}"
t = fm.tiles
addresses = [hex(addr) for addr in t.addresses]
print(f" {stride_str}, tiles: w0={t.width_0}, h0={t.height_0}, h1={t.height_1}, base={addresses}")
def print_operation(npu_op: NpuOperation, index: int = 0):
pass_info = f", {npu_op.cmd}" if hasattr(npu_op, "cmd") else ""
if is_dma_op(npu_op):
print(f"{index} DMA_START src={npu_op.src}, dest={npu_op.dest}{pass_info}")
k = None if npu_op.kernel is None else to_kernel(npu_op.kernel)
if npu_op.op_type in (NpuOperationType.Pooling, NpuOperationType.ElementWise):
print(f"{index} {} {}:{pass_info}")
if (
npu_op.op_type == NpuOperationType.Conv2D
and k.elements_wh() * k.stride.x * k.stride.y * k.dilation.x * k.dilation.y == 1
fc = "FullyConnected "
fc = ""
print(f"{index} {fc}{}{pass_info}")
print_feature_map(, "IFM")
if npu_op.ifm2_scalar is not None:
quant_val = quantise(npu_op.ifm2_scalar, npu_op.ifm2.quantization)
print(f" IFM2: Scalar={npu_op.ifm2_scalar} (quantized: {quant_val}), {npu_op.ifm2.quantization}")
print_feature_map(npu_op.ifm2, "IFM2")
print_feature_map(npu_op.ofm, "OFM")
if k is not None and npu_op.op_type != NpuOperationType.ElementWise:
print(f" Kernel: {k}")
if npu_op.padding is not None:
print(f" {npu_op.padding}")
for weights in npu_op.weights:
print(f" Weights: {weights}")
for bias in npu_op.biases:
print(f" Scales: {bias}")
if npu_op.activation is not None:
act = npu_op.activation
if act.op_type != NpuActivationOp.NONE_OR_RELU or act.min is not None or act.max is not None:
lut = f", lut index={act.lookup_table_index}" if act.op_type == NpuActivationOp.TABLE_LOOKUP else ""
print(f" Activation: {}, min={act.min}, max={act.max}{lut}")
if npu_op.op_type == NpuOperationType.Conv2D:
print(f" {npu_op.block_traversal}")
bh, bw, bc = npu_op.block_config
rescale = f", rescale={npu_op.rescale}" if hasattr(npu_op, "rescale") else ""
print(f" Block config: h={bh},w={bw},c={bc}, {npu_op.ifm_upscale}, {npu_op.rounding_mode}{rescale}")
def print_operations(npu_op_list: List[NpuOperation]):
for index, npu_op in enumerate(npu_op_list):
print_operation(npu_op, index)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def generate_operation_code(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, npu_op: NpuOperation):
"""Generates NPU_OP_* command"""
op_type = npu_op.op_type
if op_type == NpuOperationType.Dma:
emit.cmd_do_operation(cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, * 16 + npu_op.mode)
elif op_type == NpuOperationType.Conv2D:
elif op_type == NpuOperationType.ConvDepthWise:
elif op_type == NpuOperationType.Pooling:
emit.cmd_do_operation(cmd0.NPU_OP_POOL, param=pooling_op_map[npu_op.sub_op_type])
elif op_type == NpuOperationType.ElementWise:
emit.cmd_do_operation(cmd0.NPU_OP_ELEMENTWISE, param=elementwise_op_map[npu_op.sub_op_type])
assert 0, "Unsupported operation"
def generate_conv2d_op(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, npu_op: NpuConv2DOperation, arch: ArchitectureFeatures):
"""Generates register commands for Conv2D operations"""
generate_common(emit, npu_op, npu_op.block_traversal, arch)
def generate_conv_depthwise_op(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, npu_op: NpuPoolingOperation, arch: ArchitectureFeatures):
"""Generates register commands for depthwise convolution operations"""
generate_common(emit, npu_op, NpuBlockTraversal.DEPTH_FIRST, arch)
def generate_pooling_op(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, npu_op: NpuPoolingOperation, arch: ArchitectureFeatures):
"""Generates register commands for pooling operations"""
use_global_scale = (
npu_op.sub_op_type in (NpuPoolingOp.AVERAGE, NpuPoolingOp.REDUCE_SUM) and sum(npu_op.padding) == 0
generate_common(emit, npu_op, NpuBlockTraversal.DEPTH_FIRST, arch, use_global_scale=use_global_scale)
# Pooling op specific
if use_global_scale:
generate_ofm_scaling_for_pooling(emit, npu_op)
def generate_elementwise_op(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, npu_op: NpuElementWiseOperation, arch: ArchitectureFeatures):
"""Generates register commands for elementwise operations"""
use_global_scale = npu_op.sub_op_type in (
op_to_scale = generate_scaling_for_elementwise(emit, npu_op)
emit, npu_op, NpuBlockTraversal.DEPTH_FIRST, arch, use_global_scale=use_global_scale, op_to_scale=op_to_scale
# Elementwise op specific
if npu_op.sub_op_type not in unary_elementwise_ops:
# Binary operation; generate IFM2 registers
assert npu_op.ifm2 is not None
has_scalar = npu_op.ifm2_scalar is not None
generate_ifm2(emit, npu_op.ifm2, has_scalar)
generate_ifm_precision(emit, npu_op.ifm2, 0, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_PRECISION)
generate_ifm2_broadcast(emit, npu_op)
if has_scalar:
quantized_scalar = quantise(npu_op.ifm2_scalar, npu_op.ifm2.quantization)
assert npu_op.ifm2.data_type.min_value() <= quantized_scalar <= npu_op.ifm2.data_type.max_value()
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_SCALAR, quantized_scalar)
def generate_dma_op(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, dma_op: NpuDmaOperation):
"""Generates register commands for DMA operations"""
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_DMA0_SRC_REGION, dma_op.src.region)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_DMA0_SRC, dma_op.src.address)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_DMA0_DST_REGION, dma_op.dest.region)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_DMA0_DST, dma_op.dest.address)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_DMA0_LEN, dma_op.src.length)
def generate_registers_for_op(emit: CommandStreamEmitter, npu_op: NpuOperation, arch: ArchitectureFeatures):
Generates register commands for the given operation, but not the final NPU_OP_... command.
Returns the selected block config
op_type = npu_op.op_type
if op_type == NpuOperationType.Conv2D:
generate_conv2d_op(emit, npu_op, arch)
elif op_type == NpuOperationType.ConvDepthWise:
generate_conv_depthwise_op(emit, npu_op, arch)
elif op_type == NpuOperationType.Pooling:
generate_pooling_op(emit, npu_op, arch)
elif op_type == NpuOperationType.ElementWise:
generate_elementwise_op(emit, npu_op, arch)
elif op_type == NpuOperationType.Dma:
generate_dma_op(emit, npu_op)
assert 0, "Unsupported operation"
def generate_command_stream(
emit: CommandStreamEmitter, npu_op_list: List[NpuOperation], arch: ArchitectureFeatures, add_to_debug_db=None
"""Generates register commands for the given list of NPU operations"""
# Calculate memory accesses for every operation
memory_accesses = {}
for npu_op in npu_op_list:
if is_dma_op(npu_op):
memory_accesses[npu_op] = get_dma_memory_accesses(npu_op)
memory_accesses[npu_op] = get_op_memory_accesses(npu_op, arch)
if arch.is_ethos_u65_system:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_PARALLEL_MODE, arch.ncores - 1)
dep_watermark = Watermark(0, 0)
prev_op = None
# Generate register commands for all operations
for op_index, npu_op in enumerate(npu_op_list):
dep_watermark, cmd_waits = get_wait_dependency(arch, npu_op_list, memory_accesses, op_index, dep_watermark)
generate_registers_for_op(emit, npu_op, arch)
if not is_dma_op(npu_op):
# Generate BLOCKDEP
blockdep = calc_blockdep(arch, prev_op, npu_op)
blockdep = min(blockdep, arch.max_blockdep)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_BLOCKDEP, blockdep)
prev_op = npu_op
generate_cmd_waits(emit, cmd_waits)
# Generate the actual NPU_OP command
generate_operation_code(emit, npu_op)
if add_to_debug_db is not None:
add_to_debug_db(npu_op, emit.offset)
# Fill in final part of command stream:
emit.cmd_do_operation(cmd0.NPU_OP_STOP, param=0xFFFF)
def generate_register_command_stream_for_sg(nng, sg, arch, verbose=False):
"""Generates command stream for the subgraph, adds it to sg.register_command_stream"""
# Convert high level command stream to list of NpuOperation
npu_op_list = []
npu_op_to_cmd = dict() # map from npu op to high level command
for cmd in sg.high_level_command_stream:
if cmd.cmdtype == CommandType.NpuStripe and == NpuBlockType.Default:
print("Warning: Skipping register command stream generation for",
npu_op = convert_command_to_npu_op(cmd, arch)
npu_op_to_cmd[npu_op] = cmd
if verbose:
# Generate register commands
stream_id = DebugDatabase.add_stream(sg)
DebugDatabase.set_stream_offset(sg, 0) # Default to zero, can only set during file writing
emit = CommandStreamEmitter()
def add_to_debug_db(npu_op: NpuOperation, offset: int):
"""Adds info to the debug database"""
if not is_dma_op(npu_op):
cmd = npu_op_to_cmd[npu_op]
DebugDatabase.add_command(stream_id, offset,
generate_command_stream(emit, npu_op_list, arch, add_to_debug_db)
sg.register_command_stream = emit.to_list()
if verbose:
print("number of commands", len(emit.cmd_stream))
print("command stream length in words", len(sg.register_command_stream))
def find_block_configs(npu_op: NpuOperation, npu_accelerator: NpuAccelerator) -> List[NpuShape3D]:
Internal implementation of the public facing API for finding block configs.
if is_dma_op(npu_op):
return []
arch = create_default_arch(Accelerator.from_npu_accelerator(npu_accelerator))
shared_buffer = create_shared_buffer(npu_op, arch)
blocks = find_suitable_block_configs(arch, shared_buffer)
return [NpuShape3D(height=block[0], width=block[1], depth=block[3]) for block in blocks]
def generate_register_command_stream(npu_op_list: List[NpuOperation], npu_accelerator: NpuAccelerator) -> List[int]:
Internal implementation of the public facing API for generating an Ethos-U register command stream.
Calculates dependencies between commands and inserts wait operations if needed.
:param npu_op_list: List[NpuOperation] list of high level NPU operations
:param accelerator: architecture_features.Accelerator enum to pick the correct Ethos-U accelerator
:return Ethos-U instructions, as a list of 32-bit integers
accelerator = Accelerator.from_npu_accelerator(npu_accelerator)
emit = CommandStreamEmitter()
arch = create_default_arch(accelerator)
generate_command_stream(emit, npu_op_list, arch)
return emit.to_list()