blob: b241db8e76862bbced77dd53afce34842fbe2538 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Description:
# Defines custom exceptions.
from .operation import Operation
from .tensor import Tensor
class VelaError(Exception):
"""Base class for vela exceptions"""
def __init__(self, data): = f"Error! {data}"
def __str__(self):
return repr(
class InputFileError(VelaError):
"""Raised when reading an input file results in errors"""
def __init__(self, file_name, msg):
super().__init__(f"Reading input file '{file_name}': {msg}")
class UnsupportedFeatureError(VelaError):
"""Raised when the input network uses non-supported features that cannot be handled"""
def __init__(self, data):
super().__init__(f"Input network uses a feature that is currently not supported: {data}")
class CliOptionError(VelaError):
"""Raised for errors encountered with a command line option
:param option: str object that contains the name of the command line option
:param option_value: the command line option that resulted in the error
:param msg: str object that contains a description of the specific error encountered
def __init__(self, option, option_value, msg):
super().__init__(f"Incorrect argument to CLI option {option}={option_value}: {msg}")
class ConfigOptionError(VelaError):
"""Raised for errors encountered with a configuration option
:param option: str object that contains the name of the configuration option
:param option_value: the configuration option that resulted in the error
:param option_valid_values (optional): str object that contains the valid configuration option values
def __init__(self, option, option_value, option_valid_values=None):
data = f"Invalid configuration of {option}={option_value}"
if option_valid_values is not None:
data += f" (must be {option_valid_values})"
class AllocationError(VelaError):
"""Raised when allocation fails"""
def __init__(self, msg):
super().__init__(f"Allocation failed: {msg}")
def OperatorError(op, msg):
Raises a VelaError exception for errors encountered when parsing an Operation
:param op: Operation object that resulted in the error
:param msg: str object that contains a description of the specific error encountered
def _print_tensors(tensors):
lines = []
for idx, tens in enumerate(tensors):
if isinstance(tens, Tensor):
tens_name =
tens_name = "Not a Tensor"
lines.append(f" {idx} = {tens_name}")
return lines
assert isinstance(op, Operation)
if op.op_index is None:
lines = [f"Invalid {op.type} (name = {}) operator in the internal representation. {msg}"]
lines = [f"Invalid {op.type} (op_index = {op.op_index}) operator in the input network. {msg}"]
lines += [" Input tensors:"]
lines += _print_tensors(op.inputs)
lines += [" Output tensors:"]
lines += _print_tensors(op.outputs)
raise VelaError("\n".join(lines))
def TensorError(tens, msg):
Raises a VelaError exception for errors encountered when parsing a Tensor
:param tens: Tensor object that resulted in the error
:param msg: str object that contains a description of the specific error encountered
def _print_operators(ops):
lines = []
for idx, op in enumerate(ops):
if isinstance(op, Operation):
op_type = op.type
op_id = f"({op.op_index})"
op_type = "Not an Operation"
op_id = ""
lines.append(f" {idx} = {op_type} {op_id}")
return lines
assert isinstance(tens, Tensor)
lines = [f"Invalid {} tensor. {msg}"]
lines += [" Driving operators:"]
lines += _print_operators(tens.ops)
lines += [" Consuming operators:"]
lines += _print_operators(tens.consumer_list)
raise VelaError("\n".join(lines))