blob: 203503f205ec3423b3dac9a0680c53de2db9be8b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import csv
import io
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
import lxml.etree as xml
from . import numeric_util
from .operation import Operation
UntypedDict = Dict[Any, Any]
UntypedList = List[Any]
class DebugDatabase:
show_warnings = False
SOURCE_TABLE = "source"
_sourceUID: UntypedDict = {}
_sourceHeaders = ["id", "operator", "kernel_w", "kernel_h", "ofm_w", "ofm_h", "ofm_d"]
_sourceTable: UntypedList = []
OPTIMISED_TABLE = "optimised"
_optimisedUID: UntypedDict = {}
_optimisedHeaders = ["id", "source_id", "operator", "kernel_w", "kernel_h", "ofm_w", "ofm_h", "ofm_d"]
_optimisedTable: UntypedList = []
QUEUE_TABLE = "queue"
_queueHeaders = ["offset", "cmdstream_id", "optimised_id"]
_queueTable: UntypedList = []
STREAM_TABLE = "cmdstream"
_streamUID: UntypedDict = {}
_streamHeaders = ["id", "file_offset"]
_streamTable: UntypedList = []
def add_source(cls, op: Operation):
assert isinstance(op, Operation)
uid = len(cls._sourceUID)
cls._sourceUID[op] = uid
ofm_shape = numeric_util.full_shape(3, op.outputs[0].shape, 1)
[uid, op.type, op.kernel.width, op.kernel.height, ofm_shape[-2], ofm_shape[-3], ofm_shape[-1]]
def add_optimised(cls, parent: Operation, op: Operation):
assert isinstance(parent, Operation) and isinstance(op, Operation)
if op not in cls._optimisedUID:
if parent not in cls._sourceUID:
# The the parent wasn't in the source network try to look it
# up in the optimised network and use that op's source parent.
if parent in cls._optimisedUID:
src_uid = cls._optimisedUID[parent][1]
if DebugDatabase.show_warnings:
print("Debug Database: Associated parent '{0}' not in network".format(parent.type))
src_uid = DebugDatabase.NULLREF
src_uid = cls._sourceUID[parent]
uid = len(cls._optimisedUID)
cls._optimisedUID[op] = (uid, src_uid)
ofm_shape = op.ofm_shapes[0] if op.ofm_shapes else numeric_util.full_shape(3, op.outputs[0].shape, 1)
[uid, src_uid, op.type, op.kernel.width, op.kernel.height, ofm_shape[-2], ofm_shape[-3], ofm_shape[-1]]
def add_stream(cls, key):
if key not in cls._streamUID:
uid = len(cls._streamUID)
cls._streamUID[key] = uid
return uid
def set_stream_offset(cls, key, file_offset):
assert key in cls._streamUID
uid = cls._streamUID[key]
cls._streamTable.append([uid, file_offset])
def add_command(cls, stream_id, offset, op: Operation):
assert stream_id < len(cls._streamUID)
assert op in cls._optimisedUID, "Optimised operator must exist before code generation"
optimised_id = cls._optimisedUID[op][0]
cls._queueTable.append([offset, stream_id, optimised_id])
def _write_table(cls, root, name, headers, table):
# Convert table to CSV
out = io.StringIO()
writer = csv.writer(out, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
# Package table into XML output
table = xml.SubElement(root, "table", {"name": name})
table.text = xml.CDATA(out.getvalue())
def write(cls, file_path, input_file, output_file):
root = xml.Element("debug", {"source": input_file, "optimised": output_file})
cls._write_table(root, cls.SOURCE_TABLE, cls._sourceHeaders, cls._sourceTable)
cls._write_table(root, cls.OPTIMISED_TABLE, cls._optimisedHeaders, cls._optimisedTable)
cls._write_table(root, cls.QUEUE_TABLE, cls._queueHeaders, cls._queueTable)
cls._write_table(root, cls.STREAM_TABLE, cls._streamHeaders, cls._streamTable)
xml.ElementTree(root).write(file_path, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True)