blob: 192862ef6009d3273e967e24ed5fdc09faef9911 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2021 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Description:
# The TosaSupportedOperators class which is a collection of all supported operators and parameter checks.
from collections import defaultdict
from .data_type import DataType
from .operation import Op
from .supported_operators_util import docstring_format_args
from .supported_operators_util import list_formatter
from .tosa_mapping import optype_to_tosa_op_type
class TosaSupportedOperators:
# TODO currently sparsely populated
# Categorised lists of supported operators
convolution_ops = set((Op.Conv2DBias,))
depthwise_convolution_ops = set((Op.DepthwiseConv2DBias,))
convolution_like_ops = convolution_ops | depthwise_convolution_ops
# TODO depending on what will be committed
max_pooling_ops = Op.op_set(Op.is_maxpool_op)
avg_pooling_ops = Op.op_set(Op.is_avgpool_op)
pooling_ops = max_pooling_ops | avg_pooling_ops
fc_vector_products = set((Op.FullyConnected,))
mac_main_ops = convolution_like_ops | pooling_ops | fc_vector_products
memory_only_ops = set(
binary_elem_wise_add_mul_sub = set(
elem_wise_ops = binary_elem_wise_add_mul_sub
type_conversion_ops = set((Op.Rescale,))
relu_ops = set(
activation_ops = relu_ops | set((Op.Table,))
pad_ops = set((Op.Pad,))
rank_unlimited_ops = set((Op.Concat, Op.Reshape, Op.Identity, Op.Pad))
rank6_limited_ops = elem_wise_ops
batch_enabled_ops = rank6_limited_ops | rank_unlimited_ops
large_tens_dims_enabled_ops = batch_enabled_ops | set((Op.SplitSliceRead,))
npu_post_ops = activation_ops
supported_operators = (
| type_conversion_ops
| npu_post_ops
| memory_only_ops
| elem_wise_ops
| pad_ops
| set((Op.Identity,))
# Supported data types
# TODO will differ compared to TensorFlow Lite, currently set to the same
supported_op_dtypes = set((DataType.uint8, DataType.int8, DataType.int16, DataType.int32)) # TODO add bool
tens_dim_range = (1, 65535) # TODO HW limitation, that is to be resolved in SW
def __init__(self):
# Setup the generic constraints. Note: the order matters
self.generic_constraints = []
self.generic_constraints.append(TosaSupportedOperators.constraint_tens_dimension) # TODO not supported yet
self.generic_constraints.append(TosaSupportedOperators.constraint_rank) # TODO not supported for all ops yet
self.generic_constraints.append(TosaSupportedOperators.constraint_batch) # TODO not supported for all ops yet
# Setup generic constraint exceptions
self.generic_constraints_exceptions = defaultdict(list)
# Setup specific constraints. Note: the order matters
self.specific_constraints = defaultdict(list)
# Depthwise Conv specific checks:
for op_type in TosaSupportedOperators.depthwise_convolution_ops:
# Avgpool specific checks
for op_type in TosaSupportedOperators.avg_pooling_ops:
def is_operator_supported(self, op):
ext_type = optype_to_tosa_op_type(op.type)
if op.type not in TosaSupportedOperators.supported_operators:
if op.type not in (Op.Placeholder, Op.SubgraphInput, Op.Const):
print(f"Info: {ext_type} '{}' is not a NPU op")
return False
for constraint in self.generic_constraints + self.specific_constraints[op.type]:
valid, extra = constraint(op)
if not valid:
print(f"Warning: {ext_type} '{}' is not supported on the NPU")
print(f" - {constraint.__doc__}")
if extra:
print(f" {extra}")
return False
return True
# TODO this function is the same for TensorFlow Lite, but input might differ
def constraint_tens_dtype(cls, op):
"Tensors must be of type: {}"
valid = True
extra = []
tensors = [tens for tens in op.get_ifm_ifm2_weights_ofm() if tens]
if not tensors:
tensors = [tens for tens in op.inputs if tens]
for tens in tensors:
if tens.dtype not in cls.supported_op_dtypes:
valid = False
extra.append(f"Tensor '{}' has data type: {tens.dtype}")
return valid, ", ".join(extra)
# TODO Duplicates check present for TFLite. But it is only temporarily added
# This is for a HW limitation, that is to be resolved in SW later on
def constraint_tens_dimension(self, op):
"Tensor dimensions must be in the range [{}, {}]"
tens_min, tens_max = self.tens_dim_range
valid = True
extra = []
if op.type not in self.large_tens_dims_enabled_ops:
tensors = [tens for tens in op.get_ifm_ifm2_weights_ofm() if tens]
if not tensors:
tensors = [tens for tens in op.inputs if tens]
for tens in tensors:
if not all(tens_min <= dim <= tens_max for dim in tens.shape):
valid = False
extra.append(f"Tensor '{}' has shape: {tens.shape}")
return valid, ", ".join(extra)
# TODO This is for a HW limitation, that is to be resolved in SW later on
def constraint_rank(self, op):
"Tensor rank must be <= 6 or <= 4 depending on operator"
valid = True
extra = []
if op.type not in self.rank_unlimited_ops:
if op.type in self.rank6_limited_ops:
rank_limit = 6
rank_limit = 4
tensors = [tens for tens in op.get_ifm_ifm2_weights_ofm() if tens]
if not tensors:
tensors = [tens for tens in op.inputs if tens]
for tens in tensors:
rank = len(tens.shape)
if not rank <= rank_limit:
valid = False
f"Tensor '{}' has rank: {rank}, rank limit is currently {rank_limit}"
f" for op of type {op.type}"
return valid, ", ".join(extra)
# TODO This is for a HW limitation, that is to be resolved in SW later on
def constraint_batch(self, op):
"If Tensor rank is 4 batch of ifms/ofm must be 1"
valid = True
extra = []
if op.type not in self.batch_enabled_ops:
tensors = [tens for tens in op.get_ifm_ifm2_ofm() if tens]
if not tensors:
tensors = [tens for tens in op.inputs if tens]
for tens in tensors:
rank = len(tens.shape)
if rank == 4 and tens.shape[0] != 1:
valid = False
extra.append(f"Tensor '{}' has rank: 4 and N: {tens.shape[0]}")
return valid, ", ".join(extra)
def constraint_ifm_producer(cls, op):
"Input must be constant data"
valid = and[0].type == Op.Const
return valid, "Op has ifm with non-constant data"
def constraint_padding(op):
# TODO Only support for when global scaling can be used.
# That is when there is padding no padding
"Avgpool only supported for no padding"
top, left, _, _ = op.attrs["explicit_padding"]
valid = top == 0 and left == 0
return valid, "Avgpool with pad_top {top} and pad_left {left}"
# TODO limit padding to be const data for now.
# For TFLite it is assumed to be constant.
def constraint_padding_producer(op):
"Input must be constant data"
valid = op.inputs[1].ops and op.inputs[1].ops[0].type == Op.Const
return valid, "PAD Op with non-constant data padding"
# TODO duplicates tflite_supported operators, but support for depth multiplier should be added at a later stage
def constraint_depth_multiplier(op):
"For depth multipliers > 1, IFM channels must be 1 and OFM channels must be equal to the depth multiplier"
depth_multiplier = op.attrs.get("depth_multiplier", 1)
if depth_multiplier > 1:
ifm_channels =[3]
ofm_channels = op.ofm.shape[3]
valid = (ifm_channels == 1) and (ofm_channels == depth_multiplier)
extra = (
f"Op has ifm_channels={ifm_channels}, ofm_channels={ofm_channels}"
f" and depth_multiplier={depth_multiplier}"
return valid, extra
return True, "Op has depth_multiplier=1"
# TODO Table operator support limited to int8 for now.
# For TFLite it is assumed to be constant.
def constraint_table_dtype(op):
"Only supported is int8"
valid = True
tensors = [, op.ofm, op.inputs[1]]
for tens in tensors:
if tens.dtype != DataType.int8:
valid = False
return valid, "Table operator with non int8 tensor"
# TODO limit table to be constant data for now.
# Can it be non-constant?
def constraint_table_producer(op):
"Input must be constant data"
valid = op.inputs[1].ops and op.inputs[1].ops[0].type == Op.Const
return valid, "Table Op with non-constant table input"