blob: 65473b8dbd6c24a3cf9683299095a7b5d8441ba7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Description:
# Internal representation of a Neural Network Tensor.
import copy
import enum
import uuid
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import auto
from functools import lru_cache
from functools import total_ordering
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
from uuid import UUID
import numpy as np
from . import numeric_util
from .data_type import BaseType
from .data_type import DataType
from .errors import UnsupportedFeatureError
from .errors import VelaError
from .numeric_util import full_shape
from .operation import Op
from .operation import Operation
from .shape4d import Shape4D
Shape = List
class MemType(enum.IntFlag):
Unknown = 0
Permanent_NPU = 1
Permanent_CPU = 2
Scratch = 3
Scratch_fast = 4
Size = Scratch_fast + 1
def display_name(self) -> str:
return ("Unknown", "Permanent_NPU", "Permanent_CPU", "Scratch", "Scratch_fast", "Size")[self.value]
def identifier_name(self) -> str:
return ("unknown", "permanent_npu", "permanent_cpu", "scratch", "scratch_fast", "size")[self.value]
def all():
return (MemType.Permanent_NPU, MemType.Permanent_CPU, MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast)
def __str__(self):
class BandwidthDirection(enum.IntEnum):
Read = 0
Write = auto()
Size = auto()
def display_name(self):
def identifier_name(self):
def all():
return (BandwidthDirection.Read, BandwidthDirection.Write)
class MemArea(enum.IntFlag):
Unknown = 0
Sram = 1
Dram = 2
OnChipFlash = 3
OffChipFlash = 4
Shram = 5 # for LUT
Size = Shram + 1
def display_name(self) -> str:
return ("Unknown", "SRAM", "DRAM", "On-chip Flash", "Off-chip Flash", "SHRAM", "Size")[self.value]
def identifier_name(self) -> str:
return ("unknown", "sram", "dram", "on_chip_flash", "off_chip_flash", "shram", "size")[self.value]
def all():
return (MemArea.Sram, MemArea.Dram, MemArea.OnChipFlash, MemArea.OffChipFlash, MemArea.Shram)
def __str__(self):
class TensorPurpose(enum.IntFlag):
Unknown = 0
Weights = 1
FeatureMap = 2
Scratch = 3
ScratchFast = 4
LUT = 5
FSBias = 6
Size = 7
def display_name(self) -> str:
return ("Unknown", "Weights", "FeatureMap", "Scratch", "ScratchFast", "LUT", "FastStorageBias", "Size")[
def identifier_name(self) -> str:
return ("unknown", "weights", "feature_map", "scratch", "scratch_fast", "lut", "fast_storage_bias", "size")[
def all():
return (TensorPurpose.Weights, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FSBias)
class TensorSubPurpose(enum.Enum):
Standard = 0
DoubleBuffer = 1
RollingBufferX = 2
RollingBufferY = 3
RollingBufferXY = 4
def display_name(self) -> str:
return ("Standard", "Double Buffer", "Rolling Buffer X", "Rolling Buffer Y", "Rolling Buffer XY")[self.value]
def identifier_name(self) -> str:
return ("standard", "double_buffer", "rolling_buffer_x", "rolling_buffer_y", "rolling_buffer_xy")[self.value]
def all():
return (
class TensorFormat(enum.Flag):
Unknown = 0
WeightsCompressed = 1
NHWC = 2
NHCWB16 = 3
def __str__(self):
class TensorBlockTraversal(enum.Enum):
Default = 0
DepthWise = 1
DepthFirst = 2
PartKernelFirst = 3
def shape_num_elements(shp: Shape) -> Optional[int]:
elems = 1
if shp is None:
return None
for d in shp:
if d is None:
return None
elems *= d
return elems
def shape_fully_defined(shp: Shape) -> bool:
if shp is None:
return False
for d in shp:
if d is None:
return False
return True
def shape_round_to_quantum(shp: Shape, quantum: Tuple) -> Shape:
new_shp = list(shp)
# Traverse backwards using length of shape since there may be more rounding quantums than shape elements
for i in range(-1, -len(shp) - 1, -1):
if new_shp[i] is not None:
new_shp[i] = numeric_util.round_up(new_shp[i], quantum[i])
return new_shp
def create_equivalence_id(key) -> UUID:
# Generates equivalence_id based on the given key.
return uuid.uuid4()
class QuantizationParameters:
__slots__ = (
def __init__(
min: Union[float, np.ndarray, None] = None,
max: Union[float, np.ndarray, None] = None,
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.num_bits = num_bits
self.narrow_range = narrow_range
self.scale_f32: Union[float, np.ndarray, None] = None
self.zero_point: Union[int, np.ndarray, None] = None
self.quant_min: Optional[float] = None
self.quant_max: Optional[float] = None
self.quant_dim: Optional[int] = None
def __str__(self):
return "<nng.QuantizationParameters min=%s max=%s, num_bits=%s, scale=%s, zero_point=%s>" % (
__repr__ = __str__
def clone(self) -> "QuantizationParameters":
res = QuantizationParameters()
res.min = self.min
res.max = self.max
res.num_bits = self.num_bits
res.narrow_range = self.narrow_range
res.scale_f32 = self.scale_f32
res.zero_point = self.zero_point
res.quant_min = self.quant_min
res.quant_max = self.quant_max
res.quant_dim = self.quant_dim
return res
def dequantize(self, values) -> np.ndarray:
return np.subtract(values, self.zero_point) * self.scale_f32
def is_scaling_equal(self, other: Optional["QuantizationParameters"]) -> bool:
Returns True if the scale and zero point of self and other are equal. If other is None then the scaling is
not considered equal because the tensor is assumed to not be quantised and False will be returned
if not isinstance(other, QuantizationParameters):
return False
return self.scale_f32 == other.scale_f32 and self.zero_point == other.zero_point
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if the quantisation parameters have a scale and zero point"""
return self.scale_f32 is not None and self.zero_point is not None
def is_per_axis(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if either the scale, zero point, minimum or maximum values have more than one value"""
for attr in ("scale_f32", "zero_point", "min", "max"):
if np.size(getattr(self, attr)) > 1:
return True
return False
def create_const_tensor(
name: str,
shape: Shape,
dtype: DataType,
values: np.ndarray,
value_dtype: np.dtype = None,
purpose: TensorPurpose = TensorPurpose.Unknown,
quantization: QuantizationParameters = None,
# Tensor
const_tensor = Tensor(shape, dtype, name + "_0")
const_tensor.purpose = purpose
const_tensor.quantization = quantization
const_tensor.values = np.array(values, dtype=value_dtype)
# Operator
const_op = Operation(Op.Const, name)
return const_tensor
# class that keeps track of all tensor addresses in the different memory types
class TensorAddressMap:
address_map: Dict = defaultdict(dict) # dict (tens.equivalence_id -> dict (mem_type -> address))
def get_address_for_tens(cls, tens_id: UUID, mem_type: MemType) -> int:
return cls.address_map[tens_id].get(mem_type)
def set_address_for_tens(cls, tens_id: UUID, mem_type: MemType, address: int):
# Check previous address if there is one
previous_address = cls.address_map[tens_id].get(mem_type)
if address is not None and previous_address is not None:
assert previous_address == address, "Two different addresses cannot be assigned to the same tensor."
# Set tensor's address for memory type
cls.address_map[tens_id][mem_type] = address
class Tensor:
__slots__ = (
AllocationQuantum = 16
def __init__(self, shape: Shape, dtype: DataType, name: str):
self.shape = shape
self.storage_shape = shape
self.bandwidth_shape = shape
self.dtype = dtype = name
self.is_variable = False
self.pre_buffer = False
self.equivalence_id: UUID = uuid.uuid4()
self.ops: List[Operation] = []
self.consumer_list: List[Operation] = []
self.values: Optional[np.ndarray] = None # elements are of type self.dtype
self.compressed_values: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.compressed_values_substream_offsets: Optional[List] = None
self.mem_area: MemArea = MemArea.Unknown
self.mem_type: MemType = MemType.Unknown
self.format: TensorFormat = TensorFormat.Unknown
self.purpose: TensorPurpose = TensorPurpose.Unknown
self.sub_purpose: TensorSubPurpose = TensorSubPurpose.Standard
self.alignment: int = Tensor.AllocationQuantum
self.weight_transpose_depthwise: bool = False
self.storage_compression_scale: float = 1.0
self.bandwidth_compression_scale: float = 1.0
self.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream: float = 1.0
self.weight_compression_scales: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
# if two tensors have the same weight_compression_config, then they have the same compressed values
self.weight_compression_config = None
# if two tensors have the same value_id, then they have the same values
self.value_id: UUID = uuid.uuid4()
self.weight_compressed_offsets: List = []
self.storage_rounding_quantum: Tuple = (1, 1, 1, 1)
self.brick_size: Tuple = (1, 1, 1, 1)
self.element_size_bytes: int = 0
# quantization parameters
self.quantization: Optional[QuantizationParameters] = None
self.block_traversal: TensorBlockTraversal = TensorBlockTraversal.Default
self.needs_linear_format = True
self.ifm_write_protected = False
# Reference to parent-tensor if this tensor is a clone
self.src_tensor: Optional[Tensor] = None
def address(self) -> int:
return TensorAddressMap.get_address_for_tens(self.equivalence_id, self.mem_type)
def address(self, address: int):
TensorAddressMap.set_address_for_tens(self.equivalence_id, self.mem_type, address)
def is_standard_fm(self) -> bool:
return self.sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.Standard and self.purpose == TensorPurpose.FeatureMap
def element_size(self) -> int:
if self.element_size_bytes == 0:
return self.dtype.size_in_bits() // 8
return self.element_size_bytes
# Returns a copy, renamed to + suffix
# The references to Operators will be empty when returned
# Depending on set_unique, the copy is shallow, or deep
# For set_unique==True, a new equivalence_id will be set
def clone(self, suffix="_clone", set_unique: bool = False) -> "Tensor":
res = copy.copy(self)
if set_unique:
res.equivalence_id = uuid.uuid4()
res.storage_shape = list(self.storage_shape)
res.bandwidth_shape = list(self.bandwidth_shape)
if self.quantization is not None:
res.quantization = self.quantization.clone() = + suffix
res.ops = []
res.consumer_list = []
return res
def clone_into_fast_storage(self, arch) -> "Tensor":
res = self.clone(suffix="_fast_storage")
res.mem_area = arch.fast_storage_mem_area
res.mem_type = MemType.Scratch_fast
res.src_tensor = self
return res
def copy_compressed_weight_info(self, src_tens: "Tensor"):
# Copies compressed values + all related weight compression info from the given tensor
self.equivalence_id = src_tens.equivalence_id
self.compressed_values = src_tens.compressed_values
self.compressed_values_substream_offsets = src_tens.compressed_values_substream_offsets
self.storage_shape = src_tens.storage_shape
self.brick_size = src_tens.brick_size
self.weight_compression_scales = src_tens.weight_compression_scales
self.weight_compressed_offsets = src_tens.weight_compressed_offsets
self.weight_transpose_depthwise = src_tens.weight_transpose_depthwise
self.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream = src_tens.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream
self.storage_compression_scale = src_tens.storage_compression_scale
self.bandwidth_compression_scale = src_tens.bandwidth_compression_scale
self.block_traversal = src_tens.block_traversal
self.weight_compression_config = src_tens.weight_compression_config
self.value_id = src_tens.value_id
def set_format(self, fmt: TensorFormat, arch):
self.format = fmt
shape_len = 0
shape_len = len(self.shape)
except TypeError:
if shape_len > 4:
assert not (self.needs_linear_format and fmt == TensorFormat.NHCWB16)
self.storage_rounding_quantum = arch.storage_rounding_quantums[self.format]
self.storage_rounding_quantum = tuple(self.storage_rounding_quantum[-shape_len:])
self.brick_size = arch.brick_sizes[self.format]
self.brick_size = tuple(self.brick_size[-shape_len:])
if self.shape is None:
self.bandwidth_shape = shape_round_to_quantum(self.shape, self.brick_size)
self.storage_shape = shape_round_to_quantum(self.shape, self.storage_rounding_quantum)
if fmt == TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed:
compression_ratio = 5 / 8
self.storage_compression_scale = compression_ratio
self.bandwidth_compression_scale = compression_ratio
self.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream = compression_ratio
def storage_elements(self) -> int:
elems = shape_num_elements(self.storage_shape)
if elems is None:
return 0
return elems
def elements(self) -> int:
elems = shape_num_elements(self.shape)
if elems is None:
return 0
return elems
def has_fully_defined_shape(self) -> bool:
return shape_fully_defined(self.shape)
def storage_size(self, scale: float = 1.0) -> int:
raw_size = self.storage_elements() * self.element_size() * scale
if raw_size == 0:
raw_size = 1 # force it to take up space
rounded_size = numeric_util.round_up(numeric_util.round_up_to_int(raw_size), self.alignment)
return rounded_size
def storage_size_for_shape(self, op_storage_shape: Shape) -> int:
elems = shape_num_elements(op_storage_shape)
elems = elems if elems else 0
raw_size = elems * self.element_size()
if raw_size == 0:
raw_size = 1 # force it to take up space
rounded_size = numeric_util.round_up(numeric_util.round_up_to_int(raw_size), self.alignment)
return rounded_size
def storage_shape_for_sub_purpose(
self, sub_purpose: TensorSubPurpose, param_a: Optional[int], param_b: Optional[int]
) -> Shape:
if sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.DoubleBuffer:
shp = list(self.shape)
assert len(shp) >= 2
assert param_a is not None
shp[-1] = min(shp[-1], param_a * 2)
shp = full_shape(4, self.storage_shape, 1)
if sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.RollingBufferX:
assert len(shp) == 4
assert param_a is not None
shp[0] = 1
shp[2] = min(shp[2], param_a)
elif sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.RollingBufferY:
assert len(shp) == 4
assert param_a is not None
shp[0] = 1
shp[1] = min(shp[1], param_a)
elif sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.RollingBufferXY:
assert len(shp) == 4
assert param_a is not None
assert param_b is not None
shp[0] = 1
shp[2] = min(shp[2], param_a)
shp[1] = min(shp[1], param_b)
elif sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.Standard:
assert 0, "did not expect new sub purpose %s" % (sub_purpose,)
return shp
def set_new_sub_purpose(self, sub_purpose: TensorSubPurpose, param_a=None, param_b=None):
self.storage_shape = self.storage_shape_for_sub_purpose(sub_purpose, param_a, param_b)
self.sub_purpose = sub_purpose
if sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.DoubleBuffer:
self.storage_compression_scale = self.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream
def bandwidth(self) -> float:
elems = shape_num_elements(self.bandwidth_shape)
if elems is None:
return 0
return elems * self.element_size() * self.bandwidth_compression_scale
def consumers(self) -> List[Operation]:
return self.consumer_list
def get_4D_storage_shape_for_shape(self, op_shape4D: Shape4D) -> Shape4D:
rounding_quantum = full_shape(4, list(self.storage_rounding_quantum), 1)
return Shape4D(shape_round_to_quantum(op_shape4D.as_list(), rounding_quantum))
def addresses_for_rolling_buffer(self, start_coord: Shape, end_coord: Shape, op_shape4D: Shape4D) -> Tuple:
# returns ( box_height0, box_height1, box_width, [address_tl, address_tr, address_bl, address_br] )
if self.storage_shape == []:
return (
[self.address_for_coordinate(start_coord, op_shape4D=op_shape4D), 0, 0, 0],
if self.is_standard_fm:
storage_shape_4D = self.get_4D_storage_shape_for_shape(op_shape4D)
storage_shape_4D = Shape4D(self.storage_shape)
crossing_y = numeric_util.round_up(start_coord[1] + 1, storage_shape_4D.height)
crossing_x = numeric_util.round_up(start_coord[2] + 1, storage_shape_4D.width)
crossing_y = min(crossing_y, end_coord[1])
crossing_x = min(crossing_x, end_coord[2])
box_height0 = crossing_y - start_coord[1]
box_width = crossing_x - start_coord[2]
addresses: List = [0] * 4
addresses[0] = self.address_for_coordinate(start_coord, op_shape4D=op_shape4D)
if end_coord[2] > crossing_x:
addresses[1] = self.address_for_coordinate(
[start_coord[0], start_coord[1], crossing_x, start_coord[3]], op_shape4D=op_shape4D
raise UnsupportedFeatureError("Striping in vertical direction is not supported")
if end_coord[1] > crossing_y:
addresses[2] = self.address_for_coordinate(
[start_coord[0], crossing_y, start_coord[2], start_coord[3]], op_shape4D=op_shape4D
if end_coord[1] > crossing_y and end_coord[2] > crossing_x:
addresses[3] = self.address_for_coordinate(
[start_coord[0], crossing_y, crossing_x, start_coord[3]], op_shape4D=op_shape4D
return box_height0, box_height0, box_width, addresses
def address_for_coordinate(self, coord: Shape, is_top_box: bool = False, op_shape4D: Shape4D = None) -> int:
offset = self.address_offset_for_coordinate(coord, op_shape4D=op_shape4D, is_top_box=is_top_box)
assert offset is not None
return self.address + offset
def get_strides_and_coord(
self, coord: Optional[Shape] = None, shape4D: Optional[Shape4D] = None
) -> Tuple[Optional[Shape], Optional[Shape]]:
if coord is None:
coord = [0] * min(len(self.storage_shape), 4)
if shape4D and self.is_standard_fm:
augmented_shape = self.get_4D_storage_shape_for_shape(shape4D).as_list()
augmented_shape = full_shape(4, self.storage_shape, 1)
augmented_coord = coord
while len(augmented_coord) < 4:
augmented_coord = [0] + augmented_coord
assert len(augmented_coord) == len(augmented_shape)
if self.format == TensorFormat.NHWC:
augmented_shape = [augmented_shape[0], augmented_shape[3]] + augmented_shape[1:3] + [1]
augmented_coord = [augmented_coord[0], augmented_coord[3]] + augmented_coord[1:3] + [0]
elif self.format == TensorFormat.NHCWB16:
channel_divisor = 16
augmented_shape = augmented_shape[0:4] + [1]
augmented_coord = (
[augmented_coord[0], augmented_coord[3] // channel_divisor]
+ augmented_coord[1:3]
+ [augmented_coord[3] % channel_divisor]
if augmented_shape[1] == 0:
augmented_shape[1] = 1
assert self.format in (TensorFormat.Unknown, TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed)
return None, None
strides: List = [0] * len(augmented_shape)
stride = self.element_size() * self.storage_compression_scale
if self.format != TensorFormat.NHCWB16:
stride_order = [4, 1, 3, 2, 0]
for i in stride_order:
strides[i] = stride
stride *= augmented_shape[i]
assert len(strides) == 5
strides[4] = stride
strides[3] = 16 * stride # STRIDE_X
strides[1] = strides[3] * augmented_shape[2] # STRIDE_C
strides[2] = augmented_shape[2] * augmented_shape[3] * stride # STRIDE_Y
strides[0] = strides[2] * augmented_shape[1] # STRIDE_N
return strides, augmented_coord
def get_strides(self, shape4D: Optional[Shape4D] = None) -> Shape:
strides, _ = self.get_strides_and_coord(shape4D=shape4D)
assert strides is not None
return strides
def find_npu_op(self) -> Optional[Operation]:
# Returns the NPU operator that uses this tensor
for op in self.consumers():
if op.run_on_npu:
return op
return None
def compressed_stream_index_from_coord(self, coord: Shape) -> int:
assert self.format == TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed
assert self.compressed_values is not None
assert len(self.compressed_values) > 0
assert len(self.compressed_values) + 1 == len(self.weight_compressed_offsets)
depth = coord[-1]
brick_depth = self.brick_size[-1]
# Clamp position at final element index
if depth > self.shape[-1]:
depth = self.shape[-1]
# Always round up to next boundary
index = numeric_util.round_up_divide(depth, brick_depth)
# Check boundaries on all but last weight set (which may be shorter
# than the brick we divided it up into)
if index < len(self.weight_compressed_offsets) - 1:
# There are no half-way points in the weights
if (depth % brick_depth) != 0:
raise UnsupportedFeatureError("Offset into weights must be aligned to a brick")
return index
def size_of_compressed_stream(self, index: int) -> int:
assert self.compressed_values is not None
assert 0 <= index < len(self.compressed_values)
return len(self.compressed_values[index])
def is_last_index_in_compressed_stream(self, index: int) -> bool:
assert self.compressed_values is not None
assert 0 <= index < len(self.compressed_values)
return index == len(self.compressed_values) - 1
def address_offset_for_coordinate(
self, orig_coord: Shape, op_shape4D: Optional[Shape4D] = None, is_top_box: bool = False
) -> Optional[int]:
address_offset = 0
assert self.purpose != TensorPurpose.Weights
if self.sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.Standard:
shape = op_shape4D.as_list() if op_shape4D else self.shape
for idx, c in enumerate(orig_coord):
if is_top_box:
assert c > 0 and c <= shape[idx]
assert c >= 0 and c < shape[idx]
coord = orig_coord
if op_shape4D and self.is_standard_fm:
storage_shape = self.get_4D_storage_shape_for_shape(op_shape4D).as_list()
storage_size = self.storage_size_for_shape(storage_shape)
storage_shape = self.storage_shape
coord = coord[-len(storage_shape) :]
storage_size = self.storage_size()
if is_top_box:
coord = [c - 1 for c in coord]
# handle wraparound for partial buffers. make sure to do this after subtracting top box:
coord = [c % storage_shape[idx] for idx, c in enumerate(coord)]
strides, augmented_coord = self.get_strides_and_coord(coord, op_shape4D)
if strides is None:
return None
if is_top_box:
address_offset += 1 * strides[-1] # one element
address_offset +=, strides)
assert address_offset >= 0
assert address_offset <= storage_size
return address_offset
def is_allocated_in_tensor_arena(self, scratch_tensor_mem_area: MemArea) -> bool:
return (self.mem_area == scratch_tensor_mem_area) and (self.mem_type in (MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast))
def equivalent(self, tens: "Tensor") -> bool:
return self.equivalence_id == tens.equivalence_id
def set_all_shapes(self, shape: Shape):
self.shape = shape
self.storage_shape = shape
self.bandwidth_shape = shape
def get_full_shape(self) -> Shape:
d = len(self.shape)
if d in (1, 3):
return full_shape(4, self.shape, 1)
elif d == 2:
return [self.shape[0], 1, 1, self.shape[1]]
return self.shape.copy()
def is_quantized(self) -> bool:
# a tensor is quantized if it has an integral type and it contains valid quantization params
if not isinstance(self.quantization, QuantizationParameters):
return False
return (self.dtype.type & BaseType.Int) != 0 and self.quantization.is_valid()
def get_scalar(self):
return: Unquantized or dequantized scalar value
rtype: self.dtype (if unquantized) or float (if dequantized)
assert self.values.size == 1, "get_scalar called on non-scalar tensor"
if self.is_quantized():
return self.quantization.dequantize(self.values).item(0)
return self.values.item(0)
def get_shape_as_2d(self, dimension_2_size: int) -> Optional[Shape4D]:
elms = self.elements()
dimension_1_size = elms // dimension_2_size
# Checks if the reduction works and shape is not 1D
is_reducible = dimension_1_size * dimension_2_size == elms and not (len(self.shape) == 1)
new_shape = None
if is_reducible:
new_shape = Shape4D([dimension_1_size, 1, 1, dimension_2_size])
return new_shape
def __lt__(self, other: "Tensor") -> bool:
return self.equivalence_id < other.equivalence_id
def __str__(self):
return "<nng.Tensor '%s' shape=%s dtype=%s>" % (, self.shape, self.dtype)
__repr__ = __str__
def error(self, msg):
Raises a VelaError exception for errors encountered when parsing a Tensor
:param self: Tensor object that resulted in the error
:param msg: str object that contains a description of the specific error encountered
def _print_operators(ops):
lines = []
for idx, op in enumerate(ops):
op_type = getattr(op, "type", "Not an Operation")
op_id = getattr(op, "op_index", "-")
lines.append(f" {idx} = {op_type} ({op_id})")
return lines
lines = [f"Invalid {} tensor. {msg}"]
lines += [" Driving operators:"]
lines += _print_operators(self.ops)
lines += [" Consuming operators:"]
lines += _print_operators(self.consumer_list)
raise VelaError("\n".join(lines))
def check_quantized_tens_scaling_equal(tens_a: Tensor, tens_b: Tensor) -> bool:
# checks that the scaling of two quantized tensors are equal
return tens_a.is_quantized() and tens_b.is_quantized() and tens_a.quantization.is_scaling_equal(tens_b.quantization)