blob: 8d920d83f1418a226e9a0d3af800ebc2674f1888 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Description:
# Early optimisation of the network graph, using the rewrite_graph module to do the traversal of the graph. These are
# split into two parts optimise_graph_a and optimise_graph_b.
import math
import numpy as np
from . import lut
from . import rewrite_graph
from .data_type import DataType
from .errors import UnsupportedFeatureError
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import resampling_mode
from .numeric_util import full_shape
from .operation import NpuBlockType
from .operation import Operation
from .softmax import SoftMax
from .tensor import create_const_tensor
from .tensor import create_reshape_tensor
from .tensor import QuantizationParameters
from .tensor import Tensor
passthrough_nodes = set(("Identity",))
def remove_passthrough_tensor(tens, arch):
if len(tens.ops) == 1 and tens.ops[0].type in passthrough_nodes:
assert len(tens.ops[0].inputs) == 1
tens = tens.ops[0].inputs[0]
return tens
def rewrite_concat(tens, arch):
if len(tens.ops) == 1 and tens.ops[0].is_concat_op():
concat_op = tens.ops[0]
if tens != concat_op.outputs[0]:
return tens # don't attempt to rewrite the min/max outputs of QuantizedConcat
# Not supported so leave it and run on CPU
if not concat_op.run_on_npu:
return tens
inputs, axis = concat_op.get_concat_inputs_axis()
tens.ops = []
offset = 0
for idx, inp in enumerate(inputs):
new_op = Operation("ConcatSliceWrite", + str(idx))
new_op.inputs = [inp]
new_op.outputs = [tens]
new_op.attrs["concat_axis"] = axis
new_op.attrs["concat_start"] = offset
offset += inp.shape[axis]
new_op.attrs["concat_end"] = offset
new_op.run_on_npu = True
assert tens.shape[axis] == offset
# If axis corresponds to C-dimension, NHCWB16 can only be used in the output if all the concat_start's are a
# multiple of 16. This as, it is only then the address offset for the ofm, for all operations, will be 16 byte
# aligned. For other values of axis the address offsets will be 16 byte aligned, as they are all based on c = 0
# and those addresses are always 16 byte aligned due to the NHCWB16 format.
if axis == (len(tens.shape) - 1):
for op in tens.ops:
if op.attrs["concat_start"] % 16 != 0:
tens.avoid_NHCWB16 = True
return tens
def rewrite_split(tens, arch):
if len(tens.ops) == 1 and tens.ops[0].is_split_op():
split_op = tens.ops[0]
# Not supported so leave it and run on CPU
if not split_op.run_on_npu:
return tens
inp, outputs, axis, offset_start, offset_end = split_op.get_split_inputs_axis()
tens.ops = []
new_op = Operation("SplitSliceRead",
new_op.inputs = [inp]
# For Split the offset cannot be extracted from the tensor so it has to
# be calculated from the index of the output tensor
if axis is not None:
# Get the start and end of the split
offset_start = [0] * len(tens.shape)
offset_end = [0] * len(tens.shape)
for out in outputs:
if out == tens:
offset_start[axis] += out.shape[axis]
# If start offset is not a multiple of 16 in the C-dimension, NHCWB16 need to be avoided in the input
if (offset_start[-1] % 16) != 0:
inp.avoid_NHCWB16 = True
offset_end[axis] = offset_start[axis] + tens.shape[axis]
new_op.attrs["split_start"] = offset_start
new_op.attrs["split_end"] = offset_end
new_op.run_on_npu = True
return tens
def needed_total_padding(input_size, stride, filter_size):
out_size = (input_size + stride - 1) // stride
needed_input = (out_size - 1) * stride + filter_size
total_padding = max(0, needed_input - input_size)
return total_padding
def calc_padding_and_skirt(padding_type, kernel_size, stride, input_dims):
ypad = needed_total_padding(int(input_dims[1]), int(stride[1]), int(kernel_size[0]))
xpad = needed_total_padding(int(input_dims[2]), int(stride[2]), int(kernel_size[1]))
if padding_type == b"SAME":
left_pad = (xpad + 0) // 2
right_pad = (xpad + 1) // 2
top_pad = (ypad + 0) // 2
bottom_pad = (ypad + 1) // 2
elif padding_type == b"VALID":
left_pad = 0
right_pad = 0
top_pad = 0
bottom_pad = 0
raise UnsupportedFeatureError("Unknown padding {}".format(str(padding_type)))
padding = (top_pad, left_pad, bottom_pad, right_pad)
skirt = (top_pad, left_pad, ypad - top_pad, xpad - left_pad)
return padding, skirt
def calc_upscaled_padding_and_skirt(padding_type, kernel_size, stride, input_dims, upscaling_factor):
kernel_height, kernel_width = kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1]
if padding_type == b"SAME":
ypad = needed_total_padding(int(input_dims[1]) * upscaling_factor, int(stride[1]), int(kernel_height))
xpad = needed_total_padding(int(input_dims[2]) * upscaling_factor, int(stride[2]), int(kernel_width))
right_pad = ((xpad + 1) // upscaling_factor) - 1
bottom_pad = ((ypad + 1) // upscaling_factor) - 1
left_pad = max(kernel_width - 1 - right_pad, 0)
top_pad = max(kernel_height - 1 - bottom_pad, 0)
elif padding_type == b"VALID":
right_pad = max(kernel_width - 2, 0)
bottom_pad = max(kernel_height - 2, 0)
left_pad = kernel_width - 1
top_pad = kernel_height - 1
assert 0, "Unknown padding"
padding = (top_pad, left_pad, bottom_pad, right_pad)
skirt = padding
return padding, skirt
def fixup_conv2d_backprop(op, arch):
if op.type == "Conv2DBackpropInput":
# flip the inputs
op.inputs[0], op.inputs[2] = op.inputs[2], op.inputs[0]
op.type = "Conv2DBackpropInputSwitchedBias"
# Update strides
op.attrs.update({"stride_w": 1, "stride_h": 1, "strides": (1, 1, 1, 1)})
return op
# Convert the op to an elementwise add
def convert_resizebilinear_1x1_to_add(op):
op.type = "AddAct" = + "_add"
op.attrs.update({"npu_block_type": NpuBlockType.ElementWise})
op.attrs["resizebilinear"] = True
# Create an input tensor filled with zeros
shape = op.outputs[0].shape
tens = Tensor(shape, op.inputs[0].dtype, op.inputs[1].name + "_add")
tens.values = np.zeros(shape)
tens.quant_values = np.zeros(shape, np.uint8)
tens.quantization = QuantizationParameters(0.0, 255.0)
tens.quantization.scale_f32 = 1.0
tens.quantization.zero_point = 0
tens.consumer_list = [op]
tens_op = op.inputs[1].ops[0]
# Set the add inputs
op.inputs[1] = op.inputs[0]
op.inputs[0] = tens
return op
def fixup_resizebilinear(op, arch):
if op.type == "ResizeBilinear":
if op.inputs[0].shape[1] == 1 and op.inputs[0].shape[2] == 1:
elif op.inputs[0].shape == op.outputs[0].shape:
# Bypass nop resizebilinear
op.inputs = op.inputs[:1]
op.type = "Identity"
return op
def fixup_fully_connected_input(op, arch):
if op.type == "FullyConnectedAct":
inp = op.inputs[0]
weights = op.inputs[1]
n_in_elems = weights.shape[-2]
elms = inp.elements()
batch_size = elms // n_in_elems
assert batch_size * n_in_elems == elms
desired_shape = [batch_size, n_in_elems]
if inp.shape != desired_shape:
# mismatch, insert a reshape to fix this.
op.inputs[0] = create_reshape_tensor(inp, desired_shape)
return op
def fixup_pack_input(op, arch):
if op.type == "Pack":
# Pack is also referred to as Stack
# Requires the rewrite_concat function to be called on the op afterwards
axis = int(op.attrs["axis"])
desired_shape = op.inputs[0].shape[:axis] + [1] + op.inputs[0].shape[axis:]
# Construct 1 shape tensor to be used by all inserted reshape ops
new_shape_tens = create_const_tensor( + "_reshape_shape", [1], DataType.int32, desired_shape)
for idx, inp in enumerate(op.inputs):
reshape_out = inp.clone("_reshaped")
reshape_op = Operation("Reshape", "{}{}_reshape".format(, idx))
reshape_op.attrs["new_shape"] = desired_shape
reshape_op.inputs = [inp, new_shape_tens]
op.inputs[idx] = reshape_out
op.type = "PackReshaped"
return op
def fixup_unpack_output(tens, arch):
op = tens.ops[0]
if op.type in set(("Unpack", "StridedSlice")):
# Unpack is also referred to as Unstack
# Requires the rewrite_split function to be called on the op afterwards
reshape_input_shape = tens.shape
if op.type == "StridedSlice":
new_axis_mask = op.attrs["new_axis_mask"]
shrink_axis_mask = op.attrs["shrink_axis_mask"]
ellipsis_mask = op.attrs["ellipsis_mask"]
if (new_axis_mask != 0 and shrink_axis_mask != 0) or ellipsis_mask != 0:
# Not supported, will be put on CPU
return tens
if shrink_axis_mask == 0 and new_axis_mask == 0:
# Equal Rank StridedSlice, no need to insert reshape
return tens
elif shrink_axis_mask != 0:
n = 0
axis = 0
while shrink_axis_mask:
prev_mask = shrink_axis_mask
n += 1
shrink_axis_mask &= shrink_axis_mask - 1
axis = int(math.log2(prev_mask - shrink_axis_mask))
reshape_input_shape = reshape_input_shape[:axis] + [1] + reshape_input_shape[axis:]
assert len(tens.shape) == (len(op.inputs[0].shape) - n)
op.attrs["shrink_axis_mask"] = 0
elif new_axis_mask != 0:
n = 0
axis = 0
while new_axis_mask:
prev_mask = new_axis_mask
n += 1
new_axis_mask &= new_axis_mask - 1
axis = int(math.log2(prev_mask - new_axis_mask))
reshape_input_shape = reshape_input_shape[:axis] + reshape_input_shape[(axis + 1) :]
new_axis_mask >>= 1
assert len(tens.shape) == (len(op.inputs[0].shape) + n)
op.attrs["new_axis_mask"] = 0
axis = int(op.attrs["axis"])
op.type = "UnpackReshaped"
reshape_input_shape = tens.shape[:axis] + [1] + tens.shape[axis:]
# Construct 1 shape tensor to be used by all inserted reshape ops
new_shape_tens = create_const_tensor( + "_reshape_shape", [1], DataType.int32, tens.shape)
for idx, out_tens in enumerate(op.outputs):
reshape_in = out_tens.clone("_reshaped")
reshape_in.ops = [op]
reshape_op = Operation("Reshape", "{}{}_reshape".format(, idx))
reshape_op.attrs["new_shape"] = reshape_input_shape
reshape_op.inputs = [reshape_in, new_shape_tens]
op.outputs[idx] = reshape_in
return tens
def add_padding_fields(op, arch):
if "padding" in op.attrs:
if "Conv" in op.type:
kernel_size = op.inputs[1].shape[:2]
input_shape = op.inputs[0].shape
elif "Pool" in op.type or op.type in ("ResizeBilinear", "ReduceSum"):
kernel_size = op.attrs["ksize"][1:3]
input_shape = op.inputs[0].shape
elif op.type == "ExtractImagePatches":
kernel_size = op.attrs["ksizes"][1:3]
input_shape = op.inputs[0].shape
raise UnsupportedFeatureError("Unknown operation that uses padding: {}".format(op.type))
if op.type == "Conv2DBackpropInputSwitchedBias":
upscaling_factor = op.outputs[0].shape[1] // input_shape[1]
padding, skirt = calc_upscaled_padding_and_skirt(
op.attrs["padding"], kernel_size, op.attrs["strides"], input_shape, upscaling_factor
dilation_h, dilation_w = op.get_dilation_h_w()
dilated_kernel_size = [dilation_h * (kernel_size[0] - 1) + 1, dilation_w * (kernel_size[1] - 1) + 1]
padding, skirt = calc_padding_and_skirt(
op.attrs["padding"], dilated_kernel_size, op.attrs["strides"], input_shape
op.attrs["explicit_padding"] = padding
op.attrs["skirt"] = skirt
return op
conv_op = set(("Conv2D", "QuantizedConv2D", "Conv2DBackpropInputSwitchedBias", "Conv2DBiasAct"))
fc_op = set(
depthwise_op = set(("DepthwiseConv2dNative", "DepthwiseConv2dBiasAct",))
pool_op = set(
("AvgPool", "MaxPool", "QuantizedAvgPool", "QuantizedMaxPool", "AvgPoolAct", "MaxPoolAct", "ResizeBilinear")
reduce_sum_ops = set(("ReduceSum",))
elementwise_op = set(("AddAct", "MulAct", "SubAct", "Maximum", "Minimum", "LeakyRelu", "Abs", "CLZ", "SHL", "SHR"))
binary_elementwise_op = set(("AddAct", "MulAct", "SubAct", "Maximum", "Minimum"))
activation_ops = set(("Relu", "Relu6", "ReluN1To1", "Sigmoid", "Tanh"))
memory_only_ops = set(("Reshape",))
# Check if the op can be reordered
def get_prepend_op(op):
inp = op.inputs[0]
# The op should be reordered between prev_op and prep_op
prev_op = inp.ops[-1]
prep_op = None
while prev_op.type in memory_only_ops and len(prev_op.outputs) == 1 and len(prev_op.outputs[0].consumers()) == 1:
prep_op = prev_op
inp = prev_op.inputs[0]
prev_op = inp.ops[-1]
if prev_op is not None and len(prev_op.outputs) == 1 and len(prev_op.outputs[0].consumers()) == 1:
return prep_op
return None
def mark_npu_block_type(op, arch):
npu_block_type = NpuBlockType.Default
if op.type in conv_op:
npu_block_type = NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN
elif op.type in fc_op:
npu_block_type = NpuBlockType.VectorProduct
elif op.type in depthwise_op:
npu_block_type = NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise
elif op.type in pool_op:
npu_block_type = NpuBlockType.Pooling
elif op.type in elementwise_op:
npu_block_type = NpuBlockType.ElementWise
elif op.type in reduce_sum_ops:
npu_block_type = NpuBlockType.ReduceSum
op.attrs["npu_block_type"] = npu_block_type
return op
def convert_depthwise_to_conv(op, arch):
# Depthwise is equivalent to a single conv2d if the ifm depth is 1 and
# the ofm depth equals the depth multipler.
# If those conditions are true, then we can perform a simple
# switch of the operator type (and weight order)
if ("DepthwiseConv2d" in op.type) and (op.attrs["depth_multiplier"] != 1):
ifm_tensor = op.inputs[0]
weight_tensor = op.inputs[1]
ofm_tensor = op.outputs[0]
if (ifm_tensor.shape[3] == 1) and (ofm_tensor.shape[3] == op.attrs["depth_multiplier"]):
# Change op type to Conv2d
op.type = op.type.replace("DepthwiseConv2d", "Conv2D")
del op.attrs["channel_multiplier"]
del op.attrs["depth_multiplier"]
weight_tensor.quant_values = np.transpose(weight_tensor.quant_values, (0, 1, 3, 2))
raise UnsupportedFeatureError(
"Unsupported DepthwiseConv2d with depth_multiplier = {}, ifm channels = {}, ofm channels = {}".format(
op.attrs["depth_multiplier"], ifm_tensor.shape[3], ofm_tensor.shape[3]
return op
def reorder_depthwise_weights(op, arch):
if "DepthwiseConv2d" in op.type:
weight_tensor = op.inputs[1]
weight_tensor.quant_values = np.transpose(weight_tensor.quant_values, (0, 1, 3, 2))
weight_tensor.weight_transpose_depthwise = True
return op
def convert_conv_to_fc(op, arch):
# Conv 1x1 can be equivalent to Fully Connected.
# By representing certain convs as fully connected layers, Vela can better determine wether or not to use
# caching/double buffering for the weights.
# (Weights dont need to be reloaded for convs when IFM H and W are 1)
if op.type == "Conv2DBiasAct":
_, h, w, _ = op.inputs[0].shape
kh, kw, _, _ = op.inputs[1].shape
if h == 1 and w == 1 and kh == 1 and kw == 1:
# Overwrite this op as a Fully Connected Op += "_fc"
op.type = "FullyConnectedAct"
faf = op.attrs.get("fused_activation_function", None)
op.attrs = {
"fused_activation_function": faf,
"weights_format": 0,
"npu_block_type": NpuBlockType.VectorProduct,
# Reshape Weights to be 2D. HWIO becomes just IO (as H and W are 1, they can just be dropped)
weight_tensor = op.inputs[1]
weight_tensor.quant_values = weight_tensor.quant_values.squeeze(axis=(0, 1))
# The output from a fully connected is expected to be 2D so we need to add a reshape layer to convert it
# back to 4D afterwards as the next layer is expecting that shape
orig_ofm_tensor = op.outputs[0]
# Reshape this ops output to be 2D: {(N*H*W), C} (We know N H and W are all 1 so this becomes {1, C})
fc_ofm_tensor = orig_ofm_tensor.clone("_fc")
fc_ofm_tensor.set_all_shapes([1, fc_ofm_tensor.shape[-1]])
fc_ofm_tensor.ops = [op]
# Add a reshape after the new OFM to convert it back to the original 4D shape
reshape_name = + "_reshape"
new_shape_tens = create_const_tensor(reshape_name + "_shape", [1], DataType.int32, orig_ofm_tensor.shape)
reshape_op = Operation("Reshape", reshape_name)
reshape_op.attrs["new_shape"] = orig_ofm_tensor.shape
reshape_op.inputs = [fc_ofm_tensor, new_shape_tens]
# Replace this ops OFM to point to the 2D tensor
op.outputs[0] = fc_ofm_tensor
return op
# Reorder activation op if it's after the memory only operations
def fixup_act_reorder(op, arch):
if op.type in activation_ops:
prep_op = get_prepend_op(op)
if prep_op is not None:
act_op = op.clone("_reordered")
act_op.inputs = [prep_op.inputs[0]]
act_op_out = act_op.inputs[0].clone("_acted")
act_op_out.quantization = op.outputs[0].quantization.clone()
prep_op.inputs[0] = act_op_out
prep_op.outputs[0].quantization = act_op_out.quantization.clone()
# Mark the op so that it will be removed as passthrough later on
op.type = "Identity"
return op
def fixup_elementwise_with_scalars(op, arch):
if op.type in binary_elementwise_op:
ifm_tensor, ifm2_tensor, _, _ = op.get_ifm_ifm2_weights_ofm()
if ifm2_tensor.shape != [] and ifm_tensor.shape != []:
diff = len(ifm_tensor.shape) - len(ifm2_tensor.shape)
if diff > 0:
ifm2_tensor.shape = full_shape(len(ifm_tensor.shape), ifm2_tensor.shape, 1)
elif diff < 0:
ifm_tensor.shape = full_shape(len(ifm2_tensor.shape), ifm_tensor.shape, 1)
elif ifm_tensor.shape == [] and ifm_tensor.quant_values is None:
# IFM is marked as a scalar, but is a result of an operation; change it to a shape of size 1
ifm_tensor.shape = len(ifm2_tensor.shape) * [1]
ifm_tensor.storage_shape = ifm_tensor.shape
elif ifm2_tensor.shape == [] and ifm2_tensor.quant_values is None:
# IFM2 is marked as a scalar, but is a result of an operation; change it to a shape of size 1
ifm2_tensor.shape = len(ifm_tensor.shape) * [1]
ifm2_tensor.storage_shape = ifm2_tensor.shape
return op
# Set input/output tensor equivalence to the same id for memory operations
def set_tensor_equivalence(op, arch):
if op.type == "Reshape":
eid = op.outputs[0].equivalence_id
for inp in op.inputs:
inp.equivalence_id = eid
return op
def convert_softmax(op, arch):
if op.type == "Softmax" and op.run_on_npu:
softmax = SoftMax(op)
op = softmax.get_graph()
return op
def convert_mul_max_to_abs_or_lrelu(op, arch):
r"""Whenever there is a subgraph with this topology:
Input X For X = -1 or X > 0
| \ / This subgraph can be replaced with either
| Mul an Abs (if X = -1) or a LeakyReLU (if X > 0)
| /
if op.type == "Maximum":
# finds the Mul input(s) to the Max
muls = [i for i in op.inputs if i.ops[0].type == "MulAct"]
if len(muls) == 1:
mul = muls[0].ops[0]
elif len(muls) == 2:
# In the case both inputs are Muls, find the one with the same input as the Max
mul = [m for m in muls if len(set(op.inputs + m.ops[0].inputs)) == 1][0].ops[0]
# No Mul inputs
return op
# make sure the Mul doesn't have any other consumers
if len(mul.outputs[0].consumers()) != 1:
return op
# make sure the Mul doesn't have a faf
if mul.attrs["fused_activation_function"]:
return op
ifm, _, _, ofm = op.get_ifm_weights_biases_ofm()
if ifm.dtype not in (DataType.uint8, DataType.int8) or ifm.dtype != ofm.dtype:
return op
if not ifm.is_scaling_equal(ofm):
# rewrite to LeakyRelu currently only makes sense if the quantization is identical
return op
# finds the branched input that goes to both the Max and the Mul
shared = set(op.inputs) & set(mul.inputs)
if len(shared) == 1:
shared_in = shared.pop()
# find the constant scalar input to the Mul
const_tens = (set(mul.inputs) - {shared_in}).pop()
# check that it is a scalar
if const_tens.shape != []:
return op
const = const_tens.ops[0]
# check that it is a constant
if const.type != "Const":
return op
# Remove the Mul from the shared input's consumers
return op
val = const.outputs[0].values
if val >= 0:
new_op = "LeakyRelu"
op.attrs["alpha"] = val
elif val == -1:
new_op = "Abs"
return op
op.type = op.type.replace("Maximum", new_op) ="Maximum", new_op)
op.outputs[0].name = op.outputs[0].name.replace("Maximum", new_op)
op.inputs = [shared_in]
return op
def convert_lrelu_to_mul_max(op, arch):
# Converts LeakyRelu to Max(alpha * IFM, identity * IFM)
# (the opposite of convert_mul_max_to_abs_or_lrelu)
ifm, _, _, ofm = op.get_ifm_weights_biases_ofm()
# Add multiplication with alpha
mul_alpha = Operation("MulAct", + "_mul_alpha")
# Create const tensor containing alpha as scalar
alpha = op.attrs["alpha"]
quantization = ifm.quantization.clone()
quantization.min = 0
quantization.max = alpha * (quantization.quant_max - quantization.quant_min)
quantization.scale_f32 = alpha
quantization.zero_point = 0
alpha_tens = create_const_tensor( + "_alpha_scalar", [], ifm.dtype, [1], np.int8, quantization=quantization)
fm_alpha = ofm.clone( + "_alpha")
if ifm.is_scaling_equal(ofm):
# No identity multiplication is needed
fm_id = ifm
# Add multiplication with identity
mul_identity = Operation("MulAct", + "_mul_identity")
# Create const tensor containing identity as scalar
quantization = ifm.quantization.clone()
quantization.min = 0
quantization.max = quantization.quant_max - quantization.quant_min
quantization.scale_f32 = 1
quantization.zero_point = 0
identity_tens = create_const_tensor( + "_id_scalar", [], ifm.dtype, [1], np.uint8, quantization=quantization
fm_id = ofm.clone( + "_id")
# Convert LeakyRelu to Max, add the results of the multiplication(s) as inputs
op.type = "Maximum" ="LeakyRelu", "Maximum")
op.inputs = []
return op
def convert_lrelu_to_lut(op, arch):
ifm, _, _, ofm = op.get_ifm_weights_biases_ofm()
# Rewrite LeakyRelu by Add with scalar 0 + LUT activation
op.type = "AddAct" = + "_add"
op.attrs.update({"npu_block_type": NpuBlockType.ElementWise})
# Mark as no-op to enable potential fusing optimizations
op.attrs["is_nop"] = True
# Create an input tensor containing scalar zero
quantization = QuantizationParameters(0.0, 255.0)
quantization.scale_f32 = 1.0
quantization.zero_point = 0
tens = create_const_tensor(op.inputs[0].name + "_add", [], ifm.dtype, [0], np.uint8, quantization=quantization)
alpha = op.attrs["alpha"]
zp = ofm.quantization.zero_point
# Generate the LUT
if ifm.dtype.size_in_bytes() == 1:
dtype = DataType.int8
ix = range(256) if ifm.dtype == DataType.uint8 else range(-128, 128)
values = [int(x) if x >= zp else int(round(zp - alpha * (zp - x))) for x in ix]
# int16
dtype = DataType.int32
values = []
for ix in range(512):
x = (ix - 256) * 128
if x >= zp:
base = x
slope = 128
base = int(round(zp - alpha * (zp - x)))
next_base = int(round(zp - alpha * (zp - (x + 127))))
slope = int(round(128 * (next_base - base) / 127))
value = ((slope << 16) & 0xFFFF0000) + (base & 0xFFFF)
lut_tensor = lut.create_lut_tensor( + "_lut", values, dtype)
return op
def convert_lrelu(op, arch):
# Converts LeakyRelu to a LUT based solution if possible, otherwise a mul + max
if op.type != "LeakyRelu":
return op
ifm, _, _, ofm = op.get_ifm_weights_biases_ofm()
use_lut = (ifm.is_scaling_equal(ofm)) and (ifm.dtype == ofm.dtype) and ifm.dtype in (DataType.uint8, DataType.int8)
if use_lut:
return convert_lrelu_to_lut(op, arch)
return convert_lrelu_to_mul_max(op, arch)
def fuse_activation_function_with_prev(op, arch):
# if op is a no-op: attempts to move the activation function to the preceding op
if not op.attrs.get("is_nop", False) or op.attrs.get("fused_activation_function", None) is None:
return op
ifm, _, _, ofm = op.get_ifm_weights_biases_ofm()
# finds the input(s) to the operation
prev_op = ifm.ops[0]
# Note: the below checks on prev_op require that a first optimize pass on the full graph has been performed
fuse = (
and prev_op.attrs["npu_block_type"] != NpuBlockType.Default
and len(ifm.ops) == 1
and len(prev_op.outputs[0].consumers()) == 1
and prev_op.attrs.get("fused_activation_function", None) is None
and ifm.is_scaling_equal(ofm)
if op.activation_lut is not None and arch.shram_reserved_unused_banks == 0:
# TODO: if SHRAM LUT space is shared with SHRAM ACC (32, 64 MAC),
# LUT currently only works correctly for elementwise ops
fuse = False
if fuse and op.activation_lut is not None:
# Check if LUT can be used with prev_op
prev_ifm, prev_ifm2, _, _ = prev_op.get_ifm_ifm2_weights_ofm()
fuse = prev_ifm is not None and prev_ifm.quantization is not None and prev_ifm.is_scaling_equal(ifm)
if prev_ifm2 is not None:
fuse = fuse and prev_ifm2.quantization is not None and prev_ifm2.is_scaling_equal(ifm)
if not fuse:
return op
# Move the fused activation function + corresponding info to prev_op
for attr in ("fused_activation_function", "alpha"):
if attr in op.attrs:
prev_op.attrs[attr] = op.attrs[attr]
if op.activation_lut is not None:
# Bypass op
return op
def add_attrs_to_resizebilinear(op, arch):
if op.type == "ResizeBilinear" and op.run_on_npu:
input_tensor = op.inputs[0]
upscaled_shape = [input_tensor.shape[1] * 2, input_tensor.shape[2] * 2]
out_shape = op.outputs[0].shape[1:3]
if not op.attrs["align_corners"] and out_shape == upscaled_shape:
# this means the output is supposed to be a x2 upscale,
# so we need to do SAME padding
op.attrs["padding"] = b"SAME"
elif op.attrs["align_corners"] and out_shape == [upscaled_shape[0] - 1, upscaled_shape[1] - 1]:
# here we can just run the avg pool without padding and
# produce a (M * 2 - 1, N * 2 - 1) sized output
op.attrs["padding"] = b"VALID"
return op
input_tensor.resampling_mode = resampling_mode.NEAREST
op.attrs.update({"strides": (1, 1, 1, 1), "ksize": (1, 2, 2, 1)})
return op
def add_bias_tensor(op, arch):
if ("Conv2d" in op.type or op.type.startswith("FullyConnected")) and not op.inputs[-1]:
# Add bias/scale tensor filled with zeros
weight_shape = op.inputs[1].shape
weight_sets = weight_shape[-1]
bias_values = [0] * weight_sets
scale_tens = create_const_tensor( + "_bias", [weight_sets], DataType.int32, bias_values)
op.set_input_tensor(scale_tens, -1)
return op
def supported_operator_check(op, arch):
op.run_on_npu = arch.supported_operators.is_operator_supported(op)
return op
def optimise_graph_a(nng, arch, verbose_graph=False):
if verbose_graph:
op_rewrite_list = [
# mark block type and check if the operations are supported
# then do any rewrites of supported operators
for idx, sg in enumerate(nng.subgraphs):
# rewrite graph pass
nng.subgraphs[idx] = rewrite_graph.rewrite_graph_pre_order(
sg, arch, [fixup_unpack_output], op_rewrite_list, rewrite_unsupported=False
for idx, sg in enumerate(nng.subgraphs):
# remove passthrough tensors and attempt further optimizations
nng.subgraphs[idx] = rewrite_graph.rewrite_graph_pre_order(
sg, arch, [remove_passthrough_tensor], [fuse_activation_function_with_prev]
if verbose_graph:
return nng
def optimise_graph_b(nng, arch, verbose_graph=False):
if verbose_graph:
for idx, sg in enumerate(nng.subgraphs):
# combined rewrite graph pass
nng.subgraphs[idx] = rewrite_graph.rewrite_graph_pre_order(sg, arch, [rewrite_concat, rewrite_split], [])
if verbose_graph:
return nng