MLBEDSW-5873 Fixed divide by zero warning in memory transfer efficiency

*Corrected calculation where use of the
_estimate_memory_transfer_efficiency function when calculating the
scaled bandwidth for LUT transfers resulted in a divide by zero error.

Change-Id: I2356e924d9ca2f315ca1988f465f58b13a8fa4c9
Signed-off-by: Ayaan Masood <>
diff --git a/ethosu/vela/ b/ethosu/vela/
index 08967f4..0b8e0a6 100644
--- a/ethosu/vela/
+++ b/ethosu/vela/
@@ -629,18 +629,7 @@
             bws[src_tensor.mem_area][lut_tensor.purpose][BandwidthDirection.Read] += bw
             # LUT read from SHRAM TODO remove?
-            scaled_bws[lut_tensor.mem_area][lut_tensor.purpose][
-                BandwidthDirection.Read
-            ] += _estimate_memory_transfer_efficiency(
-                arch,
-                True,
-                lut_tensor.mem_area,
-                lut_tensor.format,
-                lut_tensor.element_size(),
-                query.config.ifm_block,
-                Shape4D(lut_tensor.shape),
-                bw,
-            )
+            scaled_bws[lut_tensor.mem_area][lut_tensor.purpose][BandwidthDirection.Read] += bw
     if cost.npu_weights_tensor and cost.buffered_weight_tensor:
         # DMA Weight Transfer