blob: 0a356475c014d03c30f53839f236ca6eae83911e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Description:
# Register level (low-level) command stream generation for Ethos-U55. Takes a high-level command stream and generates
# all the register settings. Calculates dependencies between commands and inserts wait operations. And generates a bit
# stream suitable for interpretation by the Ethos-U55 processor.
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
from enum import IntEnum
import numpy as np
from . import scaling
from .architecture_features import ArchitectureFeatures
from .architecture_features import Block
from .architecture_features import Kernel
from .architecture_features import Rect
from .architecture_features import SharedBufferArea
from .architecture_features import SHRAMElements
from .data_type import BaseType
from .data_type import DataType
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import acc_format
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import activation
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import cmd0
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import cmd1
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import elementwise_mode
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import ifm_precision
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import pooling_mode
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import resampling_mode
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import rounding
from .high_level_command_stream import CommandType
from .numeric_util import clamp_sigmoid
from .numeric_util import clamp_tanh
from .numeric_util import full_shape
from .numeric_util import quantise_float32
from .numeric_util import round_away_zero
from .numeric_util import round_up_to_int
from .operation import NpuBlockType
from .tensor import MemType
from .tensor import TensorBlockTraversal
from .tensor import TensorFormat
from .tensor import TensorPurpose
class RegisterMachine:
def __init__(self):
self.n_banks = 1
self.registers = [defaultdict(lambda: None) for _ in range(self.n_banks)]
self.bank_idx = 0
def set_register(self, reg, value):
is_changed = self.registers[self.bank_idx][reg] != value
self.registers[self.bank_idx][reg] = value
# is_changed = True # force command
return is_changed
def switch_bank(self):
self.bank_idx = (self.bank_idx + 1) % self.n_banks
class CmdMode(IntEnum):
NoPayload = 0x0000
Payload32 = 0x4000
Mask = 0xC000
CmdOpMask = 0x03FF
class BasePointerIndex(IntEnum):
WeightTensor = 0 # base address index for the Weight tensor
ScratchTensor = 1 # base address index for the Scratch_tensor in the TensorArena
ScratchFastTensor = 2 # base address for the Scratch_fast_tensor
Mem2Mem = (1 << 8) | (3 << 0) # base address slot for memory 2 memory transfer
# TODO: Replace with definitions from ethos_u55_regs
class IFM2Broadcast(IntEnum):
BroadcastHdim = 1 << 0
BroadcastWdim = 1 << 1
BroadcastCdim = 1 << 2
ReverseOperandOrder = 1 << 6
UseIFM2Scalar = 1 << 7
class CommandStreamEmitter:
def __init__(self):
self.cmd_stream = []
self.reg_machine = [RegisterMachine(), RegisterMachine()]
self.last_absolute_wait = defaultdict(int)
def get_reg_machine(self, cmd):
if "DMA" in
return self.reg_machine[1]
return self.reg_machine[0]
def size_in_bytes(self):
sz = 0
for cmd in self.cmd_stream:
sz += len(cmd) * 4
return sz
def to_list(self):
return [elem for cmd in self.cmd_stream for elem in cmd]
def print_cmds(self):
print("Code: Command: Param: Payload:")
for words_for_one_command in self.cmd_stream:
code = words_for_one_command[0] & 0x0000FFFF # lower 16 bits
param = words_for_one_command[0] >> 16 # higher 16 bits
payload_mode = CmdMode(code & CmdMode.Mask)
# code and command
s = " 0x%04x " % code
if payload_mode == CmdMode.NoPayload:
s += str(cmd0(code & CmdMode.CmdOpMask))
s += str(cmd1(code & CmdMode.CmdOpMask))
s = s.ljust(40)
s += "%5d" % param
# payload
if payload_mode == CmdMode.Payload32:
s += " 0x%08x (%d)" % (words_for_one_command[1], words_for_one_command[1])
s += " -"
def cmd0_with_param(self, cmd, param):
if isinstance(param, Enum):
param = int(param.value)
param = int(param)
param = param & 0xFFFF
command = cmd.value | (param << 16)
if not self.get_reg_machine(cmd).set_register(cmd, (command, param)):
# This is not a redundant command, actually write it
def cmd1_with_offset(self, cmd, offset, param=0x0):
offset = int(offset) & 0xFFFFFFFFF
command = cmd.value | CmdMode.Payload32.value | (param << 16)
if not self.get_reg_machine(cmd).set_register(cmd, (command, offset)):
# This is not a redundant command, actually write it
self.cmd_stream.append((command, offset))
def cmd_wait(self, cmd, channel, outstanding_count):
param = (16 * channel) + outstanding_count
command = ((param & 0xFFFF) << 16) | cmd.value
def cmd_do_operation(self, cmd, param=0):
param = int(param)
command = ((param & 0xFFFF) << 16) | cmd.value
Watermark = namedtuple("Watermark", ["npu", "dma"])
def get_cmd_wait_dependency(arch, cmd_stream, memory_accesses, cmd_index, watermark: Watermark):
cmd = cmd_stream[cmd_index]
cmd_access = memory_accesses[cmd]
index = cmd_index - 1
# NPU dependency tracking
npu_outstanding = -1
npu_ops = 0
npu_index = watermark.npu
# DMA dependency tracking
dma_outstanding = -1
dma_ops = 0
dma_index = watermark.dma
# Seek back in the command stream looking for NPU or DMA dependencies
# but only as far as the first dependency or the watermarks (dependencies
# before this point have been satisfied already).
# The watermark moves to after the latest element we must wait for, not
# the command that issues the wait.
# NPU->NPU dependency is handled via blockdep.
while (index >= npu_index) or (index >= dma_index):
prev_cmd = cmd_stream[index]
prev_access = memory_accesses[prev_cmd]
# Check DMA consuming NPU output
if prev_cmd.cmdtype == CommandType.NpuStripe:
if index >= npu_index:
if (cmd.cmdtype == CommandType.DMA) and (npu_outstanding == -1) and prev_access.conflicts(cmd_access):
npu_outstanding = npu_ops
npu_ops = npu_ops + 1 # Count NPU ops in the pipeline
if npu_ops >= arch.max_outstanding_kernels:
npu_index = max(index + 1, npu_index)
# Check NPU consuming DMA output
elif prev_cmd.cmdtype == CommandType.DMA:
if index >= dma_index:
if cmd.cmdtype == CommandType.NpuStripe:
if (dma_outstanding == -1) and prev_access.conflicts(cmd_access):
dma_outstanding = dma_ops
dma_ops = dma_ops + 1 # Count DMA ops in the pipeline
if dma_ops >= arch.max_outstanding_dma:
dma_index = max(index + 1, dma_index)
index = index - 1
# Update DMA watermark if we didn't see any and the NPU pipeline is full
if (dma_ops == 0) and (npu_ops >= arch.max_outstanding_kernels):
dma_index = cmd_index
# Bring the search watermark forwards as we complete for those dependencies
watermark = Watermark(npu_index, dma_index)
outstanding = Watermark(npu_outstanding, dma_outstanding)
return watermark, outstanding
def get_op_kernel(ps):
if ps.primary_op is None:
return None
strides = ps.primary_op.attrs.get("strides", (1, 1, 1, 1))
dilation = ps.primary_op.attrs.get("dilation", (1, 1, 1, 1))
if ps.weight_tensor:
if ps.npu_block_type in set((NpuBlockType.VectorProduct, NpuBlockType.ElementWise)):
k_h = 1
k_w = 1
k_h = ps.weight_tensor.shape[0]
k_w = ps.weight_tensor.shape[1]
k_h = ps.primary_op.attrs.get("filter_height", 1)
k_w = ps.primary_op.attrs.get("filter_width", 1)
return Kernel(k_w, k_h, strides[2], strides[1], dilation[2], dilation[1])
def has_prev_op_dependency(prev_cmd, cmd):
if prev_cmd is None:
return False
if (prev_cmd.cmdtype == cmd.cmdtype == CommandType.NpuStripe) and ( !=
if prev_cmd.ofm_tensor.equivalent(cmd.ifm_tensor):
return True
elif cmd.ifm2_tensor is not None:
return prev_cmd.ofm_tensor.equivalent(cmd.ifm2_tensor)
return False
def get_op_ofm_rect(cmd):
start = full_shape(4, cmd.ofm_box.start_coord, 0)
end = full_shape(4, cmd.ofm_box.end_coord, 1)
return Rect(start[-2], start[-3], start[-1], end[-2] - 1, end[-3] - 1, end[-1] - 1)
def get_op_ifm_rect(cmd):
start = full_shape(4, cmd.ifm_box.start_coord, 0)
end = full_shape(4, cmd.ifm_box.end_coord, 1)
return Rect(start[-2], start[-3], start[-1], end[-2] - 1, end[-3] - 1, end[-1] - 1)
def get_op_ifmofm_block_depth(arch, cmd):
# Note: NOT equivalent to the normal ifm block depth calculation since
# it takes into account 'depthless' block operations by returning full
# depth
if in (
return cmd.ofm_box.get_size_shape()[-1]
return arch.calc_ifm_block_depth(cmd.ifm_box.get_size_shape()[-1], cmd.ifm_tensor.dtype.bits)
def get_op_padding_lt(cmd):
if not in (
return (0, 0)
explicit_padding = list(["explicit_padding"]) # (top, left, bottom, right)
# Check if this is for horizontal ifm streaming
if not (cmd.is_first_h_stripe and cmd.is_last_h_stripe):
explicit_padding[0] = cmd.pad_top
explicit_padding[2] = cmd.pad_bottom
return (explicit_padding[1], explicit_padding[0])
def ifm_ifm2_correct_order(ifm_shape, ifm2_shape):
if ifm_shape == []:
# Scalar needs to be in IFM2
return False
elif ifm2_shape == []:
return True
for ifm, ifm2 in zip(ifm_shape, ifm2_shape):
if ifm != ifm2 and ifm == 1:
# Broadcasted FM needs to be in IFM2
return False
return True
def generate_register_command_stream(nng, sg, arch, verbose=False):
emit = CommandStreamEmitter()
if arch.feature_map_storage_mem_area == arch.fast_storage_mem_area:
base_ptr_idx_map = {
MemType.Permanent_NPU: BasePointerIndex.WeightTensor,
MemType.Permanent_CPU: BasePointerIndex.WeightTensor,
MemType.Scratch: BasePointerIndex.ScratchTensor,
MemType.Scratch_fast: BasePointerIndex.ScratchTensor,
base_ptr_idx_map = {
MemType.Permanent_NPU: BasePointerIndex.WeightTensor,
MemType.Permanent_CPU: BasePointerIndex.WeightTensor,
MemType.Scratch: BasePointerIndex.ScratchTensor,
MemType.Scratch_fast: BasePointerIndex.ScratchFastTensor,
# Maps an AccumulatorType enum to the corresponding acc_format value
acc_format_map = {
SHRAMElements.Acc16: acc_format.FP_S5_10.value,
SHRAMElements.Acc32: acc_format.INT_32BIT.value,
SHRAMElements.Acc40: acc_format.INT_40BIT.value,
# Maps an elementwise op type to an elementwise_mode enum value used by NPU_OP_ELEMENTWISE
elementwise_mode_map = {
"MulAct": elementwise_mode.MUL.value,
"AddAct": elementwise_mode.ADD.value,
"SubAct": elementwise_mode.SUB.value,
"Minimum": elementwise_mode.MIN.value,
"Maximum": elementwise_mode.MAX.value,
"LeakyRelu": elementwise_mode.LRELU.value,
"Abs": elementwise_mode.ABS.value,
"CLZ": elementwise_mode.CLZ.value,
"SHR": elementwise_mode.SHR.value,
"SHL": elementwise_mode.SHL.value,
cmd_stream = []
memory_accesses = {}
for cmd in sg.high_level_command_stream:
if cmd.cmdtype == CommandType.NpuStripe and == NpuBlockType.Default:
print("Warning: Skipping register command stream generation for",
memory_accesses[cmd] = cmd.get_memory_accesses()
def emit_cmd_waits(cmd_waits):
if cmd_waits.npu >= 0:
emit.cmd_wait(cmd0.NPU_OP_KERNEL_WAIT, 0, cmd_waits.npu)
if cmd_waits.dma >= 0:
emit.cmd_wait(cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_WAIT, 0, cmd_waits.dma)
# Initialise operator dependency state
prev_ifm_rect = cur_ifm_rect = None
prev_ifm_block_depth = cur_ifm_block_depth = None
prev_ofm_rect = cur_ofm_rect = None
prev_ofm_block = cur_ofm_block = None
prev_kernel = cur_kernel = None
prev_cmd = None
if arch.is_yoda_system:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_PARALLEL_MODE, arch.ncores - 1)
dep_watermark = Watermark(0, 0)
for cmd_index, cmd in enumerate(cmd_stream):
dep_watermark, cmd_waits = get_cmd_wait_dependency(arch, cmd_stream, memory_accesses, cmd_index, dep_watermark)
if cmd.cmdtype == CommandType.DMA:
start_coord =
src_addr = cmd.in_tensor.address_for_coordinate(start_coord)
dst_addr = cmd.out_tensor.address_for_coordinate(start_coord)
if cmd.in_tensor.compressed_values is not None:
stream_index = cmd.in_tensor.compressed_stream_index_from_coord(start_coord)
sz = cmd.in_tensor.size_of_compressed_stream(stream_index)
sz = cmd.in_tensor.address_for_coordinate(, is_top_box=True) - src_addr
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_DMA0_SRC_REGION, base_ptr_idx_map[cmd.in_tensor.mem_type])
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_DMA0_SRC, src_addr)
if cmd.out_tensor.purpose == TensorPurpose.LUT:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_DMA0_DST_REGION, BasePointerIndex.Mem2Mem)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_DMA0_DST_REGION, base_ptr_idx_map[cmd.out_tensor.mem_type])
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_DMA0_DST, dst_addr)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_DMA0_LEN, sz)
dma_channel = 0
mode = 0 # From external to external
emit.cmd_do_operation(cmd0.NPU_OP_DMA_START, dma_channel * 16 + mode)
elif cmd.cmdtype == CommandType.NpuStripe:
ps =
primary_op = ps.primary_op
npu_block_type = ps.npu_block_type
# Specifies if global scale from the NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE register should be used instead of per-channel scale
use_global_scale = False
# Specifies type of rounding to be used.
rounding_mode = (
rounding.NATURAL if primary_op.attrs.get("rounding_mode", "") == b"NATURAL" else rounding.TFL
if primary_op.type == "ResizeBilinear":
rounding_mode = rounding.TRUNCATE
fmf = primary_op.attrs.get("fused_memory_function", None)
faf = primary_op.attrs.get("fused_activation_function", None)
fused_quantize = any(op.type == "Quantize" for op in ps.ops)
# Force output scale, used in operations with fused LUT
# Note: with current LUT support, forced_ofm_quantization is always equal to cmd.ofm_tensor.quantization
# except when primary_op is AddAct + 0 (no-op) + LUT
forced_ofm_quantization = primary_op.attrs.get("forced_output_quantization", None)
ofm_quant = cmd.ofm_tensor.quantization
if forced_ofm_quantization is not None:
ofm_quant = forced_ofm_quantization
# Specifies which operand to apply scaling to in bitexact elementwise ADD/SUB
op_to_scale = 0
# Update state history
prev_ifm_rect = cur_ifm_rect
prev_ifm_block_depth = cur_ifm_block_depth
prev_ofm_rect = cur_ofm_rect
prev_ofm_block = cur_ofm_block
prev_kernel = cur_kernel
cur_kernel = get_op_kernel(ps)
block_config = ps.block_config
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_BLK_HEIGHT_M1, block_config[0] - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_BLK_WIDTH_M1, block_config[1] - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_BLK_DEPTH_M1, block_config[3] - 1)
shared_buffer = ps.shared_buffer
if npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ElementWise:
ifm2_broadcast = 0
if cmd.ifm2_tensor and not ifm_ifm2_correct_order(cmd.ifm_tensor.shape, cmd.ifm2_tensor.shape):
# The scalar has to be the ifm2 tensor so switch the ifms
cmd.ifm_tensor, cmd.ifm2_tensor = cmd.ifm2_tensor, cmd.ifm_tensor
cmd.ifm_box, cmd.ifm2_box = cmd.ifm2_box, cmd.ifm_box
# Set ReverseOperandOrder bit to IFM2_BROADCAST
ifm2_broadcast |= IFM2Broadcast.ReverseOperandOrder
# Calculate scales needed for arithmetic elementwise operators
if primary_op.type in set(("AddAct", "MulAct", "SubAct",)):
input_scale = cmd.ifm_tensor.quantization.scale_f32
input2_scale = cmd.ifm2_tensor.quantization.scale_f32
output_scale = ofm_quant.scale_f32
use_global_scale = True
if output_scale is not None and faf in ("Sigmoid", "Tanh"):
output_scale = 1 / 0x3000
if primary_op.type == "MulAct":
if None in (input_scale, input2_scale, output_scale):
ofm_scale = 1
shift = 0
ofm_scale, shift = scaling.elementwise_mul_scale(input_scale, input2_scale, output_scale)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE, ofm_scale, shift)
else: # AddAct/SubAct
# Force output scale same as the input scale for
# resizebilinear 1x1 that is converted to add
if "resizebilinear" in primary_op.attrs:
output_scale = input2_scale
if None in (input_scale, input2_scale, output_scale):
opa_scale = opb_scale = ofm_scale = 1
opa_shift = shift = 0
ofm_scale, shift = primary_op.attrs.get("rescale", [1, 0])
elif input_scale == input2_scale:
opa_scale, opb_scale, ofm_scale, shift = scaling.simplified_elementwise_add_sub_scale(
input_scale, input2_scale, output_scale
opa_shift = 0 # Unused for this case
# Use advanced implementation only when input scales differ
bitdepth = cmd.ifm_tensor.dtype.bits
) = scaling.advanced_elementwise_add_sub_scale(
input_scale, input2_scale, output_scale, bitdepth
opb_scale = 0 # Unused for this case
if ifm2_broadcast & IFM2Broadcast.ReverseOperandOrder:
# If the operand order is reversed we also have to swap which operand is scaled
if op_to_scale == scaling.OperandToScale.OPa:
op_to_scale = scaling.OperandToScale.OPb
op_to_scale = scaling.OperandToScale.OPa
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OPA_SCALE, opa_scale, opa_shift)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OPB_SCALE, opb_scale)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE, ofm_scale, shift)
elif primary_op.type in set(("LeakyRelu", "Abs",)):
output_scale = ofm_quant.scale_f32
use_global_scale = True
if primary_op.type == "LeakyRelu":
output_scale = primary_op.attrs["alpha"]
ofm_scale, shift = scaling.quantise_scale(output_scale)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE, ofm_scale, shift)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE, 1, 0)
# For elementwise set the required SHRAM to be equal to the total size of available SHRAM
uses_lut = primary_op.activation_lut is not None
shram_required = arch.available_shram_banks(uses_lut)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_IB_END, shram_required)
# Acc buffers not needed so set AB_START to size of SHRAM
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_AB_START, shram_required)
# Is not a unary operator
if cmd.ifm2_tensor is not None:
if cmd.ifm2_tensor.shape == []:
# IFM2 is a constant, set UseIFM2Scalar bit to IFM2_BROADCAST
ifm2_broadcast |= IFM2Broadcast.UseIFM2Scalar
ifm_box_shape = cmd.ifm_box.get_size_shape()
ifm2_box_shape = cmd.ifm2_box.get_size_shape()
if len(cmd.ifm_tensor.shape) > 1 and ifm_box_shape[1] != ifm2_box_shape[1]:
# Broadcast in 'H' dimension
assert cmd.ifm2_tensor.shape[1] == 1
ifm2_broadcast |= IFM2Broadcast.BroadcastHdim
if len(cmd.ifm_tensor.shape) > 2 and ifm_box_shape[2] != ifm2_box_shape[2]:
# Broadcast in 'W' dimension
assert cmd.ifm2_tensor.shape[2] == 1
ifm2_broadcast |= IFM2Broadcast.BroadcastWdim
if len(cmd.ifm_tensor.shape) > 3 and ifm_box_shape[3] != ifm2_box_shape[3]:
# Broadcast in 'C' dimension
assert cmd.ifm2_tensor.shape[3] == 1
ifm2_broadcast |= IFM2Broadcast.BroadcastCdim
# Set IFM2_IB_START to the latter half of the IB space
ifm_ib_start = shared_buffer.bank_locations[SharedBufferArea.IFM]
cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_IB_START, (shram_required - ifm_ib_start) / 2 + ifm_ib_start
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_BROADCAST, ifm2_broadcast)
+ shared_buffer.banks_required[SharedBufferArea.IFM],
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_AB_START, shared_buffer.bank_locations[SharedBufferArea.Accumulators])
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACC_FORMAT, acc_format_map[shared_buffer.use_accumulator_element])
if primary_op.type == "ResizeBilinear":
# perform nearest neighbor upscale
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_UPSCALE, resampling_mode.NEAREST)
elif primary_op.type == "Conv2DBackpropInputSwitchedBias":
# perform insert zero upscale
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_UPSCALE, resampling_mode.TRANSPOSE)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_UPSCALE, resampling_mode.NONE)
if npu_block_type in set(
# Set up padding
explicit_padding = list(primary_op.attrs["explicit_padding"]) # (top, left, bottom, right)
# Check if this is for horizontal ifm streaming
if not (cmd.is_first_h_stripe and cmd.is_last_h_stripe):
explicit_padding[0] = cmd.pad_top
explicit_padding[2] = cmd.pad_bottom
# Indexing from end since a 1x1 Avgpool might have been added with non 4-dimensional input/output,
# because of activation function needed to be fused.
if cmd.ifm_box.start_coord[-2] > 0:
explicit_padding[1] = 0
if cmd.ifm_box.end_coord[-2] < cmd.ifm_tensor.shape[-2]:
explicit_padding[3] = 0
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_TOP, explicit_padding[0])
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_LEFT, explicit_padding[1])
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_BOTTOM, explicit_padding[2])
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_RIGHT, explicit_padding[3])
# set kernel x stride low bit
stride = primary_op.attrs["strides"][2] - 1 & 1
# set kernel y stride low bit
stride |= (primary_op.attrs["strides"][1] - 1 & 1) << 1
# set kernel x stride extension bits
stride |= (primary_op.attrs["strides"][2] - 1 >> 1) << 6
# set kernel y stride extension bits
stride |= (primary_op.attrs["strides"][1] - 1 >> 1) << 9
if npu_block_type in set((NpuBlockType.Pooling, NpuBlockType.ReduceSum)):
k_height, k_width = primary_op.attrs["ksize"][1:3]
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_HEIGHT_M1, k_height - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_WIDTH_M1, k_width - 1)
valid_padding = sum(explicit_padding) == 0
if (
primary_op.type in set(("AvgPool", "AvgPoolAct", "ResizeBilinear", "ReduceSum"))
and valid_padding
# For valid padding vela has to output scaling values
if faf == "Sigmoid" or faf == "Tanh":
rescale = 0x3000 * cmd.ifm_tensor.quantization.scale_f32
if cmd.ifm_tensor.dtype == DataType.int16:
# Calculate scale and shift for the output scale of 1/(3*4096)
shift = 0
max_rescale = np.iinfo(np.int16).max / 2
while rescale <= max_rescale and shift <= 30:
shift += 1
rescale *= 2
scale = int(rescale)
rescale_bits = len(bin(round_up_to_int(rescale))) - 2 + 1
scale, shift = scaling.quantise_pooling_scale(k_height * k_width, rescale_bits)
scale = int(round_away_zero(scale * rescale))
elif fused_quantize:
# Quantize op requires different scaling
ifm_scale_f64 = np.double(cmd.ifm_tensor.quantization.scale_f32)
ofm_scale_f64 = np.double(ofm_quant.scale_f32)
scale, shift = scaling.quantise_scale(ifm_scale_f64 / ofm_scale_f64)
elif primary_op.type == "ResizeBilinear" and "rescale" in primary_op.attrs:
rescale = primary_op.attrs["rescale"]
rescale_bits = len(bin(round_up_to_int(rescale))) - 2 + 1
scale, shift = scaling.quantise_pooling_scale(k_height * k_width, rescale_bits)
scale = int(round_away_zero(scale * rescale))
# In case avg pool fused with concat or other memory operation, rescaling might be needed.
# k_height == k_width == 1 is allways true in this case
# Normally the scale is maximised, to get maximum precision, which means that
# if rescale != 1, scale need to consider the number of bits needed for rescaling
if None not in (ofm_quant.scale_f32, cmd.ifm_tensor.quantization.scale_f32,):
rescale = cmd.ifm_tensor.quantization.scale_f32 / ofm_quant.scale_f32
rescale_bits = 0
if k_height == k_width == 1:
if fmf == "ConcatSliceWrite":
rounding_mode = rounding.NATURAL
if rescale > 1:
rescale_bits = len(bin(round_up_to_int(rescale))) - 2 + 1
elif rescale < 1:
rescale_bits = -(len(bin(round_up_to_int(1 / rescale))) - 2 - 1)
scale, shift = scaling.quantise_pooling_scale(k_height * k_width, rescale_bits)
scale = int(round_away_zero(scale * rescale))
scale = 1
shift = 0
emit.cmd1_with_offset(cmd1.NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE, scale, shift)
# Valid-padded average pool should use the global scale from
# NPU_SET_OFM_SCALE register, which is set above.
use_global_scale = True
else: # Convolution
assert cmd.weight_tensor.block_traversal != TensorBlockTraversal.Default
# Reduced precision quantization and natural rounding used for int16
if cmd.ifm_tensor.dtype == DataType.int16:
rounding_mode = rounding.NATURAL
stride |= (cur_kernel.dilation.y - 1) << 4
stride |= (cur_kernel.dilation.x - 1) << 3
cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_HEIGHT_M1, cur_kernel.dilation.y * (cmd.weight_tensor.shape[0] - 1)
cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_WIDTH_M1, cur_kernel.dilation.x * (cmd.weight_tensor.shape[1] - 1)
if cmd.weight_tensor.block_traversal == TensorBlockTraversal.PartKernelFirst:
# Part-kernel-first weight ordering
assert npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN
stride |= 1 << 2
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_STRIDE, stride)
elif npu_block_type in set((NpuBlockType.VectorProduct,)):
# Vector product is implemented using a 1x1 convolution so need
# to setup the appropriate padding and kernel info
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_TOP, 0)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_LEFT, 0)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_BOTTOM, 0)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PAD_RIGHT, 0)
# kernel stride reg = 0 means stride(1,1) + depth first weight
# order + dilation(0,0) + kernel_split_size=8
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_STRIDE, 0)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_HEIGHT_M1, 0)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_KERNEL_WIDTH_M1, 0)
if npu_block_type in set(
(NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN, NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise, NpuBlockType.VectorProduct)
# Emit Weight base address commands, only maps the area required for
# this command's weights from the larger tensor.
stream_index = cmd.weight_tensor.compressed_stream_index_from_coord(cmd.weight_box.start_coord)
weight_substream_offsets = cmd.weight_tensor.compressed_values_substream_offsets[stream_index]
substreams = len(weight_substream_offsets) - 1 # Offset list must terminate with full stream length
# Extract weight substream offsets and calculate their lengths
assert len(weight_substream_offsets) > 1 and (weight_substream_offsets[0] == 0)
weight_addr = cmd.weight_tensor.address_for_coordinate(cmd.weight_box.start_coord)
# Set weights sources for active and present cores
for core, param in enumerate(
if core < substreams:
emit.cmd1_with_offset(param[0], weight_addr + weight_substream_offsets[core])
param[1], weight_substream_offsets[core + 1] - weight_substream_offsets[core]
elif core < arch.ncores:
emit.cmd1_with_offset(param[0], weight_addr)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(param[1], 0)
weight_region = base_ptr_idx_map[cmd.weight_tensor.mem_type]
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_WEIGHT_REGION, weight_region)
# Emit Scale & Bias base address commands, with length matching the amount required by
# the weight tensors.
if cmd.scale_tensor is not None:
scale_substream_offsets = cmd.scale_tensor.compressed_values_substream_offsets[stream_index]
substreams = len(scale_substream_offsets) - 1 # Offset list must terminate with full stream length
# Extract scale substream offsets and calculate their lengths
assert len(scale_substream_offsets) > 1 and (scale_substream_offsets[0] == 0)
scale_addr = cmd.scale_tensor.address_for_coordinate(cmd.weight_box.start_coord[-1:])
# Set scale sources for active and present cores
for core, param in enumerate(
if core < substreams:
emit.cmd1_with_offset(param[0], scale_addr + scale_substream_offsets[core])
param[1], scale_substream_offsets[core + 1] - scale_substream_offsets[core]
elif core < arch.ncores:
emit.cmd1_with_offset(param[0], scale_addr)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(param[1], 0)
# Emit base address for NPU to access scale & bias data
scale_region = base_ptr_idx_map[cmd.scale_tensor.mem_type]
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_SCALE_REGION, scale_region)
ofm_quant_qmin = ofm_quant.quant_min
ofm_quant_qmax = ofm_quant.quant_max
ifm_min = cmd.ifm_tensor.quantization.min
ifm_max = cmd.ifm_tensor.quantization.max
# Emit commands for any fused activation function
if faf is None:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION, activation.NONE)
# Even if no activation function, values need to be set to override previous values
faf_min = ofm_quant_qmin
faf_max = ofm_quant_qmax
elif faf == "Relu":
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION, activation.NONE)
faf_min = quantise_float32(0.0, ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
faf_max = ofm_quant_qmax
elif faf == "Relu6":
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION, activation.NONE)
faf_min = quantise_float32(0.0, ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
faf_max = quantise_float32(6.0, ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
elif faf == "ReluN1To1":
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION, activation.NONE)
faf_min = quantise_float32(-1.0, ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
faf_max = quantise_float32(1.0, ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
elif faf == "Tanh":
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION, activation.TANH)
if primary_op.type in set(("AvgPool", "AvgPoolAct", "ResizeBilinear")):
faf_min = quantise_float32(-1.0, ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
faf_max = quantise_float32(1.0, ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
faf_min = quantise_float32(clamp_tanh(ifm_min), ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
faf_max = quantise_float32(clamp_tanh(ifm_max), ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
elif faf == "Sigmoid":
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION, activation.SIGMOID)
if primary_op.type in set(("AvgPool", "AvgPoolAct", "ResizeBilinear")):
faf_min = quantise_float32(0, ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
faf_max = quantise_float32(1.0, ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
faf_min = quantise_float32(clamp_sigmoid(ifm_min), ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
faf_max = quantise_float32(clamp_sigmoid(ifm_max), ofm_quant.scale_f32, ofm_quant.zero_point)
elif faf == "LUT":
lut_index = int(activation.LUT_START.value) + primary_op.attrs.get("lut_index", -1)
assert activation.LUT_START.value <= lut_index <= activation.LUT_END.value, "LUT index out of range."
if cmd.ofm_tensor.dtype == DataType.int32:
lut_index |= 3 << 12 # Force I8 range
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION, lut_index)
faf_min = ofm_quant_qmin
faf_max = ofm_quant_qmax
raise Exception("Unsupported fused_activation_function = " + faf)
# Activation range needs to be set based upon the quantisation range and the fused activation range
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION_MIN, max(ofm_quant_qmin, faf_min))
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_ACTIVATION_MAX, min(ofm_quant_qmax, faf_max))
out_shape = cmd.ofm_box.get_size_shape()
if len(out_shape) >= 4:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT_M1, out_shape[-3] - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT_M1, 0)
if len(out_shape) >= 2:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_WIDTH_M1, out_shape[-2] - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_WIDTH_M1, 0)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_DEPTH_M1, out_shape[-1] - 1)
if npu_block_type in set((NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN, NpuBlockType.VectorProduct, NpuBlockType.ReduceSum)):
in_shape = cmd.ifm_box.get_size_shape()
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_DEPTH_M1, in_shape[-1] - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_DEPTH_M1, out_shape[-1] - 1)
for tens, box, region_op, ptr_ops, stride_ops, zero_point_op in (
if tens is None:
need_zero_point = (faf is not None) or (fmf == "ConcatSliceWrite") or fused_quantize
if (
primary_op.type in set(("AvgPool", "AvgPoolAct", "ResizeBilinear", "CLZ", "SHL"))
and not need_zero_point
or (
tens.dtype == DataType.int32
and zero_point_op in (cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_ZERO_POINT, cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_ZERO_POINT)
or tens.quantization is None
# Actual integer operation, just set scale to 1 and zero point to 0
emit.cmd0_with_param(zero_point_op, 0)
assert tens.quantization.zero_point is not None, "need an actual zero point set"
if cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_ZERO_POINT == zero_point_op and forced_ofm_quantization is not None:
zero_point = forced_ofm_quantization.zero_point
elif (
"resizebilinear" in primary_op.attrs
and primary_op.type == "AddAct"
and cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_ZERO_POINT == zero_point_op
# Force output zero point same as the input zero point
# for resizebilinear 1x1 that is converted to add
zero_point = cmd.ifm2_tensor.quantization.zero_point
zero_point = tens.quantization.zero_point
emit.cmd0_with_param(zero_point_op, int(zero_point))
if tens.shape == []:
# Empty shape, elementwise constant
ifm2_scalar = tens.quant_values
assert ifm2_scalar.size == 1
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_SCALAR, int(ifm2_scalar.item(0)))
height_0, height_1, width_0, addresses = tens.addresses_for_rolling_buffer(
box.start_coord, box.end_coord
if npu_block_type != NpuBlockType.VectorProduct:
if tens == cmd.ifm_tensor:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_HEIGHT0_M1, height_0 - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_HEIGHT1_M1, height_1 - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_WIDTH0_M1, width_0 - 1)
elif tens == cmd.ofm_tensor:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT0_M1, height_0 - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_HEIGHT1_M1, height_1 - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_WIDTH0_M1, width_0 - 1)
if tens == cmd.ifm2_tensor:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_HEIGHT0_M1, height_0 - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_HEIGHT1_M1, height_1 - 1)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_WIDTH0_M1, width_0 - 1)
if len(out_shape) == 2:
# TODO: N is put in W-dimension for now
# Should be spread over H and W, but then block size selectetion,
# and stride calculation should be changed
if tens == cmd.ifm_tensor:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_WIDTH0_M1, out_shape[-2] - 1)
elif tens == cmd.ofm_tensor:
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_WIDTH0_M1, out_shape[-2] - 1)
assert False
emit.cmd0_with_param(region_op, base_ptr_idx_map[tens.mem_type])
for idx, addr in enumerate(addresses):
if addr is None:
addresses[idx] = 0
emit.cmd1_with_offset(ptr_ops[0], addresses[0])
emit.cmd1_with_offset(ptr_ops[1], addresses[1])
emit.cmd1_with_offset(ptr_ops[2], addresses[2])
emit.cmd1_with_offset(ptr_ops[3], addresses[3])
strides = tens.get_strides()
emit.cmd1_with_offset(stride_ops[0], strides[1]) # stride between 16-byte channel blocks (C)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(stride_ops[2], strides[3]) # stride between horisontal values (W)
emit.cmd1_with_offset(stride_ops[1], strides[2]) # stride between vertical values (H)
if tens.format == TensorFormat.NHCWB16:
# Check that all BasePointer addresses are aligned to 16 bytes
assert (int(addresses[0]) % 16) == 0
assert (int(addresses[1]) % 16) == 0
assert (int(addresses[2]) % 16) == 0
assert (int(addresses[3]) % 16) == 0
ofm_dtype = cmd.ofm_tensor.dtype
assert ofm_dtype.type & BaseType.Int
prec = 0
if ofm_dtype.size_in_bits() == 8:
prec = 0
elif ofm_dtype.size_in_bits() == 16:
prec = 2
elif ofm_dtype.size_in_bits() == 32:
prec = 4
assert 0
if ofm_dtype.type & BaseType.Signed:
prec += 1
if use_global_scale:
# Set global scale bit, as opposed to using per channel scale
prec |= 1 << 8
if cmd.ofm_tensor.format == TensorFormat.NHCWB16:
prec |= 1 << 6
prec |= rounding_mode.value << 14
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_OFM_PRECISION, prec)
prec = None
weight_bits = 8
if cmd.weight_tensor is not None:
weight_bits = cmd.weight_tensor.dtype.size_in_bits()
ifm_dtype = cmd.ifm_tensor.dtype
assert weight_bits == 8, "Unsupported weight bit depth"
assert (
ifm_dtype.size_in_bits() in {8, 16}
or ifm_dtype.size_in_bits() == 32
and npu_block_type in (NpuBlockType.ElementWise, NpuBlockType.ReduceSum)
), "Unsupported ifm bit depth"
if ifm_dtype.size_in_bits() == 8:
if ifm_dtype.type & BaseType.Signed:
prec = ifm_precision.S8
prec = ifm_precision.U8
elif ifm_dtype.size_in_bits() == 16:
if ifm_dtype.type & BaseType.Signed:
prec = ifm_precision.S16
prec = ifm_precision.U16
elif ifm_dtype == DataType.int32:
prec = ifm_precision.S32
ifm_prec = prec.value
ifm2_prec = ifm_prec
if cmd.ifm_tensor.format == TensorFormat.NHCWB16:
ifm_prec |= 1 << 6
ifm_prec |= op_to_scale << 8
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM_PRECISION, ifm_prec)
if cmd.ifm2_tensor is not None:
if cmd.ifm2_tensor.format == TensorFormat.NHCWB16:
ifm2_prec |= 1 << 6
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_IFM2_PRECISION, ifm2_prec)
# Get op parameters
cur_ifm_block_depth = get_op_ifmofm_block_depth(arch, cmd)
cur_ofm_block = Block(ps.block_config[1], ps.block_config[0], ps.block_config[3])
cur_ofm_rect = get_op_ofm_rect(cmd)
cur_ifm_rect = get_op_ifm_rect(cmd)
cur_padLT = get_op_padding_lt(cmd)
if (prev_kernel is not None) and (cur_kernel is not None) and has_prev_op_dependency(prev_cmd, cmd):
if cmd.ifm_tensor.shape == prev_cmd.ofm_tensor.shape:
blockdep = arch.calc_block_dep(
blockdep = 0
blockdep = ArchitectureFeatures.MAX_BLOCKDEP
# Set between every op (dependent or not)
blockdep = min(blockdep, arch.max_blockdep)
emit.cmd0_with_param(cmd0.NPU_SET_BLOCKDEP, blockdep)
prev_cmd = cmd
if npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ConvolutionMxN:
elif npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ConvolutionDepthWise:
elif npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.VectorProduct:
# Vector product is implemented using a 1x1 convolution
elif npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.Pooling:
param = pooling_mode.MAX.value if "Max" in primary_op.type else pooling_mode.AVERAGE.value
emit.cmd_do_operation(cmd0.NPU_OP_POOL, param=param)
elif npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ReduceSum:
emit.cmd_do_operation(cmd0.NPU_OP_POOL, param=pooling_mode.REDUCE_SUM.value)
elif npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.ElementWise:
param = elementwise_mode_map[primary_op.type]
emit.cmd_do_operation(cmd0.NPU_OP_ELEMENTWISE, param)
print("Warning: Skipping register command stream generation for", ps)
# Fill in final part of command stream:
emit.cmd_do_operation(cmd0.NPU_OP_STOP, param=0xFFFF)
sg.register_command_stream = emit.to_list()
if verbose:
print("number of commands", len(emit.cmd_stream))
print("command stream length in words", len(sg.register_command_stream))