blob: 00a4dfc70c2e9bda2dee53e68310ccf304fdd66e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2021 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Description:
# The scheduler creates and searches for an optimal plan for the network, selecting block configurations and
# subdivisions for the Operators
import copy
from enum import auto
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from . import live_range
from . import npu_performance
from . import tensor_allocation
from . import weight_compressor
from .architecture_allocator import ArchitectureBlockConfig
from .architecture_allocator import find_block_config
from .architecture_allocator import get_ifm_area_required
from .architecture_allocator import to_upscale
from .architecture_features import ArchitectureFeatures
from .architecture_features import Block
from .cascade_builder import CascadeBuilder
from .cascade_builder import CascadeInfo
from .data_type import DataType
from .nn_graph import CascadedPass
from .nn_graph import Graph
from .nn_graph import Pass
from .nn_graph import PassPlacement
from .nn_graph import SchedulingStrategy
from .nn_graph import Subgraph
from .numeric_util import round_down
from .numeric_util import round_up
from .operation import NpuBlockType
from .operation import Op
from .shape4d import Shape4D
from .tensor import MemArea
from .tensor import MemType
from .tensor import Tensor
from .tensor import TensorFormat
from .tensor import TensorPurpose
from .tensor import TensorSubPurpose
def shape_for_format(shape: Shape4D, tensor_format: TensorFormat) -> Shape4D:
if tensor_format == TensorFormat.NHCWB16:
return shape.with_depth(round_up(shape.depth, 16))
return shape
class OptimizationStrategy(IntEnum):
"""Enum defining the different optimization strategies for the Scheduler"""
Size = auto()
Performance = auto()
def __str__(self):
class SchedulerOpInfo:
"""Contains metadata about a SchedulerOperation that is unique to one Schedule"""
def __init__(
block_config: ArchitectureBlockConfig,
weights_size: int,
stripe_input: Shape4D,
stripe_input2: Optional[Shape4D],
stripe: Shape4D,
self.block_config = block_config
self.weights_size = weights_size
self.stripe_input = stripe_input
self.stripe_input2 = stripe_input2
self.stripe = stripe
self.cascade = 0 # Assigned by CascadeBuilder. 0 means not part of a cascade
self.time_index = None # Set by update_op_memory_snapshot
self.ofm_depth_slices: List[int] = [0, stripe.depth]
self.npu_weights_tensor = None
self.buffered_weight_tensor = None
self.cycles = None
self.slack_buffering_cycles = 0
self.slack_buffering_memory = 0
self.full_weight_transfer_cycles = 0
def copy(self):
res = SchedulerOpInfo(self.block_config, self.weights_size, self.stripe_input, self.stripe_input2, self.stripe,)
res.cascade = self.cascade
return res
def __str__(self):
res = f"\t\tBlock Config = {self.block_config}\n"
res += f"\t\tOFM Block = {self.block_config.ofm_block}\n"
res += f"\t\tIFM Stripe = {self.stripe_input}\n"
res += f"\t\tIFM2 Stripe = {self.stripe_input2}\n"
res += f"\t\tOFM Stripe = {self.stripe}\n"
res += f"\t\tEncoded Weights = {self.npu_weights_tensor and len(self.npu_weights_tensor.buffer)} bytes\n"
res += (
f"\t\tWeight buffer = {self.buffered_weight_tensor and self.buffered_weight_tensor.storage_size()} bytes\n"
res += f"\t\tDepth slices = {self.ofm_depth_slices}\n"
res += f"\t\tAssigned Cascade = {self.cascade}"
return res
class SchedulerOptions:
"""Contains options for the Scheduler"""
def __init__(
self, optimization_strategy, sram_target, verbose_schedule,
self.optimization_strategy = optimization_strategy
self.optimization_sram_limit = sram_target
self.verbose_schedule = verbose_schedule
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{type(self).__name__}: {str(self.__dict__)}"
__repr__ = __str__
class SchedulerTensor:
def __init__(self, shape, dt, mem_area, _format):
self.dtype = dt
self.mem_area = mem_area
self.shape = shape
self.format = _format
self.connection = None
class SchedulerOperation:
"""Scheduler internal representation of 'Operation'
This class can be seen as a node within the Scheduler Graph representation
def __init__(self, ps: Pass, arch: ArchitectureFeatures, nng: Graph):
self.arch = arch
self.parent_ps = ps
self.parent_op = ps.primary_op =
self.op_type = ps.primary_op.type
self.activation = ps.primary_op.activation
self.kernel = ps.primary_op.kernel
self.resampling_mode =
self.uses_scalar = ps.primary_op.ifm2 is not None and ( == [] or ps.primary_op.ifm2.shape == []
self.ifm_ublock = arch.ifm_ublock = SchedulerTensor(ps.ifm_shapes[0], ps.ifm_tensor.dtype, ps.ifm_tensor.mem_area, ps.ifm_tensor.format,)
self.ifm2 = None
if ps.ifm2_tensor:
self.ifm2 = SchedulerTensor(
ps.ifm_shapes[1], ps.ifm2_tensor.dtype, ps.ifm2_tensor.mem_area, ps.ifm2_tensor.format,
self.ofm = SchedulerTensor(ps.ofm_shapes[0], ps.ofm_tensor.dtype, ps.ofm_tensor.mem_area, ps.ofm_tensor.format,)
# Input volume width and height required to produce the smallest possible stripe
self.min_stripe_input_w, self.min_stripe_input_h = self._calculate_min_stripe_input()
# Flags that marks whether this SchedulerOperation requires full IFM/OFM
self.requires_full_ifm = False
self.requires_full_ifm2 = False
self.requires_full_ofm = False
self.index = 0
def add_ifm_connection(self, conn: "Connection"):
"""Add input connection to another SchedulerOperation or Subgraph Input"""
conn.consumers.append(self) = conn
def add_ifm2_connection(self, conn: "Connection"):
"""Add input connection to another SchedulerOperation or Subgraph Input"""
if self.ifm2:
self.ifm2.connection = conn
assert False, f"Trying to set an IFM2 Connection to {self} which has no IFM2"
def add_ofm_connection(self, conn: "Connection"):
"""Add output connection to another SchedulerOperation or Subgraph Output"""
self.ofm.connection = conn
def get_dependants(self):
"""Returns a list of the Ops that depend on this Operation's OFM"""
return self.ofm.connection.consumers
def ifm_size_in_bytes(self) -> int:
"""Returns size of the IFM in bytes"""
ifm_storage_shape = shape_for_format(,
return round_up(ifm_storage_shape.elements() *, Tensor.AllocationQuantum)
def ifm2_size_in_bytes(self) -> int:
"""Returns size of the IFM2 in bytes"""
if self.ifm2:
ifm2_storage_shape = shape_for_format(self.ifm2.shape, self.ifm2.format)
return round_up(ifm2_storage_shape.elements() * self.ifm2.dtype.size_in_bytes(), Tensor.AllocationQuantum)
return 0
def ofm_size_in_bytes(self) -> int:
"""Returns size of the OFM in bytes"""
ofm_storage_shape = shape_for_format(self.ofm.shape, self.ofm.format)
return round_up(ofm_storage_shape.elements() * self.ofm.dtype.size_in_bytes(), Tensor.AllocationQuantum)
def create_scheduler_info(self, nng: Graph, stripe: Shape4D) -> SchedulerOpInfo:
"""Returns schedule info about this SchedulerOperation based on how many ofm elements it should produce"""
ifm_shape =
ifm2_shape = self.ifm2 and self.ifm2.shape
ofm_shape = stripe
if ofm_shape != self.ofm.shape:
# Striped Op - Need to calculate stripe input volume
stripe_input_w, stripe_input_h = self._get_stripe_input_requirement(stripe)
# Ensure stripe input volume is within the full IFM volume
stripe_input_h = min(stripe_input_h,
stripe_input_w = min(stripe_input_w,
ifm_shape = ifm_shape.with_hw(stripe_input_h, stripe_input_w)
if self.ifm2:
stripe_input2_h = min(stripe_input_h, self.ifm2.shape.height)
stripe_input2_w = min(stripe_input_w, self.ifm2.shape.width)
ifm2_shape = ifm2_shape.with_hw(stripe_input2_h, stripe_input2_w)
block_config = self._get_block_config(ifm_shape, ifm2_shape, self.uses_scalar, ofm_shape)
scheduler_op_info = SchedulerOpInfo(block_config, 0, ifm_shape, ifm2_shape, ofm_shape)
if self.parent_op.weights:
# Default full-depth weight encoding with no buffering
scheduler_op_info.npu_weights_tensor = weight_compressor.encode_weight_and_scale_tensor(
[0, self.ofm.shape.depth],
self.parent_ps.block_config = block_config.old_style_representation()
return scheduler_op_info
def _get_stripe_input_requirement(self, stripe_shape: Shape4D) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Returns the amount of IFM required to produce the stripe with shape:'stripe_shape'"""
ofm_shape_to_produce = Block.from_shape(stripe_shape.as_list())
return get_ifm_area_required(ofm_shape_to_produce, self.kernel, to_upscale(self.resampling_mode))
def _calculate_min_stripe_input(self) -> Shape4D:
# Calculate the input volume required height and width for the smallest possible stripe (h,w = 1,1)
min_stripe = self.ofm.shape.with_hw(1, 1)
return self._get_stripe_input_requirement(min_stripe)
def _get_block_config(
self, ifm_shape: Shape4D, ifm2_shape: Optional[Shape4D], uses_scalar: bool, ofm_shape: Shape4D
) -> ArchitectureBlockConfig:
# Returns a block config and SHRAM layout
lut_banks = 2 if self.parent_op.activation_lut else 0
return find_block_config(
class Connection:
"""Scheduler internal representation of a Tensor that connects two SchedulerOperations
This class can be seen as an edge within the Scheduler Graph representation
def __init__(self, tensor: Tensor):
self.parent_tens = tensor
# SchedulerOperation relationships
self.producers: List[SchedulerOperation] = []
self.consumers: List[SchedulerOperation] = []
def __str__(self):
return f"<Connection {}>"
__repr__ = __str__
class Schedule:
"""Class that contains a solution of how to schedule an NPU subgraph and its cost"""
def __init__(self, sg: Subgraph, label: str): = sg
self.label = label
self.cost_map: Dict[SchedulerOperation, SchedulerOpInfo] = {}
self.cascades: Dict[int, CascadeInfo] = {}
self.fast_storage_peak_usage = 0
self.memory_snapshot = None
def name(self):
return f"{}_{self.label}"
class Scheduler:
"""Main class of the Vela Scheduling"""
def __init__(self, nng: Graph, sg: Subgraph, arch: ArchitectureFeatures, options: SchedulerOptions):
self.nng = nng = sg
self.arch = arch
self.sched_ops: List(SchedulerOperation) = []
self.max_schedule = None
self.scheduler_options = options
def create_scheduler_representation(self, arch: ArchitectureFeatures):
"""Creates a Scheduler Graph representation"""
# Temporary dict for creating connections between the Operations
connections: Dict[Tensor, Connection] = {}
# Memory required for the largest FeatureMap that has to be full
min_memory_req = 0
for ps in
if ps.primary_op:
# Set tensor format to NHCWB16 for output FeatureMaps, if possible
for output in ps.outputs:
if output.purpose != TensorPurpose.FeatureMap:
if not output.needs_linear_format:
output.set_format(TensorFormat.NHCWB16, arch)
# Create SchedulerOperations
op = SchedulerOperation(ps, arch, self.nng)
op.index = len(self.sched_ops)
# Make connections
if ps.ifm_tensor not in connections:
connections[ps.ifm_tensor] = Connection(ps.ifm_tensor)
if ps.ifm2_tensor and ps.ifm2_tensor not in connections:
connections[ps.ifm2_tensor] = Connection(ps.ifm2_tensor)
if ps.ofm_tensor not in connections:
connections[ps.ofm_tensor] = Connection(ps.ofm_tensor)
if ps.ifm2_tensor:
# Set requirements on the ifm/ofm buffers
if ps.ifm_tensor in
# This Op consumes a subgraph input
op.requires_full_ifm = True
if ps.ifm2_tensor and ps.ifm2_tensor in
# This Op consumes a subgraph input
op.requires_full_ifm2 = True
if ps.ofm_tensor in
# This Op produces a subgraph output
op.requires_full_ofm = True
if ps.ifm_tensor.needs_linear_format:
op.requires_full_ifm = True
if ps.ifm2_tensor and ps.ifm2_tensor.needs_linear_format:
op.requires_full_ifm2 = True
if ps.ofm_tensor.needs_linear_format or ps.primary_op.memory_function == Op.ConcatSliceWrite:
op.requires_full_ofm = True
if len(ps.primary_op.outputs) > 1 or len(ps.primary_op.outputs[0].consumer_list) > 1:
# Op has multiple outputs or consumers - requires full OFM
op.requires_full_ofm = True
# Check memory requirements if this Op requires any full FeatureMaps
op_memory_req = 0
if op.requires_full_ifm:
op_memory_req += op.ifm_size_in_bytes()
if op.requires_full_ifm2:
op_memory_req += op.ifm2_size_in_bytes()
if op.requires_full_ofm:
op_memory_req += op.ofm_size_in_bytes()
min_memory_req = max(op_memory_req, min_memory_req)
# Theoretical minimum required memory - used to guide the cascade building
self.min_memory_req = min_memory_req
def create_initial_schedule(self) -> Schedule:
"""Creates an initial schedule with no cascading or buffering of any kind"""
schedule = Schedule(, "MAX")
for op in self.sched_ops:
cost = op.create_scheduler_info(self.nng, op.ofm.shape)
cost.cycles = self.estimate_op_performance(op, cost.block_config, op.ofm.shape.depth)
schedule.cost_map[op] = cost
return schedule
def update_op_memory_snapshot(self, schedule: Schedule):
memories_list = [(self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area, set((MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast)))]
# Collect live ranges from tensors
lr_graph = live_range.LiveRangeGraph()
for mem_area, mem_type_set in memories_list:
self.nng.get_root_subgraph(), mem_area, mem_type_set, False, lr_graph, Tensor.AllocationQuantum,
# Populate time-array with memory used by live ranges
temporal_usage = lr_graph.get_temporal_memory_usage(self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area)
schedule.memory_snapshot = temporal_usage
# Set the peak memory usage
schedule.fast_storage_peak_usage = max(temporal_usage, default=0)
def estimate_op_performance(self, op: SchedulerOperation, block_config, ofm_depth):
query = npu_performance.PerformanceQuery(op.op_type.npu_block_type)
query.ifm_shape =
query.ifm_memory_area =
query.ifm_bits =
query.ifm_format =
query.ifm2_shape = op.ifm2 and op.ifm2.shape
query.ifm2_memory_area = op.ifm2 and op.ifm2.mem_area
query.ifm2_bits = op.ifm2 and op.ifm2.dtype.size_in_bits()
query.ifm2_format = op.ifm2 and op.ifm2.format
query.ofm_shape = op.ofm.shape.with_depth(ofm_depth)
query.ofm_memory_area = op.ofm.mem_area
query.ofm_bits = op.ofm.dtype.size_in_bits()
query.ofm_format = op.ofm.format
if op.parent_op.bias:
query.const_shape = Shape4D(1, 1, 1, op.ofm.shape.depth)
query.const_memory_area = self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area
query.kernel = op.kernel
query.config = block_config
return npu_performance.measure_cycle_cost(self.arch, op.op_type, op.activation and op.activation.op_type, query)
def propose_schedule_buffering(self, ref_schedule: Schedule):
"""Create a buffered schedule"""
buffered_schedule = Schedule(, f"{ref_schedule.label}_BUFFERED")
staging_limit_bytes = self.scheduler_options.optimization_sram_limit
prev_op = None
for sched_op in self.sched_ops:
if sched_op not in ref_schedule.cost_map:
# sched_op is not part of this sub-schedule - skip
self.propose_operator_buffering(sched_op, prev_op, buffered_schedule, ref_schedule, staging_limit_bytes)
prev_op = sched_op
return buffered_schedule
def propose_operator_buffering(
sched_op: SchedulerOperation,
prev_op: SchedulerOperation,
buffered_schedule: Schedule,
ref_schedule: Schedule,
# Mild recursion might mean this Op has already been seen
if sched_op in buffered_schedule.cost_map:
# Take the reference schedule as default costings for this schedule
ref_cost = ref_schedule.cost_map[sched_op]
cost = copy.copy(ref_cost)
cost.slack_buffering_cycles = ref_cost.cycles.op_cycles
memory_snapshot = ref_schedule.memory_snapshot
ref_memory_usage = memory_snapshot[ref_cost.time_index] if ref_cost.time_index < len(memory_snapshot) else 0
cost.slack_buffering_memory = staging_limit_bytes - ref_memory_usage
buffered_schedule.cost_map[sched_op] = cost
# Attempt weight buffering on anything with a weights tensor
if sched_op.parent_op.weights:
return cost
def weights_needs_dma(self, weight_tensor):
if weight_tensor and weight_tensor.mem_type not in (MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast):
# Weights are in permanent storage
# Only when permanent storage differs from feature map storage, there is a point moving the data
if (
weight_tensor.mem_area in (MemArea.Dram, MemArea.OffChipFlash)
and self.arch.permanent_storage_mem_area != self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area
return True
return False
def propose_weight_buffering(
sched_op: SchedulerOperation,
prev_op: SchedulerOperation,
buffered_schedule: Schedule,
ref_schedule: Schedule,
cost = buffered_schedule.cost_map[sched_op]
prev_cost = buffered_schedule.cost_map.get(prev_op)
ref_cost = ref_schedule.cost_map[sched_op]
assert cost and ref_cost
needs_dma = self.weights_needs_dma(weight_tensor)
ofm_full_depth_slices = [0, ref_cost.stripe.depth]
# Encode weights for the full depth
full_weights = weight_compressor.encode_weight_and_scale_tensor(
full_weights_bytes = len(full_weights.buffer)
cost.ofm_depth_slices = ofm_full_depth_slices
# No buffering required - take all the weights from permanent storage
if sched_op.op_type == Op.FullyConnected or not needs_dma:
cost.npu_weights_tensor = full_weights
encoded_weights = full_weights
# How many NPU cycles are available under the previously executing
# operator and SRAM unused for performing buffered DMA transfers
slack_cycles = prev_cost.slack_buffering_cycles if prev_cost else 0
slack_memory = prev_cost.slack_buffering_memory if prev_cost else 0
# Force full depth for cascaded Ops
if ref_cost.cascade != 0:
weight_tensor_purpose = TensorSubPurpose.Standard
weight_buffer_size = full_weights_bytes
# Update the memory snapshot to reflect the added size of the weights
ref_schedule.memory_snapshot[ref_cost.time_index] += weight_buffer_size
# Estimate the buffering cycle time for the full set of weights
full_transfer_cycles = npu_performance.measure_mem2mem_cycles(
self.arch, weight_tensor.mem_area, self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area, full_weights_bytes
cost.full_weight_transfer_cycles = full_transfer_cycles
# Calculate the amount of prebuffering necessary (or what is possible with limited
# double buffer buffer size)
half_buffer_limit = buffer_limit_bytes // 2
if full_transfer_cycles > slack_cycles:
prebuffer_ratio = slack_cycles / full_transfer_cycles
prebuffer_bytes = min(prebuffer_ratio * full_weights_bytes, half_buffer_limit)
prebuffer_bytes = min(full_weights_bytes, half_buffer_limit)
prebuffer_ratio = prebuffer_bytes / full_weights_bytes
# Have to split the weights if the initial buffering can't store
# all of the compressed weights
if prebuffer_bytes < full_weights_bytes:
prebuffer_depth = int(ref_cost.stripe.depth * prebuffer_ratio)
# Round prebuffering down to nearest valid split depth
prebuffer_depth = int(max(16, round_down(prebuffer_depth, ArchitectureFeatures.OFMSplitDepth)))
while True:
buffering_depth = max(cost.block_config.ofm_block.depth, prebuffer_depth)
# Clamp buffering to the double buffering limit
buffering_bytes = (buffering_depth / ref_cost.stripe.depth) * full_weights_bytes
if buffering_bytes > half_buffer_limit:
buffering_depth = (half_buffer_limit / full_weights_bytes) * ref_cost.stripe.depth
buffering_depth = int(max(16, round_down(prebuffer_depth, ArchitectureFeatures.OFMSplitDepth)))
# Create list of depth slices
depth_slices = [0]
if prebuffer_depth < ref_cost.stripe.depth:
depth_slices += list(range(prebuffer_depth, ref_cost.stripe.depth, buffering_depth))
# Encode weights based depth slices
cost.ofm_depth_slices = depth_slices
encoded_weights = weight_compressor.encode_weight_and_scale_tensor(
# Chosen buffering might not fit at all, iterate until it does
# or until the minimum usable slice size is reached
if (
encoded_weights.max_range_bytes <= half_buffer_limit
or prebuffer_depth == ArchitectureFeatures.OFMSplitDepth
prebuffer_depth = round_up(prebuffer_depth // 2, ArchitectureFeatures.OFMSplitDepth)
# Calculate cycles required to run the last op for use as future slack
tail_cycles = self.estimate_op_performance(
sched_op, cost.block_config, depth_slices[-1] - depth_slices[-2]
cost.slack_buffering_cycles = tail_cycles.op_cycles
# Determine whether the weights need to be double buffered
weight_buffer_size = min(len(encoded_weights.buffer), encoded_weights.max_range_bytes)
# Only buffer weights if there's still space left for the buffer
if weight_buffer_size <= buffer_limit_bytes:
assert weight_buffer_size % 16 == 0
# Determine whether to double buffer or single buffer
if (weight_buffer_size * 2 <= buffer_limit_bytes) and (weight_buffer_size < len(encoded_weights.buffer)):
weight_buffer_size = weight_buffer_size * 2
weight_tensor_purpose = TensorSubPurpose.DoubleBuffer
weight_tensor_purpose = TensorSubPurpose.Standard
cost.buffered_weight_tensor = Tensor(
[1, 1, 1, weight_buffer_size], DataType.uint8, + "_buffer"
cost.buffered_weight_tensor.src_tensor = encoded_weights
cost.buffered_weight_tensor.mem_area = self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area
cost.buffered_weight_tensor.mem_type = MemType.Scratch_fast
cost.buffered_weight_tensor.purpose = TensorPurpose.Weights
cost.buffered_weight_tensor.sub_purpose = weight_tensor_purpose
if ref_cost.cascade == 0:
# Determine if the lifetime can be extended and pre-buffer weights under the previous operation
cost.buffered_weight_tensor.pre_buffer = weight_buffer_size < slack_memory
cost.slack_buffering_memory -= weight_buffer_size
# Don't slice or buffer - use the whole depth from persistent storage
cost.ofm_depth_slices = ofm_full_depth_slices
encoded_weights = full_weights
cost.npu_weights_tensor = encoded_weights
def propose_minimal_schedule(self) -> Schedule:
"""Proposes scheduling parameters where every operator is subdivided into the smallest stripe that satisfies the
next operators stride"""
min_schedule = Schedule(, "MIN")
cost_map = min_schedule.cost_map
# Keep track of the previous Op - which consumes the current Op's OFM
prev_op = None
for sched_op in reversed(self.sched_ops):
min_stripe_height = prev_op.kernel.stride.y if prev_op else 1
min_stripe = sched_op.ofm.shape.with_height(min_stripe_height)
cost = sched_op.create_scheduler_info(self.nng, min_stripe)
cost.cycles = self.estimate_op_performance(sched_op, cost.block_config, sched_op.ofm.shape.depth)
cost_map[sched_op] = cost
prev_op = sched_op
return min_schedule
def propose_schedule_striping(self, final_stripe: Shape4D, label: str, ref_schedule: Schedule) -> Schedule:
"""Proposes new striping for a schedule. The stripe is derived from the ifm requirements of the next Op down"""
ref_cost = ref_schedule.cost_map
striped_schedule = Schedule(, label)
stripe = final_stripe
for sched_op in reversed(self.sched_ops):
if sched_op not in ref_cost:
# sched_op is not part of the sub-schedule - skip
# Create a cost entry with the new stripe
cost = sched_op.create_scheduler_info(self.nng, stripe)
# Copy the weight buffering from the reference schedule
cost.buffered_weight_tensor = ref_cost[sched_op].buffered_weight_tensor
# Estimate performance
cost.cycles = self.estimate_op_performance(sched_op, cost.block_config, sched_op.ofm.shape.depth)
striped_schedule.cost_map[sched_op] = cost
# Calculate the preceeding Op's stripe
stripe = * sched_op.kernel.stride.y)
return striped_schedule
def estimate_schedule_memory_usage(self, schedule: Schedule, non_local_mem_usage: dict):
"""Estimates the memory usage of a schedule"""
cost = schedule.cost_map
cascades = schedule.cascades
peak_mem_usage = 0
for sched_op in self.sched_ops:
if sched_op not in cost:
# sched_op is not part of the sub-schedule - skip
if cost[sched_op].cascade:
# This Op is part of a cascade - use the cascade's memory usage
cascade_info = cascades[cost[sched_op].cascade]
# Non-local memory usage is already included in the cascade_info
peak_mem_usage = max(cascade_info.mem_usage, peak_mem_usage)
# This Op is not part of a cascade - calculate the memory usage
op_weight_buffer = 0
if cost[sched_op].buffered_weight_tensor:
op_weight_buffer = cost[sched_op].buffered_weight_tensor.storage_size()
op_mem_usage = (
+ sched_op.ofm_size_in_bytes()
+ op_weight_buffer
+ non_local_mem_usage.get(sched_op, 0)
peak_mem_usage = max(op_mem_usage, peak_mem_usage)
return peak_mem_usage
def optimize_sub_schedule(
self, cascade_info: CascadeInfo, ref_schedule: Schedule, max_template: Schedule, memory_limit: int
) -> Schedule:
"""Extracts the Ops covered by the given cascade and creates a sub-schedule. The sub-schedule is optimized by
proposing weight buffering and then continously proposing new stripe sizes"""
ref_cost = ref_schedule.cost_map
# Extract the ops that are part of this sub-schedule
start = cascade_info.start
end = cascade_info.end
sub_schedule_ops = self.sched_ops[start : end + 1]
# Create a sub-schedule that contains only the costs for the Ops that are part of the sub-schedule
sub_schedule = Schedule(, f"SUB_{start}_{end}")
for sched_op in sub_schedule_ops:
sub_schedule.cost_map[sched_op] = ref_cost[sched_op]
sub_schedule.cascades[end] = cascade_info
# Use the memory snapshot from the reference schedule
sub_schedule.memory_snapshot = ref_schedule.memory_snapshot
# Calculate memory usage that is live during the sub-schedule but not part of it
time_for_cascade = ref_cost[sub_schedule_ops[0]].time_index
mem_usage_parallel_to_sub_schedule = ref_schedule.memory_snapshot[time_for_cascade] - cascade_info.mem_usage
# If the first Op's IFM has other consumers it has to live throughout the whole sub-schedule whether it's
# included in a cascade or not
persistent_initial_ifm = (
sub_schedule_ops[0].ifm_size_in_bytes() if len(sub_schedule_ops[0].ifm.connection.consumers) > 1 else 0
# Calculate non-local-mem-usage per Operator
non_local_mem_usage = {}
for idx, sched_op in enumerate(sub_schedule_ops):
non_local_mem_usage[sched_op] = mem_usage_parallel_to_sub_schedule
if idx != 0:
non_local_mem_usage[sched_op] += persistent_initial_ifm
cascade_builder = CascadeBuilder(sub_schedule_ops, self.arch.is_spilling_enabled(), non_local_mem_usage)
# Start by adding buffering
buffered_sub_schedule = self.propose_schedule_buffering(sub_schedule)
# Copy the cascades over from the unbuffered-schedule
buffered_sub_schedule.cascades = sub_schedule.cascades
# Generate the possible stripings for the final Op in the sub-schedule
final_ofm_shape = sub_schedule_ops[-1].ofm.shape
possible_stripes = [
final_ofm_shape.with_height(stripe_h) for stripe_h in range(1, final_ofm_shape.height // 2 + 1)
# Propose different striping - the possible stripes are proposed similarly to a binary search
best_schedule = buffered_sub_schedule
iteration = 0
while len(possible_stripes) > 1:
proposed_stripe = possible_stripes[len(possible_stripes) // 2]
proposed_schedule = self.propose_schedule_striping(
proposed_stripe, f"OPTIMIZED_{iteration}", buffered_sub_schedule
cascade_builder.build_cascades(proposed_schedule, max_template, memory_limit)
# Check if proposal fits
proposed_schedule_mem_usage = self.estimate_schedule_memory_usage(proposed_schedule, non_local_mem_usage)
if (proposed_schedule_mem_usage) <= memory_limit:
# Remove all possible stripes smaller than this
possible_stripes = possible_stripes[len(possible_stripes) // 2 :]
best_schedule = proposed_schedule
if not proposed_schedule.cascades:
# No cascading required - early exit
# Proposal doesn't fit within the limit - remove all possible stripes larger than this
possible_stripes = possible_stripes[: len(possible_stripes) // 2]
iteration += 1
return best_schedule
def optimize_schedule(
self, schedule: Schedule, max_sched: Schedule, max_template: Schedule, options: SchedulerOptions,
) -> Schedule:
"""Extracts sub-schedules based on the cascades and optimizes them and applies them to the final schedule"""
sram_limit = options.optimization_sram_limit
if max_sched.fast_storage_peak_usage < sram_limit and not self.arch.is_spilling_enabled():
# Maximum performance schedule fits within the SRAM target
return max_sched
# Extract the cascades
cascades = [cascade for cascade in schedule.cascades.values()]
for cascade_info in cascades:
# Remove existing cascade from schedule
del schedule.cascades[cascade_info.end]
# Optimize the sub-schedule in this cascade
opt_sub_schedule = self.optimize_sub_schedule(cascade_info, schedule, max_template, sram_limit)
# Update the sub-schedule Op and cascade costs to the full schedule
# Update memory snapshot = schedule
# Propose schedule buffering to the optimized schedule
optimized_sched = self.propose_schedule_buffering(schedule)
# Copy the cascade's metadata from the unbuffered schedule
optimized_sched.cascades = schedule.cascades
return optimized_sched
def apply_schedule(self, sched: Schedule):
"""Applies the given schedule as a final solution"""
for sched_op in self.sched_ops:
op_info = sched.cost_map[sched_op]
cascade_info = sched.cascades.get(op_info.cascade, None)
if cascade_info and sched_op in cascade_info.buffers:
buffer_tens =
# Apply memory area and type
buffer_tens.mem_area = self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area
buffer_tens.mem_type = MemType.Scratch_fast
# Apply Rolling buffer
buffer_tens.set_format(TensorFormat.NHCWB16, self.arch)
buffer_tens.set_new_sub_purpose(TensorSubPurpose.RollingBufferY, cascade_info.buffers[sched_op].height)
sched_op.parent_ps.block_config = op_info.block_config.old_style_representation()
# Ensure that the src_tensor reference is set correctly
if op_info.buffered_weight_tensor:
op_info.buffered_weight_tensor.src_tensor = op_info.npu_weights_tensor
def use_fast_storage_for_feature_maps(self, schedule: Schedule, memory_limit: int):
if self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area == self.arch.feature_map_storage_mem_area:
# Force all OFMs to fast-storage
for sched_op in self.sched_ops:
cost = schedule.cost_map[sched_op]
if cost.cascade == 0:
if sched_op.get_dependants():
ofm_tens = sched_op.ofm.connection.parent_tens
if not any(cons is None for cons in ofm_tens.consumer_list):
ofm_tens.mem_area = self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area
ofm_tens.mem_type = MemType.Scratch_fast
# Collect live ranges from tensors
memories_list = [(self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area, set((MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast)))]
lr_graph = live_range.LiveRangeGraph()
for mem_area, mem_type_set in memories_list:
self.nng.get_root_subgraph(), mem_area, mem_type_set, False, lr_graph, Tensor.AllocationQuantum,
# Iterate over live ranges and evict tensors that doesn't fit
fast_storage_snapshot = lr_graph.get_temporal_memory_usage(self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area)
for lr in lr_graph.lrs:
if (
lr.mem_area == self.arch.fast_storage_mem_area
and max(fast_storage_snapshot[lr.start_time : lr.end_time + 1]) > memory_limit
# Evict tensor to DRAM
for tens in lr.tensors:
if tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.FeatureMap and tens.sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.Standard:
# Can only evict unbuffered FeatureMaps
tens.mem_area = self.arch.feature_map_storage_mem_area
tens.mem_type = MemType.Scratch
# Adjust the snapshot
fast_storage_snapshot[lr.start_time : lr.end_time + 1] -= lr.size
def move_constant_data(self):
"""Determine if data, can be moved from permanent storage to another memory area. A move
will generate a DMA command in the high-level command stream"""
for sched_op in self.sched_ops:
parent_op = sched_op.parent_op
is_lut_used = any(inp.purpose == TensorPurpose.LUT for inp in parent_op.inputs)
max_ifm_shram_avail = (
(self.arch.available_shram_banks(is_lut_used) - self.arch.shram_reserved_output_banks)
* self.arch.shram_bank_size
// 2
for idx, tens in enumerate(parent_op.inputs):
if tens.mem_type not in (MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast):
# Tensor is in permanent storage
# Only when permanent storage differs from feature map storage, there is a point moving the data
if (
tens.mem_area in self.arch.permanent_storage_mem_area
and self.arch.permanent_storage_mem_area != self.arch.feature_map_storage_mem_area
) or tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.LUT:
if tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.LUT or (
tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.FeatureMap
and sched_op.op_type.is_binary_elementwise_op()
and tens.shape != []
and != sched_op.ofm.shape
and tens.storage_size() > max_ifm_shram_avail
only_vector_product_consumers = all(
oper and oper.type.npu_block_type == NpuBlockType.VectorProduct
for oper in tens.consumers()
if (not only_vector_product_consumers) or tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.LUT:
new_tens = tens.clone_into_fast_storage(self.arch)
if tens.purpose == TensorPurpose.LUT:
new_tens.mem_area = MemArea.Shram
parent_op.inputs[idx] = new_tens
sched_op.parent_ps.inputs[idx] = new_tens
def print_schedule(self, schedule: Schedule):
print(f"Schedule: '{}'")
for sched_op in self.sched_ops:
if sched_op not in schedule.cost_map:
# Sub-schedule printing
op_info = schedule.cost_map[sched_op]
print(f"\t{sched_op.index}: Operation {} - OFM {sched_op.ofm.shape}")
print(f"\t\tType: {sched_op.op_type}")
print(f"\t\tKernel: {sched_op.kernel}")
mem_usage = (
if op_info.time_index < len(schedule.memory_snapshot)
else 0
print(f"\t\tSRAM Used: {mem_usage} bytes")
for i, cascade in enumerate(schedule.cascades.values()):
print(f"\t\t{i}: {cascade.start} -> {cascade.end}, size: {cascade.mem_usage}")
def _update_tensor_allocation(nng: Graph, arch: ArchitectureFeatures, options):
Creates live ranges and runs tensor allocator for the current schedule
(i.e. sg.schedule for all subgraphs), returns the maximum memory usage
and updates SchedulerOpInfo.mem_usage for all operations in the schedule.
root_sg = nng.get_root_subgraph()
alloc_list = []
if arch.is_spilling_enabled():
mem_alloc_scratch_fast = (arch.fast_storage_mem_area, set((MemType.Scratch_fast,)))
mem_alloc_scratch = (arch.feature_map_storage_mem_area, set((MemType.Scratch,)))
# Order is important
mem_alloc_scratch = (arch.feature_map_storage_mem_area, set((MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast)))
for mem_area, mem_type_set in alloc_list:
def schedule_passes(nng: Graph, arch: ArchitectureFeatures, options, scheduler_options: SchedulerOptions):
"""Entry point for the Scheduler"""
# Initialize CPU subgraphs
schedulers = dict()
# Initialize schedulers with max schedule. Only schedule NPU subgraphs
for sg in nng.subgraphs:
if sg.placement != PassPlacement.Npu:
# Create cascaded passes for CPU Ops
cascaded_passes = []
for idx, ps in enumerate(sg.passes):
cps = CascadedPass(, SchedulingStrategy.WeightStream, ps.inputs, [], ps.outputs, [ps], ps.placement, False,
cps.time = idx
ps.cascade = cps
sg.cascaded_passes = cascaded_passes
# Npu subgraph - create schedule
scheduler = Scheduler(nng, sg, arch, scheduler_options)
schedulers[sg] = scheduler
sg.sched_ops = scheduler.sched_ops
# Create the Max schedule template
max_schedule_template = scheduler.create_initial_schedule()
scheduler.max_schedule = max_schedule_template
# Create the optimimised Max schedule
sg.schedule = max_schedule_template
opt_max_schedule = scheduler.propose_schedule_buffering(max_schedule_template)
sg.schedule = opt_max_schedule
# Create Min schedule
min_schedule = scheduler.propose_minimal_schedule()
initial_sram_limit = scheduler_options.optimization_sram_limit
if scheduler_options.optimization_strategy == OptimizationStrategy.Size:
initial_sram_limit = scheduler.min_memory_req
cascade_builder = CascadeBuilder(scheduler.sched_ops, arch.is_spilling_enabled())
cascade_builder.build_cascades(min_schedule, max_schedule_template, initial_sram_limit)
sg.schedule = min_schedule
if scheduler_options.optimization_strategy == OptimizationStrategy.Performance:
# Create an optimized schedule
sg.schedule = scheduler.optimize_schedule(
min_schedule, opt_max_schedule, max_schedule_template, scheduler_options
scheduler.use_fast_storage_for_feature_maps(sg.schedule, scheduler_options.optimization_sram_limit)
if scheduler_options.verbose_schedule:
# Evaluate schedule
_update_tensor_allocation(nng, arch, options)