blob: 257cb5ffc83d12c9aeedad4b5ea177e76a2c9b5c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Description:
# Internal representation of a Neural Network Tensor.
import copy
import enum
import uuid
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import auto
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
from uuid import UUID
import numpy as np
from . import errors # Import this way due to cyclic imports
from . import numeric_util
from .data_type import BaseType
from .data_type import DataType
from .ethos_u55_regs.ethos_u55_regs import resampling_mode
from .operation import Op
from .operation import Operation
Shape = List
class MemType(enum.IntFlag):
Unknown = 0
Permanent_NPU = 1
Permanent_CPU = 2
Scratch = 3
Scratch_fast = 4
Size = Scratch_fast + 1
def display_name(self) -> str:
return ("Unknown", "Permanent_NPU", "Permanent_CPU", "Scratch", "Scratch_fast", "Size")[self.value]
def identifier_name(self) -> str:
return ("unknown", "permanent_npu", "permanent_cpu", "scratch", "scratch_fast", "size")[self.value]
def all():
return (MemType.Permanent_NPU, MemType.Permanent_CPU, MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast)
def __str__(self):
class BandwidthDirection(enum.IntEnum):
Read = 0
Write = auto()
Size = auto()
def display_name(self):
def identifier_name(self):
def all():
return (BandwidthDirection.Read, BandwidthDirection.Write)
class MemArea(enum.IntFlag):
Unknown = 0
Sram = 1
Dram = 2
OnChipFlash = 3
OffChipFlash = 4
Shram = 5 # for LUT
Size = Shram + 1
def display_name(self) -> str:
return ("Unknown", "SRAM", "DRAM", "On-chip Flash", "Off-chip Flash", "SHRAM", "Size")[self.value]
def identifier_name(self) -> str:
return ("unknown", "sram", "dram", "on_chip_flash", "off_chip_flash", "shram", "size")[self.value]
def all():
return (MemArea.Sram, MemArea.Dram, MemArea.OnChipFlash, MemArea.OffChipFlash, MemArea.Shram)
def __str__(self):
class TensorPurpose(enum.IntFlag):
Unknown = 0
Weights = 1
FeatureMap = 2
Scratch = 3
LUT = 4
FSBias = 5
Size = 6
def display_name(self) -> str:
return ("Unknown", "Weights", "FeatureMap", "Scratch", "LUT", "FastStorageBias", "Size")[self.value]
def identifier_name(self) -> str:
return ("unknown", "weights", "feature_map", "scratch", "lut", "fast_storage_bias", "size")[self.value]
def all():
return (TensorPurpose.Weights, TensorPurpose.FeatureMap, TensorPurpose.FSBias)
class TensorSubPurpose(enum.Enum):
Standard = 0
DoubleBuffer = 1
RollingBufferX = 2
RollingBufferY = 3
RollingBufferXY = 4
def display_name(self) -> str:
return ("Standard", "Double Buffer", "Rolling Buffer X", "Rolling Buffer Y", "Rolling Buffer XY")[self.value]
def identifier_name(self) -> str:
return ("standard", "double_buffer", "rolling_buffer_x", "rolling_buffer_y", "rolling_buffer_xy")[self.value]
def all():
return (
class TensorFormat(enum.Flag):
Unknown = 0
WeightsCompressed = 1
NHWC = 2
NHCWB16 = 3
def __str__(self):
class TensorBlockTraversal(enum.Enum):
Default = 0
DepthWise = 1
DepthFirst = 2
PartKernelFirst = 3
def shape_num_elements(shp: Shape) -> Optional[int]:
elems = 1
if shp is None:
return None
for d in shp:
if d is None:
return None
elems *= d
return elems
def shape_fully_defined(shp: Shape) -> bool:
if shp is None:
return False
for d in shp:
if d is None:
return False
return True
def shape_round_to_quantum(shp: Shape, quantum: Tuple) -> Shape:
new_shp = list(shp)
# Traverse backwards using length of shape since there may be more rounding quantums than shape elements
for i in range(-1, -len(shp) - 1, -1):
if new_shp[i] is not None:
new_shp[i] = numeric_util.round_up(new_shp[i], quantum[i])
return new_shp
def create_equivalence_id(key) -> UUID:
# Generates equivalence_id based on the given key.
return uuid.uuid4()
class QuantizationParameters:
__slots__ = "min", "max", "num_bits", "narrow_range", "scale_f32", "zero_point", "quant_min", "quant_max"
def __init__(
min: Union[float, np.ndarray, None] = None,
max: Union[float, np.ndarray, None] = None,
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.num_bits = num_bits
self.narrow_range = narrow_range
self.scale_f32: Union[float, np.ndarray, None] = None
self.zero_point: Union[int, np.ndarray, None] = None
self.quant_min: Optional[float] = None
self.quant_max: Optional[float] = None
def __str__(self):
return "<nng.QuantizationParameters min=%s max=%s, num_bits=%s, scale=%s, zero_point=%s>" % (
__repr__ = __str__
def clone(self) -> "QuantizationParameters":
res = QuantizationParameters()
res.min = self.min
res.max = self.max
res.num_bits = self.num_bits
res.narrow_range = self.narrow_range
res.scale_f32 = self.scale_f32
res.zero_point = self.zero_point
res.quant_min = self.quant_min
res.quant_max = self.quant_max
return res
def dequantize(self, values):
if self.zero_point.size == 1 and self.scale_f32.size == 1:
# same scale is used for all values
res = (values.astype(np.float64) - self.zero_point) * self.scale_f32
# a different scale is used for different sets of values
values_as_float = values.astype(np.float64)
# this is not compatible with the format of depthwise weights,
# where input is at index 3 (Output, Kh, Kw, Input)
# return the quantized values
return np.ndarray((values_as_float.shape))
return res
def is_scaling_equal(self, other: Optional["QuantizationParameters"]) -> bool:
# quantisation parameter scaling is not equal if 'other' is None because
# it implies that the tensor it belongs to is not quantised. otherwise,
# it depends upon whether the scale and zero point are equal
if not isinstance(other, QuantizationParameters):
return False
return self.scale_f32 == other.scale_f32 and self.zero_point == other.zero_point
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
# quantisation parameters are consider valid if they have a scale and zero point
return None not in (self.scale_f32, self.zero_point)
def is_per_axis(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if either the scale, zero point, minimum or maximum values are arrays"""
for attr in ("scale_f32", "zero_point", "min", "max"):
if isinstance(getattr(self, attr), np.ndarray):
return True
return False
def create_const_tensor(
name: str,
shape: Shape,
dtype: DataType,
values: np.ndarray,
value_dtype: np.dtype = None,
purpose: TensorPurpose = TensorPurpose.Unknown,
quantization: QuantizationParameters = None,
# Tensor
const_tensor = Tensor(shape, dtype, name + "_0")
const_tensor.purpose = purpose
const_tensor.quantization = quantization
const_tensor.values = np.array(values, dtype=value_dtype)
const_tensor.quant_values = np.frombuffer(const_tensor.values.tobytes(), dtype=np.uint8)
# Operator
const_op = Operation(Op.Const, name)
return const_tensor
def create_reshape_tensor(tens, shape, ifm_reshape=True):
if shape == tens.shape:
return tens
# Tensors
name = + "_reshape"
reshape_ifm = tens
reshape_ofm = tens.clone("_reshaped")
if not ifm_reshape:
reshape_ifm, reshape_ofm = reshape_ofm, reshape_ifm
# Operator
reshape_op = Operation(Op.Reshape, name)
reshape_op.attrs["new_shape"] = shape
reshape_op.add_input_tensor(create_const_tensor(name + "_shape", [1], DataType.int32, shape))
return reshape_ofm if ifm_reshape else reshape_ifm
# class that keeps track of all tensor addresses in the different memory types
class TensorAddressMap:
address_map: Dict = defaultdict(dict) # dict (tens.equivalence_id -> dict (mem_type -> address))
def get_address_for_tens(cls, tens_id: UUID, mem_type: MemType) -> int:
return cls.address_map[tens_id].get(mem_type)
def set_address_for_tens(cls, tens_id: UUID, mem_type: MemType, address: int):
# Check previous address if there is one
previous_address = cls.address_map[tens_id].get(mem_type)
if address is not None and previous_address is not None:
assert previous_address == address, "Two different addresses cannot be assigned to the same tensor."
# Set tensor's address for memory type
cls.address_map[tens_id][mem_type] = address
class Tensor:
__slots__ = (
AllocationQuantum = 16
def __init__(self, shape: Shape, dtype: DataType, name: str):
self.shape = shape
self.storage_shape = shape
self.bandwidth_shape = shape
self.dtype = dtype = name
self.equivalence_id: UUID = uuid.uuid4()
self.ops: List[Operation] = []
self.consumer_list: List[Operation] = []
self.values: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.quant_values: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.compressed_values: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self.compressed_values_substream_offsets: Optional[List] = None
self.mem_area: MemArea = MemArea.Unknown
self.mem_type: MemType = MemType.Unknown
self.format: TensorFormat = TensorFormat.Unknown
self.purpose: TensorPurpose = TensorPurpose.Unknown
self.sub_purpose: TensorSubPurpose = TensorSubPurpose.Standard
self.alignment: int = Tensor.AllocationQuantum
self.weight_transpose_depthwise: bool = False
self.storage_compression_scale: float = 1.0
self.bandwidth_compression_scale: float = 1.0
self.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream: float = 1.0
self.weight_compression_scales: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
# if two tensors have the same weight_compression_config, then they have the same compressed values
self.weight_compression_config = None
# if two tensors have the same value_id, then they have the same values
self.value_id: UUID = uuid.uuid4()
self.weight_compressed_offsets: List = []
self.storage_rounding_quantum: Tuple = (1, 1, 1, 1)
self.brick_size: Tuple = (1, 1, 1, 1)
self.element_size_bytes: int = 0
# quantization parameters
self.quantization: Optional[QuantizationParameters] = None
self.block_traversal: TensorBlockTraversal = TensorBlockTraversal.Default
self.resampling_mode: resampling_mode = resampling_mode.NONE
self.avoid_NHCWB16: bool = False
def address(self) -> int:
return TensorAddressMap.get_address_for_tens(self.equivalence_id, self.mem_type)
def address(self, address: int):
TensorAddressMap.set_address_for_tens(self.equivalence_id, self.mem_type, address)
def element_size(self) -> int:
if self.element_size_bytes == 0:
return self.dtype.size_in_bits() / 8
return self.element_size_bytes
# Returns a copy, renamed to + suffix
# The references to Operators will be empty when returned
# Depending on set_unique, the copy is shallow, or deep
# For set_unique==True, a new equivalence_id will be set
def clone(self, suffix="_clone", set_unique: bool = False) -> "Tensor":
if set_unique:
res = copy.deepcopy(self)
res.equivalence_id = uuid.uuid4()
res = copy.copy(self)
res.storage_shape = list(self.storage_shape)
res.bandwidth_shape = list(self.bandwidth_shape)
if self.quantization is not None:
res.quantization = self.quantization.clone() = + suffix
res.ops = []
res.consumer_list = []
return res
def clone_into_fast_storage(self, arch) -> "Tensor":
res = self.clone(suffix="_fast_storage")
res.mem_area = arch.fast_storage_mem_area
res.mem_type = MemType.Scratch_fast
return res
def copy_compressed_weight_info(self, src_tens: "Tensor"):
# Copies compressed values + all related weight compression info from the given tensor
self.equivalence_id = src_tens.equivalence_id
self.compressed_values = src_tens.compressed_values
self.compressed_values_substream_offsets = src_tens.compressed_values_substream_offsets
self.storage_shape = src_tens.storage_shape
self.brick_size = src_tens.brick_size
self.weight_compression_scales = src_tens.weight_compression_scales
self.weight_compressed_offsets = src_tens.weight_compressed_offsets
self.weight_transpose_depthwise = src_tens.weight_transpose_depthwise
self.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream = src_tens.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream
self.storage_compression_scale = src_tens.storage_compression_scale
self.bandwidth_compression_scale = src_tens.bandwidth_compression_scale
self.block_traversal = src_tens.block_traversal
self.weight_compression_config = src_tens.weight_compression_config
self.value_id = src_tens.value_id
def set_format(self, fmt: TensorFormat, arch):
self.format = fmt
shape_len = 0
shape_len = len(self.shape)
except TypeError:
if shape_len > 4:
self.storage_rounding_quantum = arch.storage_rounding_quantums[self.format]
self.storage_rounding_quantum = tuple(self.storage_rounding_quantum[-shape_len:])
self.brick_size = arch.brick_sizes[self.format]
self.brick_size = tuple(self.brick_size[-shape_len:])
if self.shape is None:
self.bandwidth_shape = shape_round_to_quantum(self.shape, self.brick_size)
self.storage_shape = shape_round_to_quantum(self.shape, self.storage_rounding_quantum)
if fmt == TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed:
compression_ratio = 5 / 8
self.storage_compression_scale = compression_ratio
self.bandwidth_compression_scale = compression_ratio
self.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream = compression_ratio
def storage_elements(self) -> int:
elems = shape_num_elements(self.storage_shape)
if elems is None:
return 0
return elems
def elements(self) -> int:
elems = shape_num_elements(self.shape)
if elems is None:
return 0
return elems
def has_fully_defined_shape(self) -> bool:
return shape_fully_defined(self.shape)
def storage_size(self, scale: float = 1.0) -> int:
raw_size = self.storage_elements() * self.element_size() * scale
if raw_size == 0:
raw_size = 1 # force it to take up space
rounded_size = numeric_util.round_up(numeric_util.round_up_to_int(raw_size), self.alignment)
return rounded_size
def storage_size_for_sub_purpose(
self, arch, sub_purpose: TensorSubPurpose, param_a: Optional[int] = None, param_b: Optional[int] = None
) -> int:
alt_shape = self.storage_shape_for_sub_purpose(sub_purpose, param_a, param_b)
elems = shape_num_elements(alt_shape)
if elems is None:
return 0
if sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.DoubleBuffer:
raw_size = (
* self.element_size()
* self.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream
* arch.weight_estimation_scaling
# Rolling buffers are used for intermediate data in ifm streaming
# These will all use the NHCWB16 format, and need to be aligned to 16 in the C-dimension
if alt_shape[-1] % 16 != 0:
nhcwb16_shape = alt_shape[0:-1] + [numeric_util.round_up(alt_shape[-1], 16)]
elems = shape_num_elements(nhcwb16_shape)
raw_size = elems * self.element_size() * self.storage_compression_scale
rounded_size = numeric_util.round_up(numeric_util.round_up_to_int(raw_size), self.alignment)
return rounded_size
def storage_shape_for_sub_purpose(
self, sub_purpose: TensorSubPurpose, param_a: Optional[int], param_b: Optional[int]
) -> Shape:
if sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.DoubleBuffer:
shp = list(self.shape)
assert len(shp) >= 2
assert param_a is not None
shp[-1] = min(shp[-1], param_a * 2)
shp = list(self.storage_shape)
if sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.RollingBufferX:
assert len(shp) == 4
assert param_a is not None
shp[0] = 1
shp[2] = min(shp[2], param_a)
elif sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.RollingBufferY:
assert len(shp) == 4
assert param_a is not None
shp[0] = 1
shp[1] = min(shp[1], param_a)
elif sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.RollingBufferXY:
assert len(shp) == 4
assert param_a is not None
assert param_b is not None
shp[0] = 1
shp[2] = min(shp[2], param_a)
shp[1] = min(shp[1], param_b)
elif sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.Standard:
assert 0, "did not expect new sub purpose %s" % (sub_purpose,)
return shp
def set_new_sub_purpose(self, sub_purpose: TensorSubPurpose, param_a=None, param_b=None):
self.storage_shape = self.storage_shape_for_sub_purpose(sub_purpose, param_a, param_b)
self.sub_purpose = sub_purpose
if sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.DoubleBuffer:
self.storage_compression_scale = self.compression_scale_for_worst_weight_stream
def bandwidth(self) -> float:
elems = shape_num_elements(self.bandwidth_shape)
if elems is None:
return 0
return elems * self.element_size() * self.bandwidth_compression_scale
def consumers(self) -> List[Operation]:
return self.consumer_list
def addresses_for_rolling_buffer(self, start_coord: Shape, end_coord: Shape) -> Tuple:
# returns ( box_height0, box_height1, box_width, [address_tl, address_tr, address_bl, address_br] )
if len(start_coord) < 4:
box_height0 = 1
box_width = 1
if len(start_coord) >= 2:
box_width = end_coord[-2] - start_coord[-2]
return box_height0, box_height0, box_width, [self.address_for_coordinate(start_coord), None, None, None]
crossing_y = numeric_util.round_up(start_coord[1] + 1, self.storage_shape[1])
crossing_x = numeric_util.round_up(start_coord[2] + 1, self.storage_shape[2])
crossing_y = min(crossing_y, end_coord[1])
crossing_x = min(crossing_x, end_coord[2])
box_height0 = crossing_y - start_coord[1]
box_width = crossing_x - start_coord[2]
addresses: List = [None] * 4
addresses[0] = self.address_for_coordinate(start_coord)
if end_coord[2] > crossing_x:
addresses[1] = self.address_for_coordinate([start_coord[0], start_coord[1], crossing_x, start_coord[3]])
raise errors.UnsupportedFeatureError("Striping in vertical direction is not supported")
if end_coord[1] > crossing_y:
addresses[2] = self.address_for_coordinate([start_coord[0], crossing_y, start_coord[2], start_coord[3]])
if end_coord[1] > crossing_y and end_coord[2] > crossing_x:
addresses[3] = self.address_for_coordinate([start_coord[0], crossing_y, crossing_x, start_coord[3]])
return box_height0, box_height0, box_width, addresses
def address_for_coordinate(self, coord: Shape, is_top_box: bool = False) -> int:
offset = self.address_offset_for_coordinate(coord, is_top_box)
assert offset is not None
return self.address + offset
def get_strides_and_coord(self, coord: Optional[Shape] = None) -> Tuple[Optional[Shape], Optional[Shape]]:
if coord is None:
coord = [0] * len(self.storage_shape)
augmented_coord = coord
augmented_shape = self.storage_shape
while len(augmented_shape) < 4:
augmented_shape = [1] + augmented_shape
while len(augmented_coord) < 4:
augmented_coord = [0] + augmented_coord
assert len(augmented_coord) == len(augmented_shape)
if self.format == TensorFormat.NHWC:
augmented_shape = [augmented_shape[0], augmented_shape[3]] + augmented_shape[1:3] + [1]
augmented_coord = [augmented_coord[0], augmented_coord[3]] + augmented_coord[1:3] + [0]
elif self.format == TensorFormat.NHCWB16:
channel_divisor = 16
augmented_shape = augmented_shape[0:4] + [1]
augmented_coord = (
[augmented_coord[0], augmented_coord[3] // channel_divisor]
+ augmented_coord[1:3]
+ [augmented_coord[3] % channel_divisor]
if augmented_shape[1] == 0:
augmented_shape[1] = 1
assert self.format in (TensorFormat.Unknown, TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed)
return None, None
strides: List = [0] * len(augmented_shape)
stride = self.element_size() * self.storage_compression_scale
if self.format != TensorFormat.NHCWB16:
stride_order = [4, 1, 3, 2, 0]
for i in stride_order:
strides[i] = stride
stride *= augmented_shape[i]
assert len(strides) == 5
strides[4] = stride
strides[3] = 16 * stride # STRIDE_X
strides[1] = strides[3] * augmented_shape[2] # STRIDE_C
strides[2] = augmented_shape[2] * augmented_shape[3] * stride # STRIDE_Y
strides[0] = strides[2] * augmented_shape[1] # STRIDE_N
return strides, augmented_coord
def get_strides(self) -> Shape:
strides, _ = self.get_strides_and_coord()
assert strides is not None
return strides
def needs_dma(self) -> bool:
return len(self.ops) == 1 and self.ops[0].type == Op.DMA
def get_dma_src_tensor(self) -> "Optional[Tensor]":
# For weight tensors that need DMA: returns the source tensor in Flash, else None
# Note: for DMA ops, Pass.weight_tensor is referring to the SRAM weight tensor
return self.ops[0].inputs[0] if self.needs_dma() else None
def find_npu_op(self) -> Optional[Operation]:
# Returns the NPU operator that uses this tensor, excluding DMA operators.
for op in self.consumers():
if op.type == Op.DMA:
return op.outputs[0].find_npu_op()
if op.run_on_npu:
return op
return None
def compressed_stream_index_from_coord(self, coord: Shape) -> int:
assert self.format == TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed
assert self.compressed_values is not None
assert len(self.compressed_values) > 0
assert len(self.compressed_values) + 1 == len(self.weight_compressed_offsets)
depth = coord[-1]
brick_depth = self.brick_size[-1]
# Clamp position at final element index
if depth > self.shape[-1]:
depth = self.shape[-1]
# Always round up to next boundary
index = numeric_util.round_up_divide(depth, brick_depth)
# Check boundaries on all but last weight set (which may be shorter
# than the brick we divided it up into)
if index < len(self.weight_compressed_offsets) - 1:
# There are no half-way points in the weights
if (depth % brick_depth) != 0:
raise errors.UnsupportedFeatureError("Offset into weights must be aligned to a brick")
return index
def size_of_compressed_stream(self, index: int) -> int:
assert self.compressed_values is not None
assert 0 <= index < len(self.compressed_values)
return len(self.compressed_values[index])
def is_last_index_in_compressed_stream(self, index: int) -> bool:
assert self.compressed_values is not None
assert 0 <= index < len(self.compressed_values)
return index == len(self.compressed_values) - 1
def address_offset_for_coordinate(self, orig_coord: Shape, is_top_box: bool = False) -> Optional[int]:
address_offset = 0
coord = orig_coord
coord = coord[-len(self.storage_shape) :]
if self.sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.Standard:
for idx, c in enumerate(coord):
if is_top_box:
assert c > 0 and c <= self.shape[idx]
assert c >= 0 and c < self.shape[idx]
if self.format == TensorFormat.WeightsCompressed:
if len(self.weight_compressed_offsets) == 0:
return 0
if self.needs_dma() and self.sub_purpose == TensorSubPurpose.DoubleBuffer:
depth = orig_coord[-1]
brick_depth = self.brick_size[-1]
# Clamp position at final element index
if depth > self.shape[-1]:
depth = self.shape[-1]
# Always round up to next boundary
index = numeric_util.round_up_divide(depth, brick_depth)
index = index % 2
assert self.compressed_values is not None
if len(self.compressed_values) <= 2:
if is_top_box and index == 0:
for cv in self.compressed_values:
address_offset += len(cv)
address_offset = index * len(self.compressed_values[0])
if is_top_box and index == 0:
address_offset = self.storage_shape[-1]
address_offset = index * (self.storage_shape[-1] // 2)
index = self.compressed_stream_index_from_coord(orig_coord)
assert index < len(self.weight_compressed_offsets)
address_offset = self.weight_compressed_offsets[index]
if is_top_box:
coord = [c - 1 for c in coord]
# handle wraparound for partial buffers. make sure to do this after subtracting top box:
coord = [c % self.storage_shape[idx] for idx, c in enumerate(coord)]
strides, augmented_coord = self.get_strides_and_coord(coord)
if strides is None:
return None
if is_top_box:
address_offset += 1 * strides[-1] # one element
address_offset +=, strides)
assert address_offset >= 0
assert address_offset <= self.storage_size()
return address_offset
def is_allocated_in_tensor_arena(self, scratch_tensor_mem_area: MemArea) -> bool:
return (self.mem_area == scratch_tensor_mem_area) and (self.mem_type in (MemType.Scratch, MemType.Scratch_fast))
def equivalent(self, tens: "Tensor") -> bool:
return self.equivalence_id == tens.equivalence_id
def set_all_shapes(self, shape: Shape):
self.shape = shape
self.storage_shape = shape
self.bandwidth_shape = shape
def get_full_shape(self) -> Shape:
d = len(self.shape)
if d in (1, 3):
return numeric_util.full_shape(4, self.shape, 1)
elif d == 2:
return [self.shape[0], 1, 1, self.shape[1]]
return self.shape.copy()
def is_quantized(self) -> bool:
# a tensor is quantized if it has an integral type and it contains valid quantization params
if not isinstance(self.quantization, QuantizationParameters):
return False
return (self.dtype.type & BaseType.Int) != 0 and self.quantization.is_valid()
def __str__(self):
return "<nng.Tensor '%s' shape=%s dtype=%s>" % (, self.shape, self.dtype)
__repr__ = __str__
def check_quantized_tens_scaling_equal(tens_a: Tensor, tens_b: Tensor) -> bool:
# checks that the scaling of two quantized tensors are equal
return tens_a.is_quantized() and tens_b.is_quantized() and tens_a.quantization.is_scaling_equal(tens_b.quantization)