blob: d3fa6067a691057add9b4e27a426a550387c1a0d [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2022-2023, Arm Limited and/or its affiliates.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Context module.
This module contains functionality related to the Context.
Context is an object that describes advisor working environment
and requested behavior (advice categories, input configuration
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from typing import Mapping
from mlia.core.common import AdviceCategory
from mlia.core.errors import ConfigurationError
from import DefaultEventPublisher
from import EventHandler
from import EventPublisher
from mlia.core.helpers import ActionResolver
from mlia.core.helpers import APIActionResolver
from mlia.core.typing import OutputFormat
from mlia.utils.filesystem import recreate_directory
from mlia.utils.filesystem import USER_ONLY_PERM_MASK
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Context(ABC):
"""Abstract class for the execution context."""
def get_model_path(self, model_filename: str) -> Path:
"""Return path for the intermediate/optimized models.
During workflow execution different parts of the advisor
require creating intermediate files for models.
This method allows to provide paths where those models
could be saved.
:param model_filename: filename of the model
def event_publisher(self) -> EventPublisher:
"""Return event publisher."""
def event_handlers(self) -> list[EventHandler] | None:
"""Return list of the event_handlers."""
def advice_category(self) -> set[AdviceCategory]:
"""Return advice category."""
def config_parameters(self) -> Mapping[str, Any] | None:
"""Return configuration parameters."""
def action_resolver(self) -> ActionResolver:
"""Return action resolver."""
def output_format(self) -> OutputFormat:
"""Return the output format."""
def update(
advice_category: set[AdviceCategory],
event_handlers: list[EventHandler],
config_parameters: Mapping[str, Any],
) -> None:
"""Update context parameters."""
def category_enabled(self, category: AdviceCategory) -> bool:
"""Check if category enabled."""
return category in self.advice_category
def any_category_enabled(self, *categories: AdviceCategory) -> bool:
"""Return true if any category is enabled."""
return all(category in self.advice_category for category in categories)
def register_event_handlers(self) -> None:
"""Register event handlers."""
class ExecutionContext(Context):
"""Execution context."""
def __init__(
advice_category: set[AdviceCategory] = None,
config_parameters: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None,
output_dir: str | Path | None = None,
event_handlers: list[EventHandler] | None = None,
event_publisher: EventPublisher | None = None,
verbose: bool = False,
logs_dir: str = "logs",
models_dir: str = "models",
action_resolver: ActionResolver | None = None,
output_format: OutputFormat = "plain_text",
) -> None:
"""Init execution context.
:param advice_category: requested advice categories
:param config_parameters: dictionary like object with input parameters
:param output_dir: path to the directory that will be used as a place
to store temporary files, logs, models. If not provided then
autogenerated directory will be used instead
:param event_handlers: optional list of event handlers
:param event_publisher: optional event publisher instance. If not provided
then default implementation of event publisher will be used
:param verbose: enable verbose output
:param logs_dir: name of the directory inside output directory where
log files will be stored
:param models_dir: name of the directory inside output directory where
temporary models will be stored
:param action_resolver: instance of the action resolver that could make
advice actionable
:param output_format: format for the application output
self._advice_category = advice_category or {AdviceCategory.COMPATIBILITY}
self._config_parameters = config_parameters
self._event_handlers = event_handlers
self._event_publisher = event_publisher or DefaultEventPublisher()
self.verbose = verbose
self.logs_dir = logs_dir
self.models_dir = models_dir
self._action_resolver = action_resolver or APIActionResolver()
self._output_format = output_format
def output_dir(self) -> Path:
"""Return output dir path."""
return self._output_dir_path
def advice_category(self) -> set[AdviceCategory]:
"""Return advice category."""
return self._advice_category
def advice_category(self, advice_category: set[AdviceCategory]) -> None:
"""Setter for the advice category."""
self._advice_category = advice_category
def config_parameters(self) -> Mapping[str, Any] | None:
"""Return configuration parameters."""
return self._config_parameters
def config_parameters(self, config_parameters: Mapping[str, Any] | None) -> None:
"""Setter for the configuration parameters."""
self._config_parameters = config_parameters
def event_handlers(self) -> list[EventHandler] | None:
"""Return list of the event handlers."""
return self._event_handlers
def event_handlers(self, event_handlers: list[EventHandler]) -> None:
"""Setter for the event handlers."""
self._event_handlers = event_handlers
def event_publisher(self) -> EventPublisher:
"""Return event publisher."""
return self._event_publisher
def action_resolver(self) -> ActionResolver:
"""Return action resolver."""
return self._action_resolver
def get_model_path(self, model_filename: str) -> Path:
"""Return path for the model."""
models_dir_path = self._output_dir_path / self.models_dir
return models_dir_path / model_filename
def logs_path(self) -> Path:
"""Return path to the logs directory."""
return self._output_dir_path / self.logs_dir
def output_format(self) -> OutputFormat:
"""Return the output format."""
return self._output_format
def update(
advice_category: set[AdviceCategory],
event_handlers: list[EventHandler],
config_parameters: Mapping[str, Any],
) -> None:
"""Update context parameters."""
self._advice_category = advice_category
self._event_handlers = event_handlers
self._config_parameters = config_parameters
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Return string representation."""
category = (
"<not set>"
if self.advice_category is None
else { for x in self.advice_category}
return (
f"ExecutionContext: output_dir={self._output_dir_path}, "
f"advice_category={category}, "
f"config_parameters={self.config_parameters}, "
f"verbose={self.verbose}, "
def _init_output_directory(self, output_dir: str | Path | None) -> None:
"""Init output directory for the execution."""
if output_dir:
output_dir_location = Path(output_dir)
output_dir_location.mkdir(exist_ok=True, mode=USER_ONLY_PERM_MASK)
output_dir_location = Path.cwd()
output_dir_path = output_dir_location / "mlia-output"
self._output_dir_path = output_dir_path
except OSError as err:
raise ConfigurationError(
f"Unable to create output directory: {err}."
) from err