blob: fa4a652586b7be4d90bb81c264e4726720fe5e23 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2020-2022, ARM Limited.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import numpy as np
class ArgGen:
"""Argument generator functions. These functions take a shape and dtype to
create arguments for an operator. Methods are prefixed with 'ag' to make
search easy."""
def __init__(self):
def agNone(op, shapes, rng):
"""A trivial argument generator for operators that only take tensor
return [("", [])]
# Build the axis argument for operators where we want to iterate over N axes
# as an argument
def agAxes(op, shapes, rng):
axes = []
for i in range(-len(shapes), len(shapes), 1):
if i >= 0:
axes.append(["_axis_{}".format(i), [i]])
axes.append(["_axis_m{}".format(-i), [i]])
return axes
# Build the axis LIST argument for operators that take an axis list.
# This builds a list of each axis individually, plus one element
# that contains a list of all axes. Note that we need to pack the list in
# an additional list so that it isn't exploded when being passed to the
# build_operator function.
# tensor_arg_count not used
def agAxesList(op, shapes, rng):
axes = ArgGen.agAxes(op, shapes, rng)
axes_list = []
for desc, a in axes:
axes_list.append([desc, [a]])
axes_list.append(["_axisall", [list(range(len(shapes)))]])
axes_list.append(["_axisall_none", [None]])
return axes_list
def agAxesListKeepdims(op, shapes, rng):
axes = ArgGen.agAxes(op, shapes, rng)
axes_list = []
for desc, a in axes:
axes_list.append([desc + "_keep0", [a, False]])
# avoid trying to reduce an axis of shape 1, as the TFL converter
# will optimize away the entire reduction
if (a[0] >= 0 and shapes[a[0]] != 1) or (
a[0] < 0 and shapes[len(shapes) + a[0]] != 1
axes_list.append([desc + "_keep1", [a, True]])
axes_list.append(["_axisall_keep0", [list(range(len(shapes))), False]])
axes_list.append(["_axisall_keep0_none", [None, False]])
# another instance where the reduce gets optimized out.
if len(shapes) != 1:
axes_list.append(["_axisall_keep1", [list(range(len(shapes))), True]])
axes_list.append(["_axisall_keep1_none", [None, True]])
# no longer test axis empty, as TFL converter optimizes the reduce out
return axes_list
# conv2d argument generators build the TF constants
def agConv2d(op, shapes, rng):
arg_list = []
# Must be rank 4
if len(shapes) < 4:
return arg_list
filter_h, filter_w = op["filter"]
# strides, padding, dilations,
for stride_h in [1, 2]:
for stride_w in [1, 2]:
for padding in ["SAME", "VALID"]:
for dilation_h in [1, 2]:
for dilation_w in [1, 2]:
# Disqualify argument combinations that would cause
# an illegal convolution
if (padding == "VALID") and (
(shapes[1] - (filter_h - 1) * 2 - dilation_h) <= 0
or (shapes[2] - (filter_w - 1) * 2 - dilation_w) <= 0
if (
(shapes[1] - 1 - (filter_h - 1) * dilation_h) % stride_h
!= 0
) or (
(shapes[2] - 1 - (filter_w - 1) * dilation_w) % stride_w
!= 0
# Not an exact integer output
[stride_h, stride_w],
[dilation_h, dilation_w],
return arg_list
# conv2d argument generators build the TF constants
def agDepthwiseConv2d(op, shapes, rng):
arg_list = []
# Must be rank 4
if len(shapes) < 4:
return arg_list
filter_h, filter_w = op["filter"]
# strides, padding, dilations, Depthwise conv2d is the same as conv2d
# except that strides in h/w must be the same and the argument must be
# formatted as [1, stride_h, stride_w, 1] in TF.
for stride in [1, 2]:
for padding in ["SAME", "VALID"]:
for dilation_h in [1, 2]:
for dilation_w in [1, 2]:
# Disqualify argument combinations that would cause an illegal
# convolution
if (padding == "VALID") and (
(shapes[1] - (filter_h - 1) * 2 - dilation_h) <= 0
or (shapes[2] - (filter_w - 1) * 2 - dilation_w) <= 0
# When dilation is used, stride must be 1x1 (TF rules)
if dilation_h > 1 or dilation_w > 1:
if stride > 1:
# Dilation must evenly divide the tensor. Some of our inputs
# intentionally use odd-sized tensors.
if shapes[1] % dilation_h != 0 or shapes[2] % dilation_w != 0:
if (
(shapes[1] - 1 - (filter_h - 1) * dilation_h) % stride != 0
) or (
(shapes[2] - 1 - (filter_w - 1) * dilation_w) % stride != 0
# Not an exact integer output
stride, stride, padding, dilation_h, dilation_w
[1, stride, stride, 1],
[dilation_h, dilation_w],
return arg_list
# conv2d argument generators build the TF constants
def agTransposeConv2d(op, shapes, rng):
arg_list = []
# Must be rank 4
if len(shapes) < 4:
return arg_list
filter_h, filter_w = op["filter"]
# strides, padding, dilations,
for stride_h in [1, 2]:
for stride_w in [1, 2]:
for padding in ["SAME", "VALID"]:
if padding == "SAME":
out_height = (shapes[1]) * stride_h
out_width = (shapes[2]) * stride_w
else: # padding == 'VALID'
out_height = (shapes[1] - 1) * stride_h + filter_h
out_width = (shapes[2] - 1) * stride_w + filter_w
output_shape = [shapes[0], out_height, out_width, shapes[3] * 2]
"_st{}{}_pad{}".format(stride_h, stride_w, padding),
[output_shape, [stride_h, stride_w], padding],
return arg_list
def agPooling(op, shapes, rng):
arg_list = []
# Must be rank 4
if len(shapes) < 4:
return arg_list
for stride_h in [1, 2]:
for stride_w in [1, 2]:
for kernel_h in [1, 2]:
for kernel_w in [1, 2]:
for padding in ["SAME", "VALID"]:
if (padding == "VALID") and (
(shapes[1] % (kernel_h * stride_h) > 0)
or (shapes[2] % (kernel_w * stride_w) > 0)
or (shapes[1] <= kernel_h)
or (shapes[2] <= kernel_w)
if (padding == "SAME") and (
(shapes[1] < kernel_h) or (shapes[2] < kernel_w)
if ((shapes[1] - kernel_h) % stride_h != 0) or (
(shapes[2] - kernel_w) % stride_w != 0
# Not an exact integer output
stride_h, stride_w, padding, kernel_h, kernel_w
[stride_h, stride_w],
[kernel_h, kernel_w],
return arg_list
def getFactors(val, start=1):
factors = []
for i in range(start, int(np.sqrt(val))):
if (val % i) == 0:
return factors
def agReshape(op, shapes, rng):
# This is slow code. Fortunately, the numbers involved are small
arg_list = []
total_elements = 1
for s in shapes:
total_elements *= s
# Find integer factors of this shape
factors = ArgGen.getFactors(total_elements)
for rank in range(1, len(shapes) + 1):
if len(factors) < rank:
new_shape = []
remaining_elements = total_elements
# Randomly shuffle the factors and iteratively pick from the factors
# of the remaining elements
shuffled_factors = rng.permutation(factors)
for i in range(rank):
# Pick rank - 1 factors
remaining_elements = remaining_elements // shuffled_factors[0]
shuffled_factors = rng.permutation(
# Don't do no-op reshapes because TFLite optimizes out the op
if new_shape == list(shapes):
arg_list.append(["_rank{}".format(rank), [new_shape]])
return arg_list
def agTranspose(op, shapes, rng):
arg_list = []
# Must have at least two dimensions to transpose
if (len(shapes)) < 2:
return arg_list
# Pick a bunch of random permutations
range_arr = np.arange(len(shapes))
for i in range(len(shapes)):
perm = rng.permutation(range_arr).astype(np.int32)
# print('\n shape {} permute{} perm: {} arr: {}'.format(shapes, i,
# perm, range_arr))
if np.allclose(perm, range_arr):
arg_list.append(["_permute{}".format(i), [perm]])
return arg_list
def agSlice(op, shapes, rng):
arg_list = []
rank = len(shapes)
if rank == 1 and shapes[0] == 1:
return arg_list
for i in range(4):
# Pick a few random start points, axes, and strides
start = np.empty((rank), dtype=int)
size = np.empty((rank), dtype=int)
for j in range(rank):
if shapes[j] > 2:
start[j] = rng.integers(0, shapes[j] - 2)
# print('j = {}: {} - {} - 1: {}'.format(j, shapes[j],
# start[j], shapes[j] - start[j] - 1))
size[j] = rng.integers(1, shapes[j] - start[j] - 1)
start[j] = 0
size[j] = shapes[j]
arg_list.append(["_perm{}".format(i), [start, size]])
return arg_list
def agStridedSlice(op, shapes, rng):
arg_list = []
rank = len(shapes)
# Reference model is limited to rank=6 internally right now
if rank > 3:
return arg_list
if rank == 1 and shapes[0] == 1:
return arg_list
for i in range(4):
# Pick a few random begin points, axes, and strides
begin = np.empty((rank), dtype=int)
end = np.empty((rank), dtype=int)
strides = np.empty((rank), dtype=int)
begin_mask = rng.integers(0, (1 << (rank - 1)))
end_mask = rng.integers(0, (1 << (rank - 1)))
for j in range(rank):
if begin_mask & (1 << j) or shapes[j] < 2:
begin[j] = 0
begin[j] = rng.integers(0, shapes[j] - 1)
if end_mask & (1 << j) or shapes[j] < 2 or (begin[j] + 2) >= shapes[j]:
end[j] = shapes[j]
end[j] = rng.integers(begin[j] + 1, shapes[j] - 1)
possible_stride = ArgGen.getFactors(end[j] - begin[j], 2)
if not possible_stride:
strides[j] = 1
strides[j] = rng.choice(possible_stride)
# Randomly set the masks, except ellipsis_mask and new_axis_mask
# which must be zero for now For begin/end mask this to work,
# strides must be adjusted to still be divsible...
ellipsis_mask = 0
new_axis_mask = 0
# if rng.choice([0, 1]) and rank > 1:
# new_axis_mask = 1 << rng.integers(0, rank - 1)
# else:
# new_axis_mask = 0
if rng.choice([0, 1]) and rank > 1:
shrink_axis_mask = 1 << rng.integers(0, rank - 1)
shrink_axis_mask = 0
# Only one of these bits may be set. Prefer shrink_axis_mask
new_axis_mask = new_axis_mask & ~shrink_axis_mask
# print('Shape: {} begin={} end={} strides={} begin_mask={:x}
# end_mask={:x} new_axis_mask={:x} shrink_mask={:x}'.format(shapes,
# begin, end, strides, begin_mask, end_mask, new_axis_mask,
# shrink_axis_mask))
return arg_list
# tf.stack axis can be [0, rank(input)]
def agStack(op, shapes, rng):
axes = []
for i in range(len(shapes) + 1):
axes.append(["_axis{}".format(i), [i]])
return axes
def agPad(op, shapes, rng):
arg_list = []
rank = len(shapes)
for left in range(3):
for right in range(3):
paddings = np.zeros((rank, 2), dtype=np.int32)
for d in range(rank):
paddings[d, 0] = left
paddings[d, 1] = right
arg_list.append(["_pad{}{}".format(left, right), [paddings]])
return arg_list
def agFill(op, shapes, rng):
values = []
for i in range(4):
value = rng.integers(0, 10, dtype=np.int32)
values.append(["_value{}".format(value), [shapes, value]])
return values
def getValuesToSum(total, rng):
# Get a list of random integers that sum up to 'total'
vals = []
# np.random.randint() min and max to be different, so if the remainder
# is 1, give up
while total > 1:
vals.append(rng.integers(1, total))
total = total - vals[-1]
if total == 1:
return vals
def agSplit(op, shapes, rng):
arg_list = []
rank = len(shapes)
# Shuffle the random number generator a few more times to get
# a better range of axes across shapes
for i in range(rank):
for j in range(shapes[i]):
for i in range(3):
# Need to generate tests for both the num_splits and size_vector versions.
axis = rng.choice(np.arange(0, rank))
# For num_splits, get a few divisors of the given axis
divs = ArgGen.getFactors(shapes[axis], 2)
if divs:
# Get no more than 2 samples
splits = list(rng.choice(divs, size=2))
for s in splits:
["_split{}_axis{}".format(int(s), axis), [int(s), axis]]
# For vector splits, get a list of integers that sum up to the axis size
vals = ArgGen.getValuesToSum(shapes[axis], rng)
if len(vals) > 1:
arg_list.append(["_splitv_axis{}".format(axis), [vals, axis]])
return arg_list
def agTile(op, shapes, rng):
arg_list = []
rank = len(shapes)
# create 1D multiples list
multiples = list()
for i in range(rank):
multiples.append(rng.integers(1, 4))
multiples_str = "x".join(list(str(i) for i in multiples))
arg_list.append(["_tile_{}".format(multiples_str), [multiples]])
return arg_list
def agGather(op, shapes, rng):
args = []
for batch_dims in range(len(shapes) - 1):
for axis in range(batch_dims, len(shapes)):
# indices value must be within [0, shapes[i])
# Create an arbitrary shape for the indices
indices_rank = rng.integers(batch_dims + 1, 4)
indices_shape = rng.integers(1, 8, size=indices_rank)
# Copy in the batch dimensions because they must match
for b in range(batch_dims):
indices_shape[b] = shapes[b]
# Calculate total element count
indices_size = 1
for j in range(indices_rank):
indices_size = indices_shape[j] * indices_size
indices = rng.integers(0, shapes[axis], indices_size, np.int32).reshape(
"_batchdims_{}_axis_{}".format(batch_dims, axis),
[indices, batch_dims, axis],
return args
def agGatherND(op, shapes, rng):
args = []
for N in range(1, len(shapes) - 1):
# Rank includes the N dimension
indices_rank = rng.integers(2, 4, size=1)[0]
indices_shape = []
indices_shape = rng.integers(1, 8, size=indices_rank)
indices_shape[-1] = N
indices_count = 1
for i in range(indices_rank - 1):
indices_count = indices_count * indices_shape[i]
indices_list = np.zeros(shape=(indices_count, N), dtype=np.int32)
for i in range(indices_count):
for j in range(N):
indices_list[i, j] = rng.integers(0, shapes[j], size=1)[0]
indices = indices_list.reshape(indices_shape)
args.append(["_n{}".format(N), [indices]])
return args
def agScatterND(op, shapes, rng):
args = []
# ScatterND has to generate a constant shapes tensor, indices
# tensor, and a tensor of updates. Unforunately, the updates
# need to be a size that's based on the N generated in this
# function and the dtype known only in the TensorGen function,
# but not in ArgGen.
# There are many bad ways to solve this and we'll choose the
# least of the evils which still gives reasonable coverage of
# the possible operand shapes.
for N in range(1, len(shapes)):
# Rank includes the N dimension
indices_rank = rng.integers(2, 4, size=1)[0]
indices_shape = []
indices_shape = rng.integers(1, 8, size=indices_rank)
indices_shape[-1] = N
# Store the Shapes, and the indicies value tensor as arguments.
args.append(["_n{}".format(N), [shapes, indices_shape, N, rng]])
return args
def agSpaceToBatch(op, shapes, rng):
batch_rank = 1
channel_rank = 1
block_rank = len(shapes) - batch_rank - channel_rank
# must have at least rank 1 (M) block
if block_rank < 1:
return []
args = []
block_shape = []
padding_shape = []
for i in range(block_rank):
block_size = 2
padding_size = block_size - (shapes[i + 1] % block_size)
padding_shape.append([0, padding_size])
args.append(["_blockrank_{}".format(block_rank), [block_shape, padding_shape]])
return args
def agBatchToSpace(op, shapes, rng):
batch_rank = 1
channel_rank = 1
block_rank = len(shapes) - batch_rank - channel_rank
# must have at least rank 1 (M) block
if block_rank < 1:
return []
args = []
block_shape = []
padding_shape = []
block_prod = 1
for i in range(block_rank):
block_size = 2
block_prod = block_prod * block_size
crop_size = 0
padding_shape.append([0, crop_size])
# batch / prod(block_shape[i]) must be integer
# transpose to swap depth and batch. so shape[-1] would be batch dim
if shapes[-1] % block_prod == 0:
["_blockrank_{}".format(block_rank), [block_shape, padding_shape]]
return args
def agSpaceToDepth(op, shapes, rng):
# must be rank 4 input tensor
if len(shapes) != 4:
return []
block_size = 2
# spatial dimension must be divisible by block_size
if shapes[1] % block_size != 0 or shapes[2] % block_size != 0:
return []
args = []
args.append(["_blocksize_{}".format(block_size), [block_size]])
return args
def agDepthToSpace(op, shapes, rng):
# must be rank 4 input tensor
if len(shapes) != 4:
return []
block_size = 2
# depth dimension must be divisible by block_size * block_size
if shapes[3] % (block_size * block_size) != 0:
return []
args = []
args.append(["_blocksize_{}".format(block_size), [block_size]])
return args
def agFakequant(op, shapes, rng):
args = []
for num_bits in [8, 16]:
for narrow in [False, True]:
["_bits{}_narrow{}".format(num_bits, narrow), [num_bits, narrow]]
return args
def agShift(op, shapes, rng):
args = []
for shift in rng.integers(0, 32, size=8):
args.append(["_shift{}".format(shift), [shift]])
return args
def agFloat(op, shapes, rng):
args = []
i = 0
for alpha in np.float32(rng.random(size=2)):
args.append(["_{}".format(i), [alpha]])
return args
# Similar to agAxes, but tf.OneHot only allow axis from [-1, rank(input)]
def agOneHot(op, shapes, rng):
axes = []
for i in range(-1, len(shapes) + 1, 1):
if i >= 0:
axes.append(["_axis_{}".format(i), [i]])
axes.append(["_axis_m{}".format(-i), [i]])
return axes