blob: b98c89bbe5926810c9d011b2cc064385ad60eeda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, ARM Limited.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef FLOAT_UTILS_H_
#define FLOAT_UTILS_H_
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#if defined(__cpp_lib_bit_cast)
#include <bit>
#endif // defined(__cpp_lib_bit_cast)
namespace tosa::reference::internal
namespace float_support
struct hidden
#if defined(__cpp_lib_bit_cast)
#define BITCAST_CONSTEXPR constexpr inline
constexpr inline int32_t get_bits(const float& f)
return std::bit_cast<int32_t>(f);
constexpr inline float from_bits(const int32_t& i)
return std::bit_cast<float>(i);
#define BITCAST_CONSTEXPR inline
union ufloat32
constexpr ufloat32(const float& x)
: f(x)
constexpr ufloat32(const int32_t& x)
: i(x)
float f;
int32_t i;
inline int32_t get_bits(const float& f)
return ufloat32(f).i;
inline float from_bits(const int32_t& i)
return ufloat32(i).f;
} // namespace float_support
template <typename storage_t,
size_t n_exp_bits,
bool has_nan,
bool with_denorm,
bool with_infinity,
std::enable_if_t<(n_exp_bits + 1 < sizeof(storage_t) * 8), bool> = true>
class float_t
storage_t m_data = 0;
static constexpr size_t n_exponent_bits = n_exp_bits;
static constexpr size_t n_significand_bits = sizeof(storage_t) * 8 - 1 - n_exp_bits;
static constexpr int64_t exponent_bias = (1 << (n_exp_bits - 1)) - 1;
/// \brief Construct a floating point type with the given bit
/// representation.
static constexpr float_t from_bits(storage_t bits)
return float_t(float_support::hidden(), bits);
/// \brief Construct a float from the given sign, exponent and significand
/// bits.
static constexpr float_t from_bits(bool pm, storage_t e, storage_t s)
storage_t bits = pm ? 1 : 0;
bits <<= n_exp_bits;
bits |= e;
bits <<= n_significand_bits;
if (with_denorm || e)
bits |= s;
return float_t(float_support::hidden(), bits);
/// \brief (Hidden) Construct a float type from a given bit pattern
constexpr float_t(const float_support::hidden&, storage_t bits)
: m_data(bits)
constexpr float_t()
: m_data(0)
constexpr float_t(const float_t& other)
: m_data(other.m_data)
/// \brief Cast to a different floating point representation.
template <typename other_storage_t,
size_t other_n_exp_bits,
bool other_has_nan,
bool other_has_denorm,
bool other_has_infinity>
constexpr inline
operator float_t<other_storage_t, other_n_exp_bits, other_has_nan, other_has_denorm, other_has_infinity>() const
using other_float_t =
float_t<other_storage_t, other_n_exp_bits, other_has_nan, other_has_denorm, other_has_infinity>;
// Shortcut for types which are fundamentally similar (e.g., bf16 ->
// fp32)
if constexpr (n_exp_bits == other_n_exp_bits && sizeof(other_storage_t) >= sizeof(storage_t) &&
has_nan == other_has_nan)
return other_float_t::from_bits(static_cast<other_storage_t>(m_data)
<< (sizeof(other_storage_t) - sizeof(storage_t)) * 8);
// Get initial values for the new floating point type
const bool sign_bit = m_data < 0;
int64_t new_exponent_bits = 0;
uint64_t new_significand = 0;
if (is_nan() || is_infinity())
new_exponent_bits = (1 << other_n_exp_bits) - 1;
if (is_nan())
if constexpr (other_has_infinity)
// Copy across the `not_quiet bit`; set the LSB. Don't
// attempt to copy across any of the rest of the payload.
new_significand =
0x1 | (((significand() >> (n_significand_bits - 1)) & 1) << other_float_t::n_significand_bits);
new_significand = (1ul << other_float_t::n_significand_bits) - 1;
else if constexpr (!other_has_infinity)
new_significand = (1ul << other_float_t::n_significand_bits) - (other_has_nan ? 2 : 1);
else if (!is_zero())
const int64_t this_exponent_bits = exponent_bits();
constexpr int64_t exponent_rebias = other_float_t::exponent_bias - exponent_bias;
new_exponent_bits = std::max(this_exponent_bits + exponent_rebias, exponent_rebias + 1);
new_significand = this->significand() << (64 - n_significand_bits);
// Normalise subnormals
if (this_exponent_bits == 0)
// Shift the most-significant 1 out of the magnitude to convert
// it to a significand. Modify the exponent accordingly.
uint8_t shift = __builtin_clzl(new_significand) + 1;
new_exponent_bits -= shift;
new_significand <<= shift;
// Align the significand for the output type
uint32_t shift = 64 - other_float_t::n_significand_bits;
const bool other_is_subnormal = new_exponent_bits <= 0;
if (other_is_subnormal)
shift += 1 - new_exponent_bits;
new_exponent_bits = 0;
const uint64_t shift_out = shift == 64 ? new_significand : new_significand & ((1ll << shift) - 1);
new_significand = shift == 64 ? 0 : new_significand >> shift;
// Reinsert the most-significant-one if this is a subnormal in the
// output type.
new_significand |= (other_is_subnormal ? 1ll : 0) << (64 - shift);
// Apply rounding based on the bits shifted out of the significand
const uint64_t shift_half = 1ll << (shift - 1);
if (shift_out > shift_half || (shift_out == shift_half && (new_significand & 1)))
new_significand += 1;
// Handle the case that the significand overflowed due to
// rounding
constexpr uint64_t max_significand = (1ll << other_float_t::n_significand_bits) - 1;
if (new_significand > max_significand)
new_significand = 0;
// Saturate to infinity if the exponent is larger than can be
// represented in the output type. This can only occur if the size
// of the exponent of the new type is not greater than the exponent
// of the old type.
if constexpr (other_n_exp_bits <= n_exp_bits)
constexpr int64_t inf_exp_bits = (1ll << other_n_exp_bits) - 1;
if (new_exponent_bits >= inf_exp_bits)
new_exponent_bits = inf_exp_bits;
new_significand =
other_has_infinity ? 0 : (1ul << other_float_t::n_significand_bits) - (other_has_nan ? 2 : 1);
return other_float_t::from_bits(sign_bit, new_exponent_bits, new_significand);
/// \brief Convert from a 32-bit floating point value
float_t(const float& f)
// If this format exactly represents the binary32 format then get
// the bits from the provided float; otherwise get a binary32
// representation and then convert to this format.
if constexpr (represents_binary32())
m_data = float_support::get_bits(f);
m_data = static_cast<float_t<storage_t, n_exp_bits, has_nan, with_denorm, with_infinity>>(
static_cast<float_t<int32_t, 8, true, true, true>>(f))
/// \brief Cast to a 32-bit floating point value
BITCAST_CONSTEXPR operator float() const
// If this format exactly represents the binary32 format then return
// a float; otherwise get a binary32 representation and then return
// a float.
if constexpr (represents_binary32())
return float_support::from_bits(m_data);
return static_cast<float>(this->operator float_t<int32_t, 8, true, true, true>());
/// \brief Return whether this type represents the IEEE754 binary32
/// format
constexpr static inline bool represents_binary32()
return std::is_same_v<storage_t, int32_t> && n_exp_bits == 8 && has_nan && with_denorm && with_infinity;
constexpr auto operator-() const
return from_bits(m_data ^ (1ll << (sizeof(storage_t) * 8 - 1)));
constexpr bool is_subnormal() const
return exponent_bits() == 0 && significand() != 0;
constexpr bool is_zero() const
return exponent_bits() == 0 && significand() == 0;
constexpr bool is_nan() const
return has_nan && (exponent_bits() == (1ul << n_exponent_bits) - 1) &&
((with_infinity && significand()) ||
(!with_infinity && significand() == (1ul << n_significand_bits) - 1));
constexpr bool is_infinity() const
return with_infinity && ((exponent_bits() == (1ul << n_exponent_bits) - 1) && !significand());
constexpr inline const storage_t& bits() const
return m_data;
/// \brief Get the exponent
constexpr inline int64_t exponent() const
return std::max<int64_t>(exponent_bits(), 1ul) - exponent_bias;
/// \brief Get the bits from the exponent
constexpr inline uint64_t exponent_bits() const
constexpr uint64_t mask = (1ul << n_exp_bits) - 1;
return (m_data >> n_significand_bits) & mask;
constexpr inline uint64_t significand() const
return m_data & ((1ul << n_significand_bits) - 1);
constexpr inline bool operator==(const float_t& other) const
return !is_nan() && !other.is_nan() && ((is_zero() && other.is_zero()) || bits() == other.bits());
constexpr inline float_t& operator+=(const float_t& rhs)
this->m_data = static_cast<float_t>(static_cast<float>(*this) + static_cast<float>(rhs)).bits();
return *this;
// This should probably be exported so we can use it elsewhere
namespace float_support
// Pre-C++23 these can't be computed as constexpr, so have to hardcode them
template <int>
struct digits10; // floor(log10(2) * (digits - 1)
template <int>
struct max_digits10; // ceil(log10(2) * digits + 1)
template <int>
struct min_exponent10; // floor(log10(2) * min_exponent)
template <int>
struct max_exponent10; // floor(log10(2) * max_exponent)
template <>
struct digits10<8>
constexpr static inline int value = 2;
template <>
struct max_digits10<8>
constexpr static inline int value = 4;
template <>
struct digits10<10>
constexpr static inline int value = 2;
template <>
struct max_digits10<10>
constexpr static inline int value = 5;
template <>
struct digits10<24>
constexpr static inline int value = 6;
template <>
struct max_digits10<24>
constexpr static inline int value = 9;
template <>
struct min_exponent10<-13>
constexpr static inline int value = -3;
template <>
struct max_exponent10<16>
constexpr static inline int value = 4;
template <>
struct min_exponent10<-125>
constexpr static inline int value = -37;
template <>
struct max_exponent10<128>
constexpr static inline int value = 38;
template <int d>
inline constexpr int digits10_v = digits10<d>::value;
template <int d>
inline constexpr int max_digits10_v = max_digits10<d>::value;
template <int e>
inline constexpr int min_exponent10_v = min_exponent10<e>::value;
template <int e>
inline constexpr int max_exponent10_v = max_exponent10<e>::value;
} // namespace float_support
} // namespace tosa::reference::internal
namespace std
template <typename storage_t, size_t n_exp_bits, bool has_nan, bool has_denorm, bool has_inf>
struct is_floating_point<tosa::reference::internal::float_t<storage_t, n_exp_bits, has_nan, has_denorm, has_inf>>
: std::integral_constant<bool, true>
template <typename storage_t, size_t n_exp_bits, bool has_nan, bool with_denorm, bool with_inf>
class numeric_limits<tosa::reference::internal::float_t<storage_t, n_exp_bits, has_nan, with_denorm, with_inf>>
using this_float_t = tosa::reference::internal::float_t<storage_t, n_exp_bits, has_nan, with_denorm, with_inf>;
static constexpr bool is_specialized = true;
static constexpr auto min() noexcept
return this_float_t::from_bits(false, 1, 0);
static constexpr auto max() noexcept
return this_float_t::from_bits(false, (1 << this_float_t::n_exponent_bits) - 2,
(1 << this_float_t::n_significand_bits) - 1);
static constexpr auto lowest() noexcept
return -max();
static constexpr int digits = this_float_t::n_significand_bits + 1;
static constexpr int digits10 = tosa::reference::internal::float_support::digits10_v<digits>;
static constexpr int max_digits10 = tosa::reference::internal::float_support::max_digits10_v<digits>;
static constexpr bool is_signed = true;
static constexpr bool is_integer = false;
static constexpr bool is_exact = false;
static constexpr int radix = 2;
static constexpr auto epsilon() noexcept
return this_float_t::from_bits(false, this_float_t::exponent_bias - this_float_t::n_significand_bits, 0);
static constexpr auto round_error() noexcept
return this_float_t::from_bits(0, this_float_t::exponent_bias - 1, 0);
static constexpr int min_exponent = (1 - this_float_t::exponent_bias) + 1;
static constexpr int min_exponent10 = tosa::reference::internal::float_support::min_exponent10_v<min_exponent>;
static constexpr int max_exponent = this_float_t::exponent_bias + 1;
static constexpr int max_exponent10 = tosa::reference::internal::float_support::max_exponent10_v<max_exponent>;
static constexpr bool has_infinity = with_inf;
static constexpr bool has_quiet_NaN = has_nan;
static constexpr bool has_signaling_NaN = true;
static constexpr float_denorm_style has_denorm = with_denorm ? denorm_present : denorm_absent;
static constexpr bool has_denorm_loss = false;
static constexpr auto infinity() noexcept
if constexpr (with_inf)
return this_float_t::from_bits(false, (1 << this_float_t::n_exponent_bits) - 1, 0);
return this_float_t::from_bits(false, 0, 0);
static constexpr auto quiet_NaN() noexcept
return this_float_t::from_bits(false, (1 << this_float_t::n_exponent_bits) - 1,
1 << (this_float_t::n_significand_bits - 1) | 1);
static constexpr auto signaling_NaN() noexcept
return this_float_t::from_bits(false, (1 << this_float_t::n_exponent_bits) - 1, 1);
static constexpr auto denorm_min() noexcept
return this_float_t::from_bits(false, 0, 1);
static constexpr bool is_iec559 = false;
static constexpr bool is_bounded = false;
static constexpr bool is_modulo = false;
static constexpr bool traps = false;
static constexpr bool tinyness_before = false;
static constexpr float_round_style round_style = round_to_nearest;
} // namespace std
#endif // _FLOAT_UTILS_H_