blob: 622fba49c39674f7d0497610f982d2abdcb8f13a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, ARM Limited.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include "verifiers.h"
namespace TosaReference
"TOSA Reference Model has not been built with standard IEE574 32-bit float support; ULP based "
"verifcation is invalid");
"TOSA Reference Model has not been built with standard IEE574 64-bit float support; ULP based "
"verifcation is invalid");
bool tosaCheckULP(float testValue, double referenceValue, int64_t ulpCount)
// Start by sanitizing the input.
// The concept of ULP isn't defined for NaN's
if (std::isnan(referenceValue) || std::isnan(testValue))
return false;
// Make the sign of the reference value positive
// and adjust the test value appropriately.
if (referenceValue < 0)
referenceValue = -referenceValue;
testValue = -testValue;
// At this point we are ready to calculate the ULP bounds for the reference value.
double referenceMin, referenceMax;
// If the reference is infinity e.g. the result of an overflow the test value must
// be infinity of an appropriate sign.
if (std::isinf(referenceValue))
// We already canonicalized the input such that the reference value is positive
// so no need to check again here.
referenceMin = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
referenceMax = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
else if (referenceValue == 0)
// For zero we require that the results match exactly with the correct sign.
referenceMin = 0;
referenceMax = 0;
// Find the exponent of the reference value.
int referenceExponent;
std::frexp(referenceValue, &referenceExponent);
// Work out the values magnitude - by raising 2 to the power of the
// exponent and taking the normalized minimum for denormal values
const double referencePower2 =
std::max(std::ldexp(1.0, referenceExponent), static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<float>::min()));
// Get the value of changing the last bit - by shifting the least significant bit to this magnitude
// i.e. the ULP.
double ulpValue = referencePower2 * std::ldexp(1.0, -23);
// It is possible that within one ULP we cross a boundary where we need to change the exponent,
// if this happens we will take the ULP for the larger exponent.
if (referenceValue + ulpValue > 2 * referencePower2)
ulpValue = 2 * ulpValue;
// Scale by the number of ULPs requested by the user.
referenceMax = referenceValue + ulpValue * ulpCount;
referenceMin = referenceValue - ulpValue * ulpCount;
// Handle the overflow cases.
if (referenceMax > std::numeric_limits<float>::max())
referenceMax = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
if (referenceMin > std::numeric_limits<float>::max())
referenceMin = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
// And the underflow cases.
if (referenceMax < std::numeric_limits<float>::min())
referenceMax = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
if (referenceMin < std::numeric_limits<float>::min())
referenceMin = 0;
// And finally... Do the comparison.
return static_cast<double>(testValue) >= referenceMin && static_cast<double>(testValue) <= referenceMax;
} // namespace
bool verifyULP(const CTensor* referenceTensor, const CTensor* implementationTensor, uint64_t ulp)
// Validate that tensors are provided
TOSA_REF_REQUIRE(referenceTensor != nullptr, "reference tensor is missing");
TOSA_REF_REQUIRE(implementationTensor != nullptr, "implementation tensor is missing");
// Get number of elements
const auto elementCount =
numElements(std::vector<int32_t>(referenceTensor->shape, referenceTensor->shape + referenceTensor->num_dims));
TOSA_REF_REQUIRE(elementCount > 0, "invalid shape for reference tensor");
switch (implementationTensor->data_type)
case tosa_datatype_fp32_t: {
const auto* refData = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(referenceTensor->data);
TOSA_REF_REQUIRE(refData != nullptr, "missing data for reference");
const auto* impData = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(implementationTensor->data);
TOSA_REF_REQUIRE(impData != nullptr, "missing data for implementation");
return std::equal(refData, std::next(refData, elementCount), impData, std::next(impData, elementCount),
[ulp](const auto& referenceValue, const auto& implementationValue) {
return tosaCheckULP(referenceValue, implementationValue, ulp);
return false;
} // namespace TosaReference