blob: 267976ca221809169bfff7bdf046f7f67689392e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, ARM Limited.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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MLIR_NAME: the symbolic string of this op, must match
SCHEMA_NAME: corresponding operator name, must match "enum Op" in serialization/tosa.fbs
REF_IMPL_NAME: name used internally in tosa reference implementation
OPTIONS: compile time constant options of this op, corresponding to operator_option.def
QUANT_INFO: quantization infomation of this op, corresponding to quant_info.def
/* tensor operators */
DEF_OPERATOR(argmax, ARGMAX, ArgMax, Axis, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(avg_pool2d, AVG_POOL2D, AvgPool2d, Pool2d, Unary)
DEF_OPERATOR(conv2d, CONV2D, Conv2d, Conv2d, Conv)
DEF_OPERATOR(conv3d, CONV3D, Conv3d, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(depthwise_conv2d, DEPTHWISE_CONV2D, DepthwiseConv2d, Conv2d, Conv)
DEF_OPERATOR(fully_connected, FULLY_CONNECTED, FullyConnected, None, Conv)
DEF_OPERATOR(matmul, MATMUL, MatMul, None, MatMul)
DEF_OPERATOR(max_pool2d, MAX_POOL2D, MaxPool2d, Pool2d, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(transpose_conv2d, TRANSPOSE_CONV2D, TransposeConv2d, TransposeConv2d, Conv)
/* activation */
DEF_OPERATOR(clamp, CLAMP, Clamp, Clamp, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(reluN, RELUN, ReluN, ReluN, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(sigmoid, SIGMOID, Sigmoid, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(tanh, TANH, Tanh, None, None)
/* elementwise - binary */
DEF_OPERATOR(add, ADD, Add, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(arithmetic_right_shift, ARITHMETIC_RIGHT_SHIFT, ArithmeticRightShift, ArithmeticRightShift, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(bitwise_and, BITWISE_AND, BitwiseAnd, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(bitwise_or, BITWISE_OR, BitwiseOr, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(bitwise_xor, BITWISE_XOR, BitwiseXor, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(logical_and, LOGICAL_AND, LogicalAnd, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(logical_left_shift, LOGICAL_LEFT_SHIFT, LogicalLeftShift, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(logical_right_shift, LOGICAL_RIGHT_SHIFT, LogicalRightShift, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(logical_or, LOGICAL_OR, LogicalOr, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(logical_xor, LOGICAL_XOR, LogicalXor, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(maximum, MAXIMUM, Maximum, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(minimum, MINIMUM, Minimum, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(mul, MUL, Mul, Mul, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(pow, POW, Pow, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(sub, SUB, Sub, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(table, TABLE, Table, None, None)
/* elementwise - unary */
DEF_OPERATOR(abs, ABS, Abs, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(bitwise_not, BITWISE_NOT, BitwiseNot, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(ceil, CEIL, Ceil, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(clz, CLZ, Clz, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(exp, EXP, Exp, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(floor, FLOOR, Floor, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(log, LOG, Log, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(logical_not, LOGICAL_NOT, LogicalNot, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(negate, NEGATE, Negate, None, Unary)
DEF_OPERATOR(reciprocal, RECIPROCAL, Reciprocal, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(rsqrt, RSQRT, Rsqrt, None, None)
/* elementwise - ternary */
DEF_OPERATOR(select, SELECT, Select, None, None)
/* logical */
DEF_OPERATOR(equal, EQUAL, Equal, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(greater, GREATER, Greater, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(greater_equal, GREATER_EQUAL, GreaterEqual, None, None)
/* reduction */
DEF_OPERATOR(reduce_any, REDUCE_ANY, ReduceAny, Reduce, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(reduce_all, REDUCE_ALL, ReduceAll, Reduce, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(reduce_max, REDUCE_MAX, ReduceMax, Reduce, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(reduce_min, REDUCE_MIN, ReduceMin, Reduce, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(reduce_prod, REDUCE_PRODUCT, ReduceProduct, Reduce, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(reduce_sum, REDUCE_SUM, ReduceSum, Reduce, None)
/* memory operation */
DEF_OPERATOR(concat, CONCAT, Concat, Axis, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(pad, PAD, Pad, None, Pad)
DEF_OPERATOR(reshape, RESHAPE, Reshape, Reshape, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(reverse, REVERSE, Reverse, Reverse, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(slice, SLICE, Slice, Slice, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(tile, TILE, Tile, Tile, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(transpose, TRANSPOSE, Transpose, None, None)
/* gather/scatter */
DEF_OPERATOR(gather, GATHER, Gather, Axis, None)
/* image */
DEF_OPERATOR(resize, RESIZE, Resize, Resize, None)
/* quantization */
DEF_OPERATOR(cast, CAST, Cast, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(rescale, RESCALE, Rescale, Rescale, None)
/* data nodes */
DEF_OPERATOR(const, CONST, Const, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(placeholder, PLACEHOLDER, Placeholder, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(identity, IDENTITY, Identity, None, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(identityn, IDENTITYN, IdentityN, None, None)
/* custom operations */
DEF_OPERATOR(custom, CUSTOM, Custom, None, None)
/* control flow operators */
DEF_OPERATOR(cond_if, COND_IF, CondIf, CondIf, None)
DEF_OPERATOR(while_loop, WHILE_LOOP, WhileLoop, WhileLoop, None)