blob: d9077f06d256a8caff61e19cf7ea05620548ded6 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Generate extended reference model API with eager operator execution entrypoints"""
# Copyright (c) 2021-2023, ARM Limited.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import copy
import os
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from xml.dom import minidom
from jinja2 import Environment
from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader
# Note: main script designed to be run from the scripts/operator_api/ directory
def getBasePath():
return Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.parent
def getTosaArgTypes(tosaXml):
Returns a list of the TOSA argument types from tosa.xml.
argTypes = {
argTypesXml = tosaXml.getElementsByTagName("type")
for argTypeXml in argTypesXml:
return argTypes
def getTosaDataTypes(tosaXml):
Returns a list of the TOSA data types from tosa.xml.
argTypes = getTosaArgTypes(tosaXml)
dataTypes = set()
dataTypesXml = tosaXml.getElementsByTagName("typesupport")
for dataTypeXml in dataTypesXml:
for argType in argTypes:
dataType = dataTypeXml.getAttribute(argType)
if dataType != "":
return sorted(dataTypes)
def getSerializeOpType(tosaOpName):
Returns the Serialization library operator that matches the TOSA operator specified.
map = {
"avg_pool2d": "Pool",
"conv2d": "Conv",
"conv3d": "Conv",
"depthwise_conv2d": "Conv",
"fully_connected": "FullyConnected",
"matmul": "MatMul",
"max_pool2d": "Pool",
"transpose_conv2d": "TransposeConv",
"clamp": "Clamp",
"arithmetic_right_shift": "ArithmeticRightShift",
"mul": "Mul",
"table": "Table",
"negate": "Negate",
"pad": "Pad",
"reshape": "Reshape",
"slice": "Slice",
"tile": "Tile",
"transpose": "Transpose",
"resize": "Resize",
"rescale": "Rescale",
"cond_if": "CondIf",
"while_loop": "WhileLoop",
if tosaOpName not in map.keys():
return "None"
return map[tosaOpName]
def getSerialLibAttsForOp(tosaOpName, allSerialLibAtts, tosaArgs):
Returns the attributes required by the Serialization library for the TOSA operator specified.
Generates code to initialize Serialization library attributes. If a matching TOSA argument exists,
that value is used for initialization, otherwise a default value e.g. 0 is used.
serLibOpType = getSerializeOpType(tosaOpName)
if serLibOpType not in allSerialLibAtts.keys():
return {}
serLibOpAtts = copy.deepcopy(allSerialLibAtts[serLibOpType])
tosaArgsDict = {arg["name"]: arg for arg in tosaArgs}
serTosaTypeMap = {"ResizeMode": "tosa_mode"}
serAttsToFix = {
"reshape": {"new_shape": "shape"},
"transpose_conv2d": {"output_shape": "out_shape"},
if tosaOpName in serAttsToFix:
# Fix attributes names to match with tosa.xml
for attDefName, tosaSpecName in serAttsToFix[tosaOpName].items():
for opAtts in serLibOpAtts:
if opAtts["name"] == attDefName:
opAtts["name"] = tosaSpecName
for att in serLibOpAtts:
attName = att["name"]
attType = att["dType"]
init = ""
# Translate TOSA data types to Serialization library data types for initialization
if attType in serTosaTypeMap.keys():
init = f"const {attType} {attName} = translate_client_{serTosaTypeMap[att['dType']]}(client_{attName});"
# Initialize Serialization library attributes to their matching function parameter
elif tosaOpName == "avg_pool2d" and attName == "accum_dtype":
init = f"const tosa::DType {attName} = translate_client_acc_size(client_acc_size);"
att["dType"] = "tosa::DType"
elif attName in tosaArgsDict:
if att["SV"] == "V":
if tosaArgsDict[attName]["type"] == "tosa_tensor_t":
init = f"std::vector<{attType}> {attName};"
init = (
+ f"size_t {attName}_size = client_{attName}.size / sizeof({attType});"
init = (
+ f"{attType}* {attName}_data = reinterpret_cast<{attType}*>(client_{attName}.data);"
init = (
+ f"{attName}.assign({attName}_data, {attName}_data + {attName}_size);"
init = f"const std::vector<{attType}> {attName}"
shape = tosaArgsDict[attName]["shape"]
if shape == "[]":
init = (
+ f"(&client_{attName}[0], &client_{attName}[0] + client_{attName}_len);"
init = (
+ f"(&client_{attName}[0], &client_{attName}{shape});"
init = ""
# Initialize Serialization library attributes with no matching fuction parameter
if att["SV"] == "V":
init = f"std::vector<int32_t> {attName};"
if att["dType"] == "DType":
att["dType"] = "tosa::DType"
init = f"const tosa::DType {attName} = tosa::DType::DType_FP32;"
init = f"const {attType} {attName} = 0;"
att["init"] = init
return serLibOpAtts
def updateTosaArgs(tosaArgs, serialLibAtts, tosaXml):
Replace TOSA argument data types with their matching Serialization attribute data types.
Delete TOSA arguments where the type couldn't be determined.
Add Serialization attributes that have no matching TOSA argument.
tosaArgTypes = getTosaArgTypes(tosaXml)
serAttsDict = {att["name"]: att for att in serialLibAtts}
tosaArgsNames = [arg["name"] for arg in tosaArgs]
delTosaArgs = []
# Replace TOSA argument data types with their matching Serialization attribute data types.
for tosaArg in tosaArgs:
if tosaArg["type"] in tosaArgTypes:
if tosaArg["name"] in serAttsDict:
tosaArg["type"] = serAttsDict[tosaArg["name"]]["dType"]
# Delete TOSA argument whose data type can't be determined
# Delete corresponding length argument if one exists
lenArgName = f"{tosaArg['name']}_len"
if lenArgName in tosaArgsNames:
# Delete TOSA arguments where the type couldn't be determined
for index in sorted(delTosaArgs, key=int, reverse=True):
del tosaArgs[index]
# Add Serialization attributes that have no matching TOSA argument
tosaArgNames = [arg["name"] for arg in tosaArgs]
for serAtt in serialLibAtts:
attName = serAtt["name"]
attType = serAtt["dType"]
if (attName not in tosaArgNames) and (not attType == "tosa::DType"):
serAttName = serAtt["name"]
if serAtt["SV"] == "V":
# For vector data types, insert a matching length argument
len(tosaArgs) - 1,
"name": f"{serAttName}_len",
"type": "int32_t",
"shape": "",
"category": "",
init = f"const std::vector<{attType}> {attName}(&client_{serAttName}[0], &client_{serAttName}[0] + client_{serAttName}_len);"
shape = "[]"
init = ""
shape = ""
serAtt["init"] = init
# Insert new argument
len(tosaArgs) - 1,
"name": serAttName,
"type": serAtt["dType"],
"shape": shape,
"category": "",
def getOperators(tosaXml):
Return a list of TOSA operators as defined by tosa.xml.
operators = []
ignoreOps = [
opsXml = tosaXml.getElementsByTagName("operator")
allSerialLibAtts = getSerialLibAtts()
for opXml in opsXml:
opName = opXml.getElementsByTagName("name")[0]
if opName not in ignoreOps:
operator = {"name": opName}
operator["serializeAttType"] = getSerializeOpType(opName)
tosaArgs = getTosaArgs(opXml)
serialLibAtts = getSerialLibAttsForOp(opName, allSerialLibAtts, tosaArgs)
# Handle "axis" arguments
axisList = [arg["name"] for arg in tosaArgs if arg["name"] == "axis"]
if operator["serializeAttType"] == "None" and len(axisList) > 0:
operator["serializeAttType"] = "Axis"
serialLibAtts = [
"name": "axis",
"dType": "int32_t",
"SV": "S",
"init": "",
updateTosaArgs(tosaArgs, serialLibAtts, tosaXml)
operator["arguments"] = tosaArgs
operator["serialLibAtts"] = serialLibAtts
serializationAttNames = [att["name"] for att in serialLibAtts]
operator["inputs"] = [
for arg in tosaArgs
if arg["category"] == "input"
and arg["name"] not in serializationAttNames
operator["outputs"] = [
arg["name"] for arg in tosaArgs if arg["category"] == "output"
return operators
def getTosaArgs(opXml):
Return the arguments required for the TOSA operator specified.
arguments = []
argsXml = opXml.getElementsByTagName("argument")
tosaTensorTypes = getTosaArgTypes(tosaXml)
tosaTypeMap = {"bool_t": "bool", "uint6_t": "uint8_t", "mode_t": "tosa_mode_t"}
tensorElemTypeMap = {
"resize_mode_t": "tosa_mode_t",
"acc_size_t": "tosa_acc_size_t",
for xmlArg in argsXml:
argName = xmlArg.getAttribute("name").lower()
tensorElemType = xmlArg.getAttribute("tensor-element-type")
if tensorElemType in tensorElemTypeMap:
argType = tensorElemTypeMap[tensorElemType]
argType = xmlArg.getAttribute("type")
argShape = xmlArg.getAttribute("shape")
argCategory = xmlArg.getAttribute("category")
# FullyConnected workaround
if (argName == "weight" or argName == "bias") and (argCategory == "attribute"):
argCategory = "input"
# Update argument type
if argType[-1:] == "*":
argType = argType[:-1]
if argCategory in ["input", "output"] and argType in tosaTensorTypes:
argType = "tosa_tensor_t"
argShape = ""
if argType in tosaTypeMap:
argType = tosaTypeMap[argType]
# Add a length argument for arrays with unknown compile-time size
if argShape != "" and argShape[0] == "[" and not argShape[1:-1].isnumeric():
argShape = "[]"
"name": f"{argName}_len",
"type": "int32_t",
"shape": "",
"category": "",
elif argShape == "" or not argShape[0] == "[":
argShape = ""
# Append argument
"name": argName,
"type": argType,
"shape": argShape,
"category": argCategory,
return arguments
def clangFormat(filename):
cmd = ["clang-format", "-i", filename]
with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=devnull)
def getSerialLibAtts():
Parse attribute.def file and return a dictionary where the keys are Serialization library operator names.
The values are the arguments required by each Serialization library operator.
serialLibAtts = {}
base_path = getBasePath()
attr_def = (
base_path / "thirdparty" / "serialization_lib" / "include" / "attribute.def"
with open(attr_def) as file:
preamble = True
inAtt = False
opName = ""
args = []
for line in file:
if preamble and not line[: len("DEF_ATTRIBUTE(")] == "DEF_ATTRIBUTE(":
preamble = False
line = line.lstrip().rstrip()
if not inAtt and "DEF_ATTRIBUTE(" in line:
opName = line[len("DEF_ATTRIBUTE(") : line.find(",")]
inAtt = True
elif inAtt:
vals = line.split(",")
argName = vals[2].lstrip().strip()
if ")" in argName:
argName = argName[:-1]
arg = {
"name": argName,
"dType": vals[0].lstrip().strip(),
"SV": vals[1].lstrip().strip(),
if ")" in line:
serialLibAtts[opName] = args
opName = ""
args = []
inAtt = False
return serialLibAtts
def renderTemplate(environment, dataTypes, operators, template, outfile):
content = template.render(dataTypes=dataTypes, operators=operators)
with open(outfile, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as output:
print(f"Created {outfile}")
def generate(environment, dataTypes, operators, base_path):
# Generate include/operators.h
template = environment.get_template("operators_h.j2")
outfile = base_path / "reference_model/include/operators.h"
renderTemplate(environment, dataTypes, operators, template, outfile)
# Generate src/
template = environment.get_template("operators_cc.j2")
outfile = base_path / "reference_model/src/"
renderTemplate(environment, dataTypes, operators, template, outfile)
if __name__ == "__main__":
base_path = getBasePath()
environment = Environment(
loader=FileSystemLoader(Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "templates")
tosaXml = minidom.parse(str(base_path / "thirdparty/specification/tosa.xml"))
dataTypes = getTosaDataTypes(tosaXml)
operators = getOperators(tosaXml)
generate(environment, dataTypes, operators, base_path)