blob: c534a5801d3bfd1322b43e0238e648b06583eb28 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2020-2023, ARM Limited.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# FIXME: replace hardcoded '* 2' with random integers, where possible
# The scaling factor for random numbers generated in input tensors. The
# random numbers are calculated as:
# (np.random.rand() - RAND_SHIFT_FACTOR) * RAND_SCALE_FACTOR
# FIXME: improve range here
# Amount to add to random numbers
class TGen:
"""A collection of functions to build tensor value arguments for an operator"""
def __init__(self):
def getRand(shape, dtype, rng):
if dtype == tf.float32:
return np.float32(
(rng.random(size=shape) - RAND_SHIFT_FACTOR) * RAND_SCALE_FACTOR
if dtype == tf.float16:
return np.float16(
(rng.random(size=shape) - RAND_SHIFT_FACTOR) * RAND_SCALE_FACTOR
if dtype == tf.int32:
return np.int32(
rng.integers(low=RAND_INT_MIN, high=RAND_INT_MAX, size=shape)
if dtype == tf.uint32:
return np.uint32(rng.integers(low=0, high=RAND_INT_MAX, size=shape))
if dtype == tf.bool:
return np.bool_(rng.choice(a=[False, True], size=shape))
raise Exception("Unsupported type: {}".format(dtype))
def tgBasic(op, shape, dtype, rng):
# Build random tensor placeholder node args of a given shape
pl, const = op["operands"]
tf_placeholders = []
tf_consts = []
for i in range(pl):
("placeholder_{}".format(i), TGen.getRand(shape, dtype, rng))
for i in range(const):
tf_consts.append(("const_{}".format(i), TGen.getRand(shape, dtype, rng)))
return tf_placeholders, tf_consts
def tgBFuzz(op, shape, dtype, rng):
# Build random tensor placeholder node args of a given shape, optionally
# fuzzing the arguments with random 1's to force broadcasting
pl, const = op["operands"]
assert const == 0
fuzz_arg = rng.integers(0, pl + const)
fuzz_idx = rng.integers(0, len(shape))
tf_placeholders = []
tf_consts = []
for i in range(pl):
if i == fuzz_arg:
# Insert the broadcast in one dimension index
s_fuzz = list(shape)
s_fuzz[fuzz_idx] = 1
s_fuzz = tuple(s_fuzz)
i_shape = s_fuzz
i_shape = shape
("placeholder_{}".format(i), TGen.getRand(i_shape, dtype, rng))
return tf_placeholders, tf_consts
def tgConvCommon(op, ifm_shape, filter_shape, out_channels, dtype, rng):
# Take the shape and generate an input and filter
tf_placeholders = []
tf_consts = []
tf_placeholders.append(("placeholder_0", TGen.getRand(ifm_shape, dtype, rng)))
tf_consts.append(("const_0", TGen.getRand(filter_shape, dtype, rng)))
bias = op["bias"]
except KeyError:
bias = False
if bias:
# bias is 1D and size == output channels
bias_shape = (out_channels,)
tf_consts.append(("const_1", TGen.getRand(bias_shape, dtype, rng)))
return tf_placeholders, tf_consts
def tgConv2d(op, ifm_shape, dtype, rng):
# Require rank 4 shape
if len(ifm_shape) != 4:
return [], []
filter_h, filter_w = op["filter"]
# TODO: Hard-code the test by making the OFM depth 2x the IFM depth.
# Could randomize this in the future.
out_channels = ifm_shape[3] * 2
filter_shape = (filter_h, filter_w, ifm_shape[3], out_channels)
return TGen.tgConvCommon(op, ifm_shape, filter_shape, out_channels, dtype, rng)
def tgDepthwiseConv2d(op, ifm_shape, dtype, rng):
# Require rank 4 shape
if len(ifm_shape) != 4:
return [], []
filter_h, filter_w = op["filter"]
# TODO: Hard-code the test by making the channel_multiplier=2.
# Could randomize this in the future.
filter_shape = (filter_h, filter_w, ifm_shape[3], 2)
out_channels = ifm_shape[3] * 2
return TGen.tgConvCommon(op, ifm_shape, filter_shape, out_channels, dtype, rng)
def tgTransposeConv2d(op, ifm_shape, dtype, rng):
# Require rank 4 shape
if len(ifm_shape) != 4:
return [], []
filter_h, filter_w = op["filter"]
# TODO: Hard-code the test by making the IFM depth 2x the OFM depth.
# Could randomize this in the future.
out_channels = ifm_shape[3] * 2
filter_shape = (filter_h, filter_w, out_channels, ifm_shape[3])
return TGen.tgConvCommon(op, ifm_shape, filter_shape, out_channels, dtype, rng)
def tgConv3d(op, ifm_shape, dtype, rng):
# Require rank 5 shape
if len(ifm_shape) != 5:
return [], []
filter_d, filter_h, filter_w = op["filter"]
# TODO: Hard-code the test by making the OFM depth 2x the IFM depth.
# Could randomize this in the future.
in_channels = ifm_shape[4]
out_channels = in_channels * 2
filter_shape = (filter_d, filter_h, filter_w, in_channels, out_channels)
return TGen.tgConvCommon(op, ifm_shape, filter_shape, out_channels, dtype, rng)
def tgPooling(op, shapes, dtype, rng):
# Pooling does nothing special except filter out non-rank-4 tensors
if len(shapes) != 4:
return [], []
return TGen.tgBasic(op, shapes, dtype, rng)
def tgMatmul(op, ifm_shape, dtype, rng):
# Take the shape and generate an input and filter
tf_placeholders = []
tf_consts = []
if len(ifm_shape) < 2:
return [], []
# For ifm_shape = [..., N, K]
# Generate rhs tensor with shape [..., K x (2 * N)]
tf_placeholders.append(("placeholder_0", TGen.getRand(ifm_shape, dtype, rng)))
shape_rhs = list(ifm_shape)
shape_rhs[-2] = ifm_shape[-1]
shape_rhs[-1] = ifm_shape[-2] * 2
TGen.getRand(shape_rhs, dtype, rng),
return tf_placeholders, tf_consts
def tgOneHot(op, shape, dtype, rng):
# Build random tensor placeholder node args of a given shape
pl, const = op["operands"]
assert pl == 3 and const == 1
tf_placeholders = []
tf_consts = []
# depth
depth = np.int32(rng.integers(low=1, high=32, size=None))
tf_consts.append(("const_0", depth))
# indices
indices = np.int32(rng.integers(low=0, high=depth, size=shape))
tf_placeholders.append(("placeholder_0", indices))
# on_value
tf_placeholders.append(("placeholder_1", TGen.getRand(None, dtype, rng)))
# off_value
tf_placeholders.append(("placeholder_2", TGen.getRand(None, dtype, rng)))
return tf_placeholders, tf_consts
def tgSelect(op, shape, dtype, rng):
# Build random tensor placeholder node args of a given shape
pl, const = op["operands"]
assert pl == 3 and const == 0
tf_placeholders = []
tf_consts = []
# selector
tf_placeholders.append(("placeholder_0", TGen.getRand(None, tf.bool, rng)))
# inputs
tf_placeholders.append(("placeholder_1", TGen.getRand(shape, dtype, rng)))
tf_placeholders.append(("placeholder_2", TGen.getRand(shape, dtype, rng)))
return tf_placeholders, tf_consts
def tgRecurrent(op, ifm_shape, dtype, rng):
# Require rank 3 shape for recurrent networks
if len(ifm_shape) != 3:
return [], []
pl, const = op["operands"]
tf_placeholders = []
tf_consts = []
for i in range(pl):
("placeholder_{}".format(i), TGen.getRand(ifm_shape, dtype, rng))
for i in range(const):
("const_{}".format(i), TGen.getRand(ifm_shape, dtype, rng))
return tf_placeholders, tf_consts
def tgRFFT2d(op, shape, dtype, rng):
# Require rank 3 shape
if len(shape) != 3:
return [], []
tf_placeholders = [("placeholder_0", TGen.getRand(shape, dtype, rng))]
return tf_placeholders, []