blob: a7886ff885e5f2942bb4b06a9c80b349aad7f64d [file] [log] [blame]
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=== Data Nodes
==== CONST
A node containing constant data for use as the input to an operation. May hold data in any of the supported data formats.
|Output|out_t*|output|shape|Output tensor of same type, size as the input tensor
*Supported Data Types:*
|Any|signed 8|int8/aint8
|Any|signed 16|int16
|Any|signed 32|int32
|MI, MT|float|float
A node where data will be inserted into the network at runtime. Generally used for inputs to the network.
|Output|out_t*|output|shape|Output tensor of same type, size as the input tensor
*Supported Data Types:*
|Any|unsigned 8|uint8
|Any|signed 8|int8/aint8
|Any|signed 16|int16
|Any|signed 32|int32
|MI, MT|float|float
Returns a tensor with the same shape, type, and contents as the input.
|Input|in_t|input1|shape|Input tensor
|Output|out_t*|output|shape|Output tensor of same type, size as the input tensor
*Supported Data Types:*
|Any|signed 8|int8/aint8|int8/aint8
|Any|signed 16|int16|int16
|Any|signed 32|int32|int32
|MI, MT|float|float|float
Returns a list of tensors with the same shape, type, and contents as the input list of tensors.
|Input|in_t|input1|[shape1, shape2, …]|List of input tensors
|Output|out_t*|output|[shape1, shape2, …]|List of output tensors of same type, size as the input tensors
*Supported Data Types:*
|Any|signed 8|int8/aint8|int8/aint8
|Any|signed 16|int16|int16
|Any|signed 32|int32|int32
|MI, MT|float|float|float