blob: 29ba39118e5bbbc35fe3d7436e7287831cdcba34 [file] [log] [blame]
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=== Scatter/Gather Operators
Generate a tensor for which each element in the output is a subtensor of the values tensor along the given axis, based on the value of indices.
|Input|index_t*|indices|shape|Input tensor from 1 to 4 dims
|Input|value_t*|values|shape|Input tensor from 1 to 4 dims. Must be of rank at least axis + 1
|Attribute|int|axis|-|Scalar value denoting which dimension to be used for striding.
|Output|out_t*|output|shape|Output tensor
*Quantization Parameters:*
*Supported Data Types:*
|Any|signed 8|int8/int16|aint8|aint8
|Any|signed 16|int8/int16|int16|int16
|Any|signed 32|int8/int16|int32|int32