blob: 4632e3a5b6005704036e37884c8a88ab9087be0d [file] [log] [blame]
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=== Scatter/Gather Operators
Generate a tensor for which each element in the output is a subtensor of the values tensor based on the indices.
N is the number of batches, W the number of indices in each batch, K the range of each index and C the number data channels for each index.
The values_out tensor is set to the values_in tensor with data modified as follows: data from the input tensor is inserted at the positions specified by the indices tensor.
N is the number of batches, W the number of indices in each batch, K the range of each index and C the number data channels for each index.
It is not permitted to repeat the same output index within a single SCATTER operation and so each output index occurs at most once.
It follows that K >= W.
In use cases that require multiple updates to the same output position, these must be decomposed into multiple SCATTER operations.