blob: da839f856e79d6c95a360d4abff06b2e00f0d2db [file] [log] [blame]
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=== Image Operators
Resizes a tensor. Resize is only allowed in the H and W dimensions.
The height dimension is scaled by factor (scale_y_n/scale_y_d).
The width dimension is scaled by factor (scale_x_n/scale_x_d).
The NEAREST_NEIGHBOR mode returns the value of the input tensor closest to the
calculated sample position for both floating-point and integer data formats.
Floating-point BILINEAR mode returns a bilinearly interpolated output value
based on the four closest input sample positions.
For integer BILINEAR interpolation mode, the output value must
be scaled by 1/(scale_y_n * scale_x_n) in a following operation to
complete the interpolation (for example with a RESCALE operator).
The following examples show practical uses of the parameters:
* For approximate uniform input sampling between (0, 0) and (IH - 1, IW - 1) set
** scale_y_n/scale_y_d = (OH - 1)/(IH - 1) as integer ratios
** scale_x_n/scale_x_d = (OW - 1)/(IW - 1) as integer ratios
** offset_x = 0, offset_y = 0, border_x = 0, border_y = 0
* For power of two upscale [OH - 1,OW - 1] = (1 << k) * [IH - 1, IW - 1],
sampling between (0,0) and (IH - 1,IW - 1), set:
** scale_y_n = (1 << k), scale_y_d = 1, offset_y = 0, border_y = 0
** scale_x_n = (1 << k), scale_x_d = 1, offset_x = 0, border_x = 0
* For power of two upscale [OH,OW] = (1 << k) * [IH,IW],
sampling range approximately (-0.5, -0.5) to (IH - 0.5, IW - 0.5), set:
** scale_y_n = 2 << k, scale_y_d = 2, offset_y = -(1 << k) + 1, border_y = (1 << k) - 1
** scale_x_n = 2 << k, scale_x_d = 2, offset_x = -(1 << k) + 1, border_x = (1 << k) - 1
The output dimensions can be derived from the input dimensions by inverting
the scale as described in the pseudocode. The [border_y, border_x] values
adjust the output size to allow fractional sampling beyond integer
input position (IH - 1,IW - 1).
*Resize Modes:*
|NEAREST|Nearest Neighbor
|BILINEAR|Bilinear interpoloation
// Ensure the image size is supported by GPU APIs and that for integer
// implementations, position * stride does not overflow int32_t.
ERROR_IF(max(OH,OW,IH,IW) >= 16384);
ERROR_IF(scale_y_n <= 0 || scale_y_d <= 0 || scale_x_n <= 0 || scale_x_d <= 0);
// if in_t=int8_t ensure that an int32_t accumulator can be used
ERROR_IF(scale_y_n > (1 << 11) || scale_x_n > (1 << 11));
// set a consistent lower limit of 1/16 downscale to simplify implementations
ERROR_IF(scale_y_d >= 16 * scale_y_n || scale_x_d >= 16 * scale_x_n);
ERROR_IF(offset_y < -scale_y_n || offset_y >= 16 * scale_y_n);
ERROR_IF(offset_x < -scale_x_n || offset_x >= 16 * scale_x_n);
ERROR_IF(border_y < -16 * scale_y_n || border_y >= scale_y_n);
ERROR_IF(border_x < -16 * scale_x_n || border_x >= scale_x_n);
ERROR_IF(OH != idiv_check((IH - 1) * scale_y_n - offset_y + border_y, scale_y_d) + 1);
ERROR_IF(OW != idiv_check((IW - 1) * scale_x_n - offset_x + border_x, scale_x_d) + 1);
for_each(0 <= n < N, 0 <= oy < OH, 0 <= ox < OW; 0 <= c < C) {
out_t acc;
resize_t dx, dy;
resize_t unit_x, unit_y;
unit_x = (is_floating_point(resize_t)) ? 1.0 : scale_x_n;
unit_y = (is_floating_point(resize_t)) ? 1.0 : scale_y_n;
int32_t y = oy * scale_y_d + offset_y;
int32_t x = ox * scale_x_d + offset_x;
int16_t iy = floor(y / scale_y_n);
int16_t ix = floor(x / scale_x_n);
int16_t ry = y - iy * scale_y_n; // (y % scale_y_n)
int16_t rx = x - ix * scale_x_n; // (x % scale_x_n)
if (is_floating_point(resize_t)) {
dy = static_cast<resize_t>(ry) / static_cast<resize_t>(scale_y_n);
dx = static_cast<resize_t>(rx) / static_cast<resize_t>(scale_x_n);
} else {
dy = ry;
dx = rx;
// Note that -1 <= iy < IH and -1 <= ix < IW
int16_t iy0 = apply_max_s(iy, 0);
int16_t iy1 = apply_min_s(iy + 1, IH - 1);
int16_t ix0 = apply_max_s(ix, 0);
int16_t ix1 = apply_min_s(ix + 1, IW - 1);
if (mode==BILINEAR) {
using in_s_t = make_signed(in_t); // Use signed calculations for i8/i16
in_s_t v00 = static_cast<in_s_t>(tensor_read<in_t>(input, [N,IH,IW,C], [n,iy0,ix0,c]));
in_s_t v01 = static_cast<in_s_t>(tensor_read<in_t>(input, [N,IH,IW,C], [n,iy0,ix1,c]));
in_s_t v10 = static_cast<in_s_t>(tensor_read<in_t>(input, [N,IH,IW,C], [n,iy1,ix0,c]));
in_s_t v11 = static_cast<in_s_t>(tensor_read<in_t>(input, [N,IH,IW,C], [n,iy1,ix1,c]));
acc = v00 * (unit_y - dy) * (unit_x - dx);
acc += v01 * (unit_y - dy) * dx;
acc += v10 * dy * (unit_x - dx);
acc += v11 * dy * dx;
tensor_write<out_t>(output, [N,OH,OW,C], [n,oy,ox,c], acc);
} else if (mode==NEAREST) {
int32_t iy, ix;
if (is_floating_point(resize_t)) {
iy = (dy >= 0.5) ? iy1 : iy0;
ix = (dx >= 0.5) ? ix1 : ix0;
} else {
iy = (2 * dy >= scale_y_n) ? iy1 : iy0;
ix = (2 * dx >= scale_x_n) ? ix1 : ix0;
in_t v = tensor_read<in_t>(input, [N,IH,IW,C], [n,iy,ix,c]);
tensor_write<out_t>(output, [N,OH,OW,C], [n,oy,ox,c], v);