blob: 7568564814dce433d1308169d76089b9f6351f3e [file] [log] [blame]
// This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as
// authorised by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited
// (C) COPYRIGHT 2020-2024 ARM Limited
// The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised
// copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted
// by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited.
ERROR_IF(in_t != i8_t && input_zp != 0); // Zero point only for int8_t
ERROR_IF(weight_t != i8_t && weight_zp != 0);
ERROR_IF(pad_d0 < 0 || pad_d1 < 0 || pad_top < 0 || pad_bottom < 0 || pad_left < 0 || pad_right < 0);
ERROR_IF(stride_d < 1 || stride_y < 1 || stride_x < 1);
ERROR_IF(dilation_d < 1 || dilation_y < 1 || dilation_x < 1);
ERROR_IF(OD != idiv_check(ID - 1 + pad_d0 + pad_d1 - (KD - 1) * dilation_d, stride_d) + 1);
ERROR_IF(OH != idiv_check(IH - 1 + pad_top + pad_bottom - (KH - 1) * dilation_y, stride_y) + 1);
ERROR_IF(OW != idiv_check(IW - 1 + pad_left + pad_right - (KW - 1) * dilation_x, stride_x) + 1);
ERROR_IF(BC != OC && BC != 1);
for_each(0 <= n < N, 0 <= od < OD, 0 <= oy < OH, 0 <= ox < OW, 0 <= oc < OC) {
out_t acc = 0;
index_t id = od * stride_d - pad_d0;
index_t iy = oy * stride_y - pad_top;
index_t ix = ox * stride_x - pad_left;
for_each(0 <= kd < KD, 0 <= ky < KH, 0 <= kx < KW, 0 <= ic < IC) {
index_t d = id + kd * dilation_d;
index_t y = iy + ky * dilation_y;
index_t x = ix + kx * dilation_x;
if (0 <= x < IW && 0 <= y < IH && 0 <= d < ID) {
out_t value = static_cast<out_t>(tensor_read<in_t>(input,
out_t weight = static_cast<out_t>(tensor_read<weight_t>(weight,
value = apply_sub_s<out_t>(value, static_cast<out_t>(input_zp));
weight = apply_sub_s<out_t>(weight, static_cast<out_t>(weight_zp));
acc = apply_add_s<out_t>(acc, apply_mul_s<out_t>(value, weight));
acc = apply_add_s<out_t>(acc, bias[(BC == 1) ? 0 : oc]);
tensor_write<out_t>(output, [N,OD,OH,OW,OC], [n,od,oy,ox,oc], acc);