blob: 9de9c7211f3df84c5a6fe7e1490514f6db532852 [file] [log] [blame]
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=== Control Flow Operators
TOSA implements two control flow operators, for conditional branching and loop based control. Both have attributes that are TOSA sub-graphs.
==== COND_IF
Evaluates a Boolean condition and then takes one of two distinct execution paths. This implements the semantic if-then-else structure.
ERROR_IF(tosa_nesting_depth >= MAX_NESTING);
ERROR_IF(tensor_list_shape(input_list) != tosa_input_shape(then_graph));
ERROR_IF(tensor_list_shape(input_list) != tosa_input_shape(else_graph));
ERROR_IF(tensor_list_shape(output_list) != tosa_output_shape(then_graph));
ERROR_IF(tensor_list_shape(output_list) != tosa_output_shape(else_graph));
ERROR_IF(tensor_size(shape) != 1);
if (condition[0]) {
tosa_execute_graph(then_graph, input_list, output_list);
} else {
tosa_execute_graph(else_graph, input_list, output_list);
Generates and evaluates a Bool condition and either executes a loop body or exits the loop. This action is performed repeatedly after updating and re-evaluating the Boolean condition every iteration. This implements the semantic foreach or while iterative loop structure.
ERROR_IF(tosa_nesting_depth >= MAX_NESTING);
ERROR_IF(tensor_list_shape(input_list) != tosa_list_shape(output_list));
ERROR_IF(tensor_list_shape(input_list) != tosa_input_shape(cond_graph));
ERROR_IF(tensor_list_shape(input_list) != tosa_input_shape(body_graph));
ERROR_IF(tensor_list_shape(input_list) != tosa_output_shape(body_graph));
// Condition graph output must be a single element tensor with a single bool value
ERROR_IF(tensor_size(tosa_output_shape(cond_graph)) != 1);
ERROR_IF(tosa_output_type(cond_graph) != bool_t);
// The iteration number 'i' is included to give unique names to variables
// in each iteration of the loop and is not required by implementations
int32_t i=0; // iteration number
tensor_list_t list[]; // array of tensor lists indexed by iteration
bool_t *condition[]; // array of condition tensors indexed by iteration
list[i] = input_list; // copy input data as list[0]
tosa_execute_graph(cond_graph, list[i], [ condition[i] ]); // initial condition
while (condition[i][0]) {
tosa_execute_graph(body_graph, list[i], list[i+1]);
i = i+1;
tosa_execute_graph(cond_graph, list[i], [ condition[i] ]);
output_list = list[i];