blob: d9a7b35cab758959289d787c1c81ec0c293f5faf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "RNNoiseProcess.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
namespace arm {
namespace app {
namespace rnn {
#define VERIFY(x) \
do { \
if (!(x)) { \
printf_err("Assert failed:" #x "\n"); \
exit(1); \
} \
} while(0)
RNNoiseProcess::RNNoiseProcess() :
m_halfWindow(FRAME_SIZE, 0),
m_dctTable(NB_BANDS * NB_BANDS),
m_analysisMem(FRAME_SIZE, 0),
m_cepstralMem(CEPS_MEM, vec1D32F(NB_BANDS, 0)),
m_synthesisMem(FRAME_SIZE, 0),
m_pitchBuf(PITCH_BUF_SIZE, 0),
m_lastGVec(NB_BANDS, 0)
constexpr uint32_t numFFt = 2 * FRAME_SIZE;
static_assert(numFFt != 0, "Num FFT can't be 0");
math::MathUtils::FftInitF32(numFFt, this->m_fftInstReal, FftType::real);
math::MathUtils::FftInitF32(numFFt, this->m_fftInstCmplx, FftType::complex);
void RNNoiseProcess::PreprocessFrame(const float* audioData,
const size_t audioLen,
FrameFeatures& features)
/* Note audioWindow is modified in place */
const arrHp aHp {-1.99599, 0.99600 };
const arrHp bHp {-2.00000, 1.00000 };
vec1D32F audioWindow{audioData, audioData + audioLen};
this->BiQuad(bHp, aHp, this->m_memHpX, audioWindow);
this->ComputeFrameFeatures(audioWindow, features);
void RNNoiseProcess::PostProcessFrame(vec1D32F& modelOutput, FrameFeatures& features, vec1D32F& outFrame)
std::vector<float> g = modelOutput; /* Gain values. */
std::vector<float> gf(FREQ_SIZE, 0);
if (!features.m_silence) {
PitchFilter(features, g);
for (size_t i = 0; i < NB_BANDS; i++) {
float alpha = .6f;
g[i] = std::max(g[i], alpha * m_lastGVec[i]);
m_lastGVec[i] = g[i];
InterpBandGain(gf, g);
for (size_t i = 0; i < FREQ_SIZE; i++) {
features.m_fftX[2 * i] *= gf[i]; /* Real. */
features.m_fftX[2 * i + 1] *= gf[i]; /*imaginary. */
FrameSynthesis(outFrame, features.m_fftX);
void RNNoiseProcess::InitTables()
constexpr float pi = M_PI;
constexpr float halfPi = M_PI / 2;
constexpr float halfPiOverFrameSz = halfPi/FRAME_SIZE;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < FRAME_SIZE; i++) {
const float sinVal = math::MathUtils::SineF32(halfPiOverFrameSz * (i + 0.5f));
m_halfWindow[i] = math::MathUtils::SineF32(halfPi * sinVal * sinVal);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NB_BANDS; i++) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < NB_BANDS; j++) {
m_dctTable[i * NB_BANDS + j] = math::MathUtils::CosineF32((i + 0.5f) * j * pi / NB_BANDS);
m_dctTable[i * NB_BANDS] *= math::MathUtils::SqrtF32(0.5f);
void RNNoiseProcess::BiQuad(
const arrHp& bHp,
const arrHp& aHp,
arrHp& memHpX,
vec1D32F& audioWindow)
for (float& audioElement : audioWindow) {
const auto xi = audioElement;
const auto yi = audioElement + memHpX[0];
memHpX[0] = memHpX[1] + (bHp[0] * xi - aHp[0] * yi);
memHpX[1] = (bHp[1] * xi - aHp[1] * yi);
audioElement = yi;
void RNNoiseProcess::ComputeFrameFeatures(vec1D32F& audioWindow,
FrameFeatures& features)
float E = 0.0;
vec1D32F Ly(NB_BANDS, 0);
vec1D32F p(WINDOW_SIZE, 0);
vec1D32F pitchBuf(PITCH_BUF_SIZE >> 1, 0);
VERIFY(PITCH_BUF_SIZE >= this->m_pitchBuf.size());
std::copy_n(this->m_pitchBuf.begin() + FRAME_SIZE,
this->m_pitchBuf.begin() + PITCH_BUF_SIZE - FRAME_SIZE);
this->PitchDownsample(pitchBuf, PITCH_BUF_SIZE);
VERIFY(pitchBuf.size() > PITCH_MAX_PERIOD/2);
vec1D32F xLp(pitchBuf.size() - PITCH_MAX_PERIOD/2, 0);
std::copy_n(pitchBuf.begin() + PITCH_MAX_PERIOD/2, xLp.size(), xLp.begin());
int pitchIdx = this->PitchSearch(xLp, pitchBuf,
pitchIdx = this->RemoveDoubling(
size_t stIdx = PITCH_BUF_SIZE - WINDOW_SIZE - pitchIdx;
VERIFY((static_cast<int>(PITCH_BUF_SIZE) - static_cast<int>(WINDOW_SIZE) - pitchIdx) >= 0);
std::copy_n(this->m_pitchBuf.begin() + stIdx, WINDOW_SIZE, p.begin());
this->ForwardTransform(p, features.m_fftP);
this->ComputeBandEnergy(features.m_fftP, features.m_Ep);
this->ComputeBandCorr(features.m_fftX, features.m_fftP, features.m_Exp);
for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < NB_BANDS; ++i) {
features.m_Exp[i] /= math::MathUtils::SqrtF32(
0.001f + features.m_Ex[i] * features.m_Ep[i]);
vec1D32F dctVec(NB_BANDS, 0);
this->DCT(features.m_Exp, dctVec);
features.m_featuresVec = vec1D32F (NB_FEATURES, 0);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NB_DELTA_CEPS; ++i) {
features.m_featuresVec[NB_BANDS + 2*NB_DELTA_CEPS + i] = dctVec[i];
features.m_featuresVec[NB_BANDS + 2*NB_DELTA_CEPS] -= 1.3;
features.m_featuresVec[NB_BANDS + 2*NB_DELTA_CEPS + 1] -= 0.9;
features.m_featuresVec[NB_BANDS + 3*NB_DELTA_CEPS] = 0.01 * (static_cast<int>(pitchIdx) - 300);
float logMax = -2.f;
float follow = -2.f;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NB_BANDS; ++i) {
Ly[i] = log10f(1e-2f + features.m_Ex[i]);
Ly[i] = std::max<float>(logMax - 7, std::max<float>(follow - 1.5, Ly[i]));
logMax = std::max<float>(logMax, Ly[i]);
follow = std::max<float>(follow - 1.5, Ly[i]);
E += features.m_Ex[i];
/* If there's no audio avoid messing up the state. */
features.m_silence = true;
if (E < 0.04) {
} else {
features.m_silence = false;
this->DCT(Ly, features.m_featuresVec);
features.m_featuresVec[0] -= 12.0;
features.m_featuresVec[1] -= 4.0;
uint32_t stIdx1 = this->m_memId < 1 ? CEPS_MEM + this->m_memId - 1 : this->m_memId - 1;
uint32_t stIdx2 = this->m_memId < 2 ? CEPS_MEM + this->m_memId - 2 : this->m_memId - 2;
auto ceps1 = this->m_cepstralMem[stIdx1];
auto ceps2 = this->m_cepstralMem[stIdx2];
/* Ceps 0 */
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NB_BANDS; ++i) {
this->m_cepstralMem[this->m_memId][i] = features.m_featuresVec[i];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NB_DELTA_CEPS; ++i) {
features.m_featuresVec[i] = this->m_cepstralMem[this->m_memId][i] + ceps1[i] + ceps2[i];
features.m_featuresVec[NB_BANDS + i] = this->m_cepstralMem[this->m_memId][i] - ceps2[i];
features.m_featuresVec[NB_BANDS + NB_DELTA_CEPS + i] =
this->m_cepstralMem[this->m_memId][i] - 2 * ceps1[i] + ceps2[i];
/* Spectral variability features. */
this->m_memId += 1;
if (this->m_memId == CEPS_MEM) {
this->m_memId = 0;
float specVariability = 0.f;
VERIFY(this->m_cepstralMem.size() >= CEPS_MEM);
for (size_t i = 0; i < CEPS_MEM; ++i) {
float minDist = 1e15;
for (size_t j = 0; j < CEPS_MEM; ++j) {
float dist = 0.f;
for (size_t k = 0; k < NB_BANDS; ++k) {
VERIFY(this->m_cepstralMem[i].size() >= NB_BANDS);
auto tmp = this->m_cepstralMem[i][k] - this->m_cepstralMem[j][k];
dist += tmp * tmp;
if (j != i) {
minDist = std::min<float>(minDist, dist);
specVariability += minDist;
VERIFY(features.m_featuresVec.size() >= NB_BANDS + 3 * NB_DELTA_CEPS + 1);
features.m_featuresVec[NB_BANDS + 3 * NB_DELTA_CEPS + 1] = specVariability / CEPS_MEM - 2.1;
void RNNoiseProcess::FrameAnalysis(
const vec1D32F& audioWindow,
vec1D32F& fft,
vec1D32F& energy,
vec1D32F& analysisMem)
vec1D32F x(WINDOW_SIZE, 0);
/* Move old audio down and populate end with latest audio window. */
VERIFY(x.size() >= FRAME_SIZE && analysisMem.size() >= FRAME_SIZE);
VERIFY(audioWindow.size() >= FRAME_SIZE);
std::copy_n(analysisMem.begin(), FRAME_SIZE, x.begin());
std::copy_n(audioWindow.begin(), x.size() - FRAME_SIZE, x.begin() + FRAME_SIZE);
std::copy_n(audioWindow.begin(), FRAME_SIZE, analysisMem.begin());
/* Calculate FFT. */
ForwardTransform(x, fft);
/* Compute band energy. */
ComputeBandEnergy(fft, energy);
void RNNoiseProcess::ApplyWindow(vec1D32F& x)
if (WINDOW_SIZE != x.size()) {
printf_err("Invalid size for vector to be windowed\n");
VERIFY(this->m_halfWindow.size() >= FRAME_SIZE);
/* Multiply input by sinusoidal function. */
for (size_t i = 0; i < FRAME_SIZE; i++) {
x[i] *= this->m_halfWindow[i];
x[WINDOW_SIZE - 1 - i] *= this->m_halfWindow[i];
void RNNoiseProcess::ForwardTransform(
vec1D32F& x,
vec1D32F& fft)
/* The input vector can be modified by the fft function. */
fft.reserve(x.size() + 2);
fft.resize(x.size() + 2, 0);
math::MathUtils::FftF32(x, fft, this->m_fftInstReal);
/* Normalise. */
for (auto& f : fft) {
f /= this->m_fftInstReal.m_fftLen;
/* Place the last freq element correctly */
fft[fft.size()-2] = fft[1];
fft[1] = 0;
/* NOTE: We don't truncate out FFT vector as it already contains only the
* first half of the FFT's. The conjugates are not present. */
void RNNoiseProcess::ComputeBandEnergy(const vec1D32F& fftX, vec1D32F& bandE)
bandE = vec1D32F(NB_BANDS, 0);
VERIFY(this->m_eband5ms.size() >= NB_BANDS);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NB_BANDS - 1; i++) {
const auto bandSize = (this->m_eband5ms[i + 1] - this->m_eband5ms[i])
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < bandSize; j++) {
const auto frac = static_cast<float>(j) / bandSize;
const auto idx = (this->m_eband5ms[i] << FRAME_SIZE_SHIFT) + j;
auto tmp = fftX[2 * idx] * fftX[2 * idx]; /* Real part */
tmp += fftX[2 * idx + 1] * fftX[2 * idx + 1]; /* Imaginary part */
bandE[i] += (1 - frac) * tmp;
bandE[i + 1] += frac * tmp;
bandE[0] *= 2;
bandE[NB_BANDS - 1] *= 2;
void RNNoiseProcess::ComputeBandCorr(const vec1D32F& X, const vec1D32F& P, vec1D32F& bandC)
bandC = vec1D32F(NB_BANDS, 0);
VERIFY(this->m_eband5ms.size() >= NB_BANDS);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NB_BANDS - 1; i++) {
const auto bandSize = (this->m_eband5ms[i + 1] - this->m_eband5ms[i]) << FRAME_SIZE_SHIFT;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < bandSize; j++) {
const auto frac = static_cast<float>(j) / bandSize;
const auto idx = (this->m_eband5ms[i] << FRAME_SIZE_SHIFT) + j;
auto tmp = X[2 * idx] * P[2 * idx]; /* Real part */
tmp += X[2 * idx + 1] * P[2 * idx + 1]; /* Imaginary part */
bandC[i] += (1 - frac) * tmp;
bandC[i + 1] += frac * tmp;
bandC[0] *= 2;
bandC[NB_BANDS - 1] *= 2;
void RNNoiseProcess::DCT(vec1D32F& input, vec1D32F& output)
VERIFY(this->m_dctTable.size() >= NB_BANDS * NB_BANDS);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NB_BANDS; ++i) {
float sum = 0;
for (uint32_t j = 0, k = 0; j < NB_BANDS; ++j, k += NB_BANDS) {
sum += input[j] * this->m_dctTable[k + i];
output[i] = sum * math::MathUtils::SqrtF32(2.0/22);
void RNNoiseProcess::PitchDownsample(vec1D32F& pitchBuf, size_t pitchBufSz) {
for (size_t i = 1; i < (pitchBufSz >> 1); ++i) {
pitchBuf[i] = 0.5 * (
0.5 * (this->m_pitchBuf[2 * i - 1] + this->m_pitchBuf[2 * i + 1])
+ this->m_pitchBuf[2 * i]);
pitchBuf[0] = 0.5*(0.5*(this->m_pitchBuf[1]) + this->m_pitchBuf[0]);
vec1D32F ac(5, 0);
size_t numLags = 4;
this->AutoCorr(pitchBuf, ac, numLags, pitchBufSz >> 1);
/* Noise floor -40db */
ac[0] *= 1.0001;
/* Lag windowing. */
for (size_t i = 1; i < numLags + 1; ++i) {
ac[i] -= ac[i] * (0.008 * i) * (0.008 * i);
vec1D32F lpc(numLags, 0);
this->LPC(ac, numLags, lpc);
float tmp = 1.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numLags; ++i) {
tmp = 0.9f * tmp;
lpc[i] = lpc[i] * tmp;
vec1D32F lpc2(numLags + 1, 0);
float c1 = 0.8;
/* Add a zero. */
lpc2[0] = lpc[0] + 0.8;
lpc2[1] = lpc[1] + (c1 * lpc[0]);
lpc2[2] = lpc[2] + (c1 * lpc[1]);
lpc2[3] = lpc[3] + (c1 * lpc[2]);
lpc2[4] = (c1 * lpc[3]);
this->Fir5(lpc2, pitchBufSz >> 1, pitchBuf);
int RNNoiseProcess::PitchSearch(vec1D32F& xLp, vec1D32F& y, uint32_t len, uint32_t maxPitch) {
uint32_t lag = len + maxPitch;
vec1D32F xLp4(len >> 2, 0);
vec1D32F yLp4(lag >> 2, 0);
vec1D32F xCorr(maxPitch >> 1, 0);
/* Downsample by 2 again. */
for (size_t j = 0; j < (len >> 2); ++j) {
xLp4[j] = xLp[2*j];
for (size_t j = 0; j < (lag >> 2); ++j) {
yLp4[j] = y[2*j];
this->PitchXCorr(xLp4, yLp4, xCorr, len >> 2, maxPitch >> 2);
/* Coarse search with 4x decimation. */
arrHp bestPitch = this->FindBestPitch(xCorr, yLp4, len >> 2, maxPitch >> 2);
/* Finer search with 2x decimation. */
const int maxIdx = (maxPitch >> 1);
for (int i = 0; i < maxIdx; ++i) {
xCorr[i] = 0;
if (std::abs(i - 2*bestPitch[0]) > 2 and std::abs(i - 2*bestPitch[1]) > 2) {
float sum = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < len >> 1; ++j) {
sum += xLp[j] * y[i+j];
xCorr[i] = std::max(-1.0f, sum);
bestPitch = this->FindBestPitch(xCorr, y, len >> 1, maxPitch >> 1);
int offset;
/* Refine by pseudo-interpolation. */
if ( 0 < bestPitch[0] && bestPitch[0] < ((maxPitch >> 1) - 1)) {
float a = xCorr[bestPitch[0] - 1];
float b = xCorr[bestPitch[0]];
float c = xCorr[bestPitch[0] + 1];
if ( (c-a) > 0.7*(b-a) ) {
offset = 1;
} else if ( (a-c) > 0.7*(b-c) ) {
offset = -1;
} else {
offset = 0;
} else {
offset = 0;
return 2*bestPitch[0] - offset;
arrHp RNNoiseProcess::FindBestPitch(vec1D32F& xCorr, vec1D32F& y, uint32_t len, uint32_t maxPitch)
float Syy = 1;
arrHp bestNum {-1, -1};
arrHp bestDen {0, 0};
arrHp bestPitch {0, 1};
for (size_t j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
Syy += (y[j] * y[j]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxPitch; ++i ) {
if (xCorr[i] > 0) {
float xCorr16 = xCorr[i] * 1e-12f; /* Avoid problems when squaring. */
float num = xCorr16 * xCorr16;
if (num*bestDen[1] > bestNum[1]*Syy) {
if (num*bestDen[0] > bestNum[0]*Syy) {
bestNum[1] = bestNum[0];
bestDen[1] = bestDen[0];
bestPitch[1] = bestPitch[0];
bestNum[0] = num;
bestDen[0] = Syy;
bestPitch[0] = i;
} else {
bestNum[1] = num;
bestDen[1] = Syy;
bestPitch[1] = i;
Syy += (y[i+len]*y[i+len]) - (y[i]*y[i]);
Syy = std::max(1.0f, Syy);
return bestPitch;
int RNNoiseProcess::RemoveDoubling(
vec1D32F& pitchBuf,
uint32_t maxPeriod,
uint32_t minPeriod,
uint32_t frameSize,
size_t pitchIdx0_)
constexpr std::array<size_t, 16> secondCheck {0, 0, 3, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2};
uint32_t minPeriod0 = minPeriod;
float lastPeriod = static_cast<float>(this->m_lastPeriod)/2;
float lastGain = static_cast<float>(this->m_lastGain);
maxPeriod /= 2;
minPeriod /= 2;
pitchIdx0_ /= 2;
frameSize /= 2;
uint32_t xStart = maxPeriod;
if (pitchIdx0_ >= maxPeriod) {
pitchIdx0_ = maxPeriod - 1;
size_t pitchIdx = pitchIdx0_;
size_t pitchIdx0 = pitchIdx0_;
float xx = 0;
for ( size_t i = xStart; i < xStart+frameSize; ++i) {
xx += (pitchBuf[i] * pitchBuf[i]);
float xy = 0;
for ( size_t i = xStart; i < xStart+frameSize; ++i) {
xy += (pitchBuf[i] * pitchBuf[i-pitchIdx0]);
vec1D32F yyLookup (maxPeriod+1, 0);
yyLookup[0] = xx;
float yy = xx;
for ( size_t i = 1; i < maxPeriod+1; ++i) {
yy = yy + (pitchBuf[xStart-i] * pitchBuf[xStart-i]) -
(pitchBuf[xStart+frameSize-i] * pitchBuf[xStart+frameSize-i]);
yyLookup[i] = std::max(0.0f, yy);
yy = yyLookup[pitchIdx0];
float bestXy = xy;
float bestYy = yy;
float g = this->ComputePitchGain(xy, xx, yy);
float g0 = g;
/* Look for any pitch at pitchIndex/k. */
for ( size_t k = 2; k < 16; ++k) {
size_t pitchIdx1 = (2*pitchIdx0+k) / (2*k);
if (pitchIdx1 < minPeriod) {
size_t pitchIdx1b;
/* Look for another strong correlation at T1b. */
if (k == 2) {
if ((pitchIdx1 + pitchIdx0) > maxPeriod) {
pitchIdx1b = pitchIdx0;
} else {
pitchIdx1b = pitchIdx0 + pitchIdx1;
} else {
pitchIdx1b = (2*(secondCheck[k])*pitchIdx0 + k) / (2*k);
xy = 0;
for ( size_t i = xStart; i < xStart+frameSize; ++i) {
xy += (pitchBuf[i] * pitchBuf[i-pitchIdx1]);
float xy2 = 0;
for ( size_t i = xStart; i < xStart+frameSize; ++i) {
xy2 += (pitchBuf[i] * pitchBuf[i-pitchIdx1b]);
xy = 0.5f * (xy + xy2);
yy = 0.5f * (yyLookup[pitchIdx1] + yyLookup[pitchIdx1b]);
float g1 = this->ComputePitchGain(xy, xx, yy);
float cont;
if (std::abs(pitchIdx1-lastPeriod) <= 1) {
cont = lastGain;
} else if (std::abs(pitchIdx1-lastPeriod) <= 2 and 5*k*k < pitchIdx0) {
cont = 0.5f*lastGain;
} else {
cont = 0.0f;
float thresh = std::max(0.3, 0.7*g0-cont);
/* Bias against very high pitch (very short period) to avoid false-positives
* due to short-term correlation */
if (pitchIdx1 < 3*minPeriod) {
thresh = std::max(0.4, 0.85*g0-cont);
} else if (pitchIdx1 < 2*minPeriod) {
thresh = std::max(0.5, 0.9*g0-cont);
if (g1 > thresh) {
bestXy = xy;
bestYy = yy;
pitchIdx = pitchIdx1;
g = g1;
bestXy = std::max(0.0f, bestXy);
float pg;
if (bestYy <= bestXy) {
pg = 1.0;
} else {
pg = bestXy/(bestYy+1);
std::array<float, 3> xCorr {0};
for ( size_t k = 0; k < 3; ++k ) {
for ( size_t i = xStart; i < xStart+frameSize; ++i) {
xCorr[k] += (pitchBuf[i] * pitchBuf[i-(pitchIdx+k-1)]);
size_t offset;
if ((xCorr[2]-xCorr[0]) > 0.7*(xCorr[1]-xCorr[0])) {
offset = 1;
} else if ((xCorr[0]-xCorr[2]) > 0.7*(xCorr[1]-xCorr[2])) {
offset = -1;
} else {
offset = 0;
if (pg > g) {
pg = g;
pitchIdx0_ = 2*pitchIdx + offset;
if (pitchIdx0_ < minPeriod0) {
pitchIdx0_ = minPeriod0;
this->m_lastPeriod = pitchIdx0_;
this->m_lastGain = pg;
return this->m_lastPeriod;
float RNNoiseProcess::ComputePitchGain(float xy, float xx, float yy)
return xy / math::MathUtils::SqrtF32(1+xx*yy);
void RNNoiseProcess::AutoCorr(
const vec1D32F& x,
vec1D32F& ac,
size_t lag,
size_t n)
if (n < lag) {
printf_err("Invalid parameters for AutoCorr\n");
auto fastN = n - lag;
/* Auto-correlation - can be done by PlatformMath functions */
this->PitchXCorr(x, x, ac, fastN, lag + 1);
/* Modify auto-correlation by summing with auto-correlation for different lags. */
for (size_t k = 0; k < lag + 1; k++) {
float d = 0;
for (size_t i = k + fastN; i < n; i++) {
d += x[i] * x[i - k];
ac[k] += d;
void RNNoiseProcess::PitchXCorr(
const vec1D32F& x,
const vec1D32F& y,
vec1D32F& ac,
size_t len,
size_t maxPitch)
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxPitch; i++) {
float sum = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < len; j++) {
sum += x[j] * y[i + j];
ac[i] = sum;
/* Linear predictor coefficients */
void RNNoiseProcess::LPC(
const vec1D32F& ac,
int32_t p,
vec1D32F& lpc)
auto error = ac[0];
if (error != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
/* Sum up this iteration's reflection coefficient */
float rr = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
rr += lpc[j] * ac[i - j];
rr += ac[i + 1];
auto r = -rr / error;
/* Update LP coefficients and total error */
lpc[i] = r;
for (int j = 0; j < ((i + 1) >> 1); j++) {
auto tmp1 = lpc[j];
auto tmp2 = lpc[i - 1 - j];
lpc[j] = tmp1 + (r * tmp2);
lpc[i - 1 - j] = tmp2 + (r * tmp1);
error = error - (r * r * error);
/* Bail out once we get 30dB gain */
if (error < (0.001 * ac[0])) {
void RNNoiseProcess::Fir5(
const vec1D32F &num,
uint32_t N,
vec1D32F &x)
auto num0 = num[0];
auto num1 = num[1];
auto num2 = num[2];
auto num3 = num[3];
auto num4 = num[4];
auto mem0 = 0;
auto mem1 = 0;
auto mem2 = 0;
auto mem3 = 0;
auto mem4 = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
auto sum_ = x[i] + (num0 * mem0) + (num1 * mem1) +
(num2 * mem2) + (num3 * mem3) + (num4 * mem4);
mem4 = mem3;
mem3 = mem2;
mem2 = mem1;
mem1 = mem0;
mem0 = x[i];
x[i] = sum_;
void RNNoiseProcess::PitchFilter(FrameFeatures &features, vec1D32F &g) {
std::vector<float> r(NB_BANDS, 0);
std::vector<float> rf(FREQ_SIZE, 0);
std::vector<float> newE(NB_BANDS);
for (size_t i = 0; i < NB_BANDS; i++) {
if (features.m_Exp[i] > g[i]) {
r[i] = 1;
} else {
r[i] = std::pow(features.m_Exp[i], 2) * (1 - std::pow(g[i], 2)) /
(.001 + std::pow(g[i], 2) * (1 - std::pow(features.m_Exp[i], 2)));
r[i] = math::MathUtils::SqrtF32(std::min(1.0f, std::max(0.0f, r[i])));
r[i] *= math::MathUtils::SqrtF32(features.m_Ex[i] / (1e-8f + features.m_Ep[i]));
InterpBandGain(rf, r);
for (size_t i = 0; i < FREQ_SIZE - 1; i++) {
features.m_fftX[2 * i] += rf[i] * features.m_fftP[2 * i]; /* Real. */
features.m_fftX[2 * i + 1] += rf[i] * features.m_fftP[2 * i + 1]; /* Imaginary. */
ComputeBandEnergy(features.m_fftX, newE);
std::vector<float> norm(NB_BANDS);
std::vector<float> normf(FRAME_SIZE, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < NB_BANDS; i++) {
norm[i] = math::MathUtils::SqrtF32(features.m_Ex[i] / (1e-8f + newE[i]));
InterpBandGain(normf, norm);
for (size_t i = 0; i < FREQ_SIZE - 1; i++) {
features.m_fftX[2 * i] *= normf[i]; /* Real. */
features.m_fftX[2 * i + 1] *= normf[i]; /* Imaginary. */
void RNNoiseProcess::FrameSynthesis(vec1D32F& outFrame, vec1D32F& fftY) {
std::vector<float> x(WINDOW_SIZE, 0);
InverseTransform(x, fftY);
for (size_t i = 0; i < FRAME_SIZE; i++) {
outFrame[i] = x[i] + m_synthesisMem[i];
memcpy((, &x[FRAME_SIZE], FRAME_SIZE*sizeof(float));
void RNNoiseProcess::InterpBandGain(vec1D32F& g, vec1D32F& bandE) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < NB_BANDS - 1; i++) {
int bandSize = (m_eband5ms[i + 1] - m_eband5ms[i]) << FRAME_SIZE_SHIFT;
for (int j = 0; j < bandSize; j++) {
float frac = static_cast<float>(j) / bandSize;
g[(m_eband5ms[i] << FRAME_SIZE_SHIFT) + j] = (1 - frac) * bandE[i] + frac * bandE[i + 1];
void RNNoiseProcess::InverseTransform(vec1D32F& out, vec1D32F& fftXIn) {
std::vector<float> x(WINDOW_SIZE * 2); /* This is complex. */
vec1D32F newFFT; /* This is complex. */
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < FREQ_SIZE * 2; i++) {
x[i] = fftXIn[i];
for (i = FREQ_SIZE; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++) {
x[2 * i] = x[2 * (WINDOW_SIZE - i)]; /* Real. */
x[2 * i + 1] = -x[2 * (WINDOW_SIZE - i) + 1]; /* Imaginary. */
constexpr uint32_t numFFt = 2 * FRAME_SIZE;
static_assert(numFFt != 0);
vec1D32F fftOut = vec1D32F(x.size(), 0);
math::MathUtils::FftF32(x,fftOut, m_fftInstCmplx);
/* Normalize. */
for (auto &f: fftOut) {
f /= numFFt;
out[0] = WINDOW_SIZE * fftOut[0]; /* Real. */
for (i = 1; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++) {
out[i] = WINDOW_SIZE * fftOut[(WINDOW_SIZE * 2) - (2 * i)]; /* Real. */
} /* namespace rnn */
} /* namespace app */
} /* namspace arm */