MLECO-2407: Correction for Cortex-M55 core clock

AN547 sets the core clock for both M55 and U55 to 32MHz, while the
blocks on APB use a different clock of 25MHz.

Note: this will have not change any of the MPS3 FPGA profiling
numbers (cycle counts and elapsed time in milliseconds) for
Cortex-M55 as this was already using the correct counters under
MPS3. The only difference would be that the system tick interrupt
will fire every 10ms as intended instead of every 7.8125 ms as it
is doing with current software.

Change-Id: I77cd269c7c02f5d6e65328eb285185bae74e4e36
diff --git a/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3/device_mps3.c b/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3/device_mps3.c
index 7040cf3..9a923c7 100644
--- a/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3/device_mps3.c
+++ b/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3/device_mps3.c
@@ -21,11 +21,16 @@
 #include <inttypes.h>
+extern uint32_t GetSystemCoreClock(void);
 uint32_t GetMPS3CoreClock(void)
-    const uint32_t default_clock = 32000000;
+    const uint32_t default_clock = GetSystemCoreClock();
     static int warned_once = 0;
     if (0 != MPS3_SCC->CFG_ACLK) {
+        if (default_clock != MPS3_SCC->CFG_ACLK) {
+            warn("System clock is different to the MPS3 config set clock.\n");
+        }
         return MPS3_SCC->CFG_ACLK;
diff --git a/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3/include/device_mps3.h b/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3/include/device_mps3.h
index f0bab79..e0dea1b 100644
--- a/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3/include/device_mps3.h
+++ b/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3/include/device_mps3.h
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
+#define PERIF_CLK               (25000000) /* Clock source for APB peripherals */
 typedef struct _CMSDK_UART_TypeDef_
     __IO uint32_t  DATA;        /* Offset: 0x000 (R/W) Data Register.    */
diff --git a/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3/uart_stdout.c b/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3/uart_stdout.c
index 3211c4d..35d4160 100644
--- a/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3/uart_stdout.c
+++ b/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/bsp-packs/mps3/uart_stdout.c
@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@
 void UartStdOutInit(void)
-    /* NOTE: SystemCoreClock should have been set before initialising UART. */
-    CMSDK_UART0->BAUDDIV = SystemCoreClock / 115200;   /* => (25 or 32 MHz) / (115200 bps). */
+    CMSDK_UART0->BAUDDIV = PERIF_CLK / 115200;   /* => (25 or 32 MHz) / (115200 bps). */
     CMSDK_UART0->CTRL    = ((1ul <<  0) |              /* TX enable. */
                             (1ul <<  1) );             /* RX enable. */
diff --git a/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/cmsis-device/cmsis.c b/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/cmsis-device/cmsis.c
index b7f318c..9cf6213 100644
--- a/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/cmsis-device/cmsis.c
+++ b/source/application/hal/platforms/bare-metal/bsp/cmsis-device/cmsis.c
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
  *                        Define clocks (uses OSC1 ACLK)                      *
-#define __XTAL            (25000000)      /* Oscillator frequency             */
+#define __XTAL            (32000000)      /* Oscillator frequency             */
 #define __SYSTEM_CLOCK    (__XTAL)
 #if defined(CPU_CORTEX_M55)