blob: e70332bb5a28fd7aa5268852528c56ae11ea1995 [file] [log] [blame]
Richard Burton49482d52023-11-30 11:38:45 +00001Changes in 23.11
2 * Support for 23.11 NPU components and dependencies (core-driver, core-platform, Vela 3.10.0, CMSIS, CMSIS-NN and TensorFlow Lite Micro).
3 * Increase minimum requirements of Python to 3.10
4 * Update Python files to conform to Pylint
5 * Adding support for Arm Cortex-M85 with GCC
6 * Updates to documentation
Nina Drozd05c1c5a2023-08-22 12:41:55 +01008Changes in 23.08
9 * Support for 23.08 NPU components and dependencies (core-driver, core-platform, Vela 3.9.0, CMSIS, CMSIS-NN and TensorFlow Lite Micro).
10 * Update Python package requirements for compatibility reasons.
Nina Drozd9263b512023-09-05 17:38:30 +010011 * Increase minimum requirements of Armclang to 6.19
Nina Drozd05c1c5a2023-08-22 12:41:55 +010012
Richard Burtondf88c5d2023-05-30 17:40:39 +010013Changes in 23.05
14 * Support for 23.05 NPU components and dependencies (core-driver, core-platform, Vela 3.8.0, CMSIS, CMSIS-NN and TensorFlow Lite Micro).
15 * Minor updates to CMSIS-pack dependencies.
16 * Update Python package requirements for compatibility reasons.
17 * Increase minimum requirements of Python to 3.9
Kshitij Sisodia26bc9232023-03-10 16:33:23 +000019Changes in 23.02
20 * Support for 23.02 NPU components and dependencies (core-driver, core-platform, Vela 3.7.0, CMSIS, CMSIS-DSP, CMSIS-NN and TensorFlow Lite Micro).
21 * Improvement to PMU counters - reducing cache maintenance burden for Arm Cortex-M55 CPUs when NPU is used.
22 * Inclusive language updates.
23 * Documentation updates including adding links to AN555 resources.
24 * Updates to Python requirements file for virtual environment.
Kshitij Sisodia7ac0a3a2022-11-09 14:12:08 +000026Changes in 22.11
Richard Burton71f282e2022-12-01 12:31:23 +000027 * Support for 22.11 NPU components and dependencies (core-driver, core-platform, Vela 3.6.0, CMSIS, TensorFlow Lite Micro)
28 * CMSIS-NN is added as a new dependency due to it moving out of the core CMSIS repository.
Kshitij Sisodia7ac0a3a2022-11-09 14:12:08 +000029 * Updates for Arm® Corstone™-310 platform.
30 * Formal support for CMake presets.
31 * Support for the new Arm Compiler 6.19
32 * Published CMSIS-Pack under `resources` and related updates.
33 * Bug fix for building with NPU disabled.
Kshitij Sisodia01334f92022-08-12 11:53:45 +010035Changes in 22.08
Richard Burton71f282e2022-12-01 12:31:23 +000036 * Support for 22.08 NPU component and dependencies (core-driver, core-platform, Vela 3.5.0, CMSIS, TensorFlow Lite Micro).
Kshitij Sisodia01334f92022-08-12 11:53:45 +010037 * Formal support for Arm® Corstone-310 Arm Virtual Hardware and FPGA implementations.
38 * Added CMake presets.
39 * Bug fix for Arm® Ethos-U65 NPU's default AXI burst length.
40 * Provision to allow platform-agnostic use case API to be packaged as CMSIS pack.
41 * Documentation updates.
Richard Burton5dd18382022-06-01 10:26:46 +010043Changes in 22.05
Richard Burton71f282e2022-12-01 12:31:23 +000044 * Support for 22.05 NPU component and dependencies (core-driver, core-platform, Vela 3.4.0, CMSIS, TensorFlow Lite Micro).
Richard Burton5dd18382022-06-01 10:26:46 +010045 * Restructuring of repository sources to allow generation of CMSIS packs.
Kshitij Sisodiad088e522022-08-17 09:35:09 +010046 * Added support for Arm Cortex-M85, Armclang 6.18 is required
Richard Burton5dd18382022-06-01 10:26:46 +010047 * Reduce minimum requirements of Python to 3.7 to align with Vela 3.4.0.
48 * Increase minimum requirements of CMake to 3.21.0
49 * Documentation updates.
50 * Various bug fixes.
Richard Burtonb4123fd2022-03-04 09:19:09 +000052Changes in 22.02
Richard Burton71f282e2022-12-01 12:31:23 +000053 * Support for 22.02 NPU component and dependencies (core-driver, core-platform, Vela 3.3.0, CMSIS, TensorFlow Lite Micro).
Richard Burtonb4123fd2022-03-04 09:19:09 +000054 * Added Object Detection use case.
55 * Replace DSCNN with MicroNet for KWS and KWS_ASR use cases.
Kshitij Sisodiad088e522022-08-17 09:35:09 +010056 * Increase minimum requirements of CMake to 3.15.6, Armclang to 6.16 and Python to 3.8
Richard Burtonb4123fd2022-03-04 09:19:09 +000057 * Initial restructuring of repository sources.
58 * Documentation updates.
59 * Various minor bug fixes.
Isabella Gottardi118f73e2021-09-16 17:54:35 +010061Changes in 21.11
Richard Burton71f282e2022-12-01 12:31:23 +000062 * Support for 21.11 NPU component and dependencies (core-software, core-driver, Vela 3.2.0, CMSIS, TensorFlow Lite Micro).
Isabella Gottardi118f73e2021-09-16 17:54:35 +010063 * Added dynamic load support for FVP for inference runner use-case.
Isabella Gottardi84f702d2021-11-11 17:06:12 +000064 * Added support for different memory modes: Shared_Sram, Dedicated_Sram and Sram_Only.
65 * Added Noise Reduction use case.
66 * Updated support for Arm GNU Embedded Toolchain 10.3-2021.07 and Arm Compiler 6.17.
Isabella Gottardi118f73e2021-09-16 17:54:35 +010067 * Documentation updates.
Kshitij Sisodia661959c2021-11-24 10:39:52 +000068 * Changes to support AN552 design - the new Arm® Corstone™-300 implementation.
Isabella Gottardi118f73e2021-09-16 17:54:35 +010069
Isabella Gottardic5d8bda2021-07-21 10:35:08 +010070Changes in 21.08
Richard Burton71f282e2022-12-01 12:31:23 +000071 * Support for 21.05 NPU component (core-software, core-driver, Vela 3.0.0).
Isabella Gottardic5d8bda2021-07-21 10:35:08 +010072 * TensorFlow submodule changed to (tested with TensorFlow Lite Micro commit hash: f510d38d0eaa3195ce3af66e3f32648740f08afb).
73 * Image classification model changed (from uint8 to int8 datatype).
Richard Burton71f282e2022-12-01 12:31:23 +000074 * Documentation updates, added support to Corstone-300 + Arm® Ethos-U65.
Isabella Gottardic5d8bda2021-07-21 10:35:08 +010075 * Various scripts improvements.
Isabella Gottardi118f73e2021-09-16 17:54:35 +010076 * Added Visual Wake Word use case.
Isabella Gottardic5d8bda2021-07-21 10:35:08 +010077
Isabella Gottardi2181d0a2021-04-07 09:27:38 +010078Changes in 21.05
79 * Added script to download and optimize default models.
80 * Added script to run default build flow.
81 * Added a model for Anomaly Detection use case.
Isabella Gottardic5d8bda2021-07-21 10:35:08 +010082 * Added support for build with Arm GNU Embedded Toolchain (10.2.1).
83 * Deprecated support for target subsystem SSE-200.
Isabella Gottardi2181d0a2021-04-07 09:27:38 +010084
alexander3c798932021-03-26 21:42:19 +000085Changes in 21.03
Isabella Gottardic5d8bda2021-07-21 10:35:08 +010086 * Simple platform support added.
87 * Model conditioning examples added.
88 * Documentation updated.
89 * Build changed to use sources of the dependency libraries.
90 * Tests for native platform added.
91 * Anomaly detection use-case added.
alexander3c798932021-03-26 21:42:19 +000092
93Changes in 20.11
94 * SSE-200 and SSE-300 system support was added.
Richard Burton71f282e2022-12-01 12:31:23 +000095 * Support for simple fixed virtual platform for Arm® Ethos-U55 and Arm® Cortex-M55 removed.
alexander3c798932021-03-26 21:42:19 +000096 * Build cmake parameters changed: TARGET_SUBSYSTEM was added, TARGET_PLATFORM accepted values were changed.
97 * Models with multiple output tensors support was added.
98 * Generic inference runner use-case added.
99 * ASR triggered by KWS added in the same use case (kws_asr). This also shows how to re-use tensor arena with two models using the same memory pool.
101Changes in 20.09 release:
102 * Support for TensorFlow Lite Micro version > 2.3.0 (tested with TensorFlow Lite Micro 2.4.0 commit hash: 5bbb8a2bd1def6865b1510175a3da5fd12387e10)
103 * Added speech recognition use case example.
Richard Burton71f282e2022-12-01 12:31:23 +0000104 * Updated NPU Fastmodel version to r0p2-00eac0-rc4
alexander3c798932021-03-26 21:42:19 +0000105
106Changes in 20.08 release:
107 * Added keyword spotting use case example.
108 * Added person detection use case example.
109Known issues:
Conor Kennedy5cf8e742023-02-13 10:50:40 +0000110 * telnet connection to FastModel environment may stop responding after some period of inactivity.
alexander3c798932021-03-26 21:42:19 +0000111
112Changes in 20.05 release:
113 * FastModel environment was built with FastModel Tools v11.10.22.
114 * Mps3 FPGA build support was added.
115 * Configurable timing-adaptor.
116 * Added Active and Idle cycle counts for NPU and CPU profiling report.
117 * Source code structure and build scripts refactored to support multiple ML use-cases.
Richard Burton71f282e2022-12-01 12:31:23 +0000118 * Used EAC NPU software model and drivers.
alexander3c798932021-03-26 21:42:19 +0000119 * Windows support for build scripts.
120Known issues:
Conor Kennedy5cf8e742023-02-13 10:50:40 +0000121 * telnet connection to FastModel environment may stop responding after some period of inactivity.